Chapter 0152 Otsutsukiura style intrusion!!

Inside the mansion of the head of the Hyuga family.

Listening to the noise outside the window, Hinata Hinata, the bride, looked nervous and her palms were sweating.

Shizune, who was dressing Hinata Hinata, joked:”Are you so happy?”

“Where…where there is! With a blush on her face

, Hinata Hinata said,”I’m just a little nervous. I didn’t expect so many guests to come today.””

“I heard that all the hotels in the village are full, and even many of the izakayas on the streets have been rented out. Shizune said:”The village today is more lively than the last time Tsunade-sama ran for Hokage. I really envy you!” Hong

, Hongdou, Xiyan and others who came to join in the fun also echoed:”Yes, yes!””

Hinata Hinata raised her lips, feeling a little proud.

Although she is not a vain person, her wedding can cause shock in the entire ninja world.

All the famous figures in the ninja world rush to celebrate. This is undoubtedly It’s a joyful thing.

In Uzumaki Naruto’s room

“Hey, I didn’t expect it to be so troublesome! Uzumaki Naruto

, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, sighed.

Rock Lee said sourly:”I wish my wedding could be as grand as this!”

Nara Shikamaru was startled for a moment:”Hey, you have a partner?”

Locke Li’s face suddenly darkened:”I’m too lazy to talk to you!” Kai laughed and patted his disciple Xiao Li on the shoulder:”It’s just a failure to confess. What’s the big deal? We are men, so this little setback is nothing!” Locke Li was shocked:”

Teacher Kai, how do you know that my confession failed?””

After saying that, Rock Lee immediately covered his mouth, realizing that he had let slip.

After several people joked about Rock Lee, Nara Shikamaru asked Naruto:”Naruto, nothing should happen today. Problem?”

Kai and Rock Lee also became serious, and both looked at Uzumaki Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto shook his head and chuckled:”I don’t have the ability to predict the future.”

“But if someone really dares to cause trouble for me today, then I will make him pay a heavy price, no matter who he is!”

With that said, Uzumaki Naruto stood up slowly:”Okay, I’ll go over and see if Tian is ready.”

As a ninja who licks blood with his sword, the wedding is actually not too complicated. Even for a wealthy family like Hinata, it doesn’t have to pay too much attention. It’s just that Uzumaki Naruto is both the consort of the Hyuga clan and the Hokage.

So the village has extra Some ceremonies were added, making the originally simple wedding suddenly more complicated.

Soon, Uzumaki Naruto came to Hinata Hinata’s room. When

Shizune and others saw Uzumaki Naruto coming, they all smiled and left consciously.

Waiting in the room After everyone inside left, Uzumaki Naruto asked Hyuga Hinata:”It’s almost time, are you ready?”


Hinata Hinata took a deep breath.

Uzumaki Naruto smiled:”Don’t be nervous! Hinata

Hinata said timidly:”My heart is beating so fast right now. I’m really afraid of making a mistake and ruining the wedding!””

“Even if you make a mistake, no one will laugh at you, don’t worry!”

After a pause, Uzumaki Naruto said:”You don’t have to follow any rules, you can come however you want, you are the biggest today!”

Hinata Hinata smiled happily, and the tension in her heart also eased a lot. As long as Naruto was by her side, she felt that she had a backbone, and she didn’t have to worry about big things.

After changing into her dress, Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Hinata, the newlyweds, got into the ceremonial car.

Surrounded by relatives, friends, clan members, and cheers and blessings from the villagers along the way, they slowly drove towards the ceremony venue.

At this time The venue was filled with guests both inside and outside. The number of people reached an astonishing hundreds of thousands. Just the ninjas who maintained order alone accounted for hundreds of people.

And in the center of the venue was a towering podium.

When the whirlpool roared After arriving at the venue, the newlyweds, Renato and Hyuga Hinata, will board the stage.

They will accept the cheers and blessings from all the guests and complete the wedding ceremony here.

At this moment, under a burst of brokenness, Amidst the sound of the wind, Uzumaki Naruto’s Shadow Guards arrived at the venue first and stood guard around the ceremony stage.

The appearance of the Shadow Guards immediately caused a commotion in the venue, because the appearance of the Shadow Guards meant that the protagonist was about to appear.

The other side of the viewing platform At one end.

The fellow students gathered together were as excited as the guests around them. Inuzuka Kiba said:”It’s so majestic. If only I could join the Shadow Guard!””

“Uh-huh! Choji nodded in agreement while eating snacks. Shikamaru spat:”Not everyone can enter the Shadow Guard!””

Besides, Neci clenched his fist and said secretly:”I must become even more powerful in the future.”

No matter what! First of all, they have to at least raise their strength to the Kage level. Besides, their generation is still far behind Naruto. As for the idea of catching up, it is very unrealistic..

They wouldn’t think so, because no one with a little bit of brain would think so.

Ino sighed and said,”Hey! Naruto is getting married, and we have no chance at all.”

And Ino’s words directly stimulated Sakura on the side deeply, because now Sakura herself has fallen in love with Naruto.

But she didn’t dare to say it out, when she heard Naruto propose to Hinata a month ago!

Sakura felt as if she had been struck by lightning, dumbfounded.

If Naruto hadn’t gotten married yet, then everyone would have a chance, but once Naruto got married? Then what if she chased after him? What would it matter then??

More It was Sakura’s reluctance deep in her heart. She could have been the first to win the first prize.

But in the end, it seemed that she had given up to others. Sakura could only blame herself. She was not active enough at ordinary times. If she had been more active, maybe Naruto She was the one to propose marriage to.

Ino could clearly see Sakura’s various mental fluctuations.

As a woman, it is easiest to feel the mental changes between women.

Suddenly Ino came to Sakura’s ear and whispered:”Sakura, it’s not like we don’t have a chance!!”

“What? Ino, what do you mean?”

This shocked Sakura!

Everyone around was attracted by Sakura’s sudden scream.

Ino quickly covered Sakura’s mouth and whispered with emphasis:”Keep your voice down! I’m going to die!!”

Sakura also knew that her voice was too loud just now.

Sakura also quickly asked in Ino’s ear:”Ino, tell me quickly what’s going on??”

“Sakura, are you paying attention? Didn’t you find that some women outside the village have some shady relationship with Naruto?”

Ino needs to give Sakura a good reminder.

As for why it spread, of course it is because there are many famous people!! Just look at Naruto’s reputation now. If Naruto is an unknown person, then it is naturally impossible.

But now Naruto is known as the new generation of sages in the ninja world!!

What about that woman who doesn’t like Uzumaki Naruto? Unless she has no choice, how could she miss it?

Sakura asked doubtfully:”Isn’t it a rumor?? I feel like Naruto is not that kind of person”

“Haha, that’s your feeling, not mine or anyone else’s.”

Ino suddenly smiled mysteriously. It was clear that Sakura was quite shrewd at ordinary times, but she slipped up at the critical moment.

Ino whispered again:”Those people from other villages are all getting involved with Naruto. They are shameless. You are talking about us from this village.”

Ino didn’t finish this. I continue to talk, but the meaning is self-evident!

At the same time, Ino’s words also woke up Sakura. Sakura was a little slow to react just now.

But it doesn’t mean that Sakura is stupid!!

If she is really stupid, then… There is no way to become Tsunade-sama’s apprentice.

At this moment, a tsunami-like cheer came from outside the venue, as if the earth was shaking.

Everyone on the auditorium immediately understood that today’s protagonist must be here, So they all stretched their heads in unison and looked at the entrance of the venue.

The Shadow Guards guarding the ceremony table also looked stern and became more alert.

Gradually, the limo drove into the venue., the newlyweds Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hinata slowly stepped onto the towering ceremony platform under the spotlight of everyone.

Just as Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hinata were preparing to accept everyone’s blessings, a space suddenly appeared in the bright sky. Door.

Immediately afterwards, Otsutsuki Mokura-style, who was carrying a fishing rod magic weapon, walked out casually and glanced sideways at Uzumaki Naruto on the stage…

In the clear and cloudless sky, that deep space door, And Otsutsuki Ura Shiki who walked out of the door immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the venue.

“Look to the sky!”

“So what is that?”

“A space door?”

“Enemy attack?!”

In an instant, the stands everywhere became noisy.

Many ninjas in the venue experienced it with their own eyes.���The Fourth Ninja War not long ago.

I have seen the scene where Uzumaki Naruto activated the Hiraizaka of Yomi and walked out of the space gate to save the ninja world by himself.

So many people recognize that the deep black hole in the sky that folds and opens like black pixels is a space door!

Different from the general public in the venue, some people who had seen it a little had stern expressions when they saw it!

Others only vaguely guessed that the deep black hole in the sky was a space door.

But those who are more discerning know very well that it is Huangquan Hirasaka, a time and space ninjutsu that can only be performed at the Six Paths level.

In other words, the mysterious man with a red fishing rod on his shoulder and a joking expression walked out of the space door.

He is a ‘Sage level’ equivalent to Uzumaki Naruto!


In an instant, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki floating in the high air revealed terrifying chakra fluctuations on his body.

The actual chakra, like a gravitational wave, instantly set off a wave of air that swept through the entire venue!

The huge wind and sand swept away everyone in the venue and couldn’t open their eyes!!

“Who is that guy?”

“He dares to challenge the Hokage, is he crazy!”


“It’s so lifeless…”

Panic, shock and other emotions quickly spread in everyone’s hearts. No one thought that attending the wedding of the strongest man in the ninja world, they would encounter such a ridiculous thing. At this moment, Otsutsukiura Shi shook the fishing rod weapon in his hand, stared at Uzumaki Naruto and said in a frivolous tone:”Hey, descendants of Kaguya, hand over the Ten-Tails.” On the ceremony stage,

Hinata Hinata was shocked and nervous, with a nervous look on her face. He looked at Uzumaki Naruto next to him:”Naruto, is he Otsutsuki? Uzumaki Naruto smiled softly:”Don’t worry, I’m here!””

After comforting Hinata Hinata for a while, Uzumaki Naruto turned his head and looked at Otsutsuki Ura Shiki in the sky.

In the process of turning his head, the softness on his face was replaced by a touch of coldness. Otsutsuki Ura Shiki grinned, Youyou smiled and said:”Hey, a mere descendant of blood can actually have this kind of chakra, it’s not as unbearable as I thought!”

“It seems that Yi Shi is right. You cannot be treated as a lowly monkey.”

“A formula!?”

Uzumaki Naruto’s eyes narrowed.

He had an impression of this Otsutsuki Ura-shiki. In his memory, in the original time and space from the end of the Fourth Ninja War to the time when Naruto got married and had children for more than ten years.

There were Ura-shiki successively., Momoshiki, and Kinshiki, the three Otsutsukis have visited the ninja world.

It’s just the ‘One Shiki’ that Otsutsuki Ura-shiki said in his mouth, but Naruto doesn’t have that much impression.

And it can be heard from Otsutsuki Ura-shiki’s tone. This ‘Iski’ seems to know himself very well.

It seems that Otsutsuki Ishiki has done a detailed investigation on him!!

And as Otsutsuki Ura-shiki shouted to Uzumaki Naruto, everyone in the venue immediately speculated that Ura-shiki Otsutsuki The identity of the Wood clan.

Because except for the members of the Otsutsuki clan, it is impossible for other people in the ninja world to call Kaguya Otsutsuki, the ‘ancestor of Chakra’, in such a casual tone.

Kakashi’s face Shocked:”He is just like Kaguya Otsutsuki, he is also an Otsutsuki from the universe?

Jiraiya said to Tsunade beside him:”Tsunade, prepare to evacuate the crowd!””

The other party and Naruto are the same powerful people.

“And the means are completely unknown, so we have to prepare for the worst!”

Tsunade on the side is also ready to form the seal.

Once the war starts, she will immediately channel the slugs in the Shiggy Bone Forest to reduce the casualties at the venue.

After all, there are not only a large number of Konoha gathered in the venue at this moment Villagers, as well as daimyo from various countries, city lords, etc.

On the other end, the third Tsuchikage Onoki’s expression changed drastically, and he immediately sighed:”It has only been quiet for a few days!”

The Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei asked:”Are we going to take action?”

The Fourth Raikage Ai, who has always been fearless, shook his head abnormally:”In such a battle, we have no room to intervene. Let’s find a way to save our lives first!”

The Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei sighed helplessly:”Hey, the ninja world is about to usher in another catastrophe!”

Shuashuashua the Fifth Kazekage Gaara 4.3 Gaara looked at Naruto with confidence and said:”I believe that Naruto can definitely defeat the enemy.”

“Because his name is Uzumaki Naruto.”

The ANBU in the venue, the Konoha ninjas who maintained order, and even the guests and ninjas from other ninja villages.

At this moment, they all looked at Uzumaki Naruto with anxiety.

The current Uzumaki Naruto is not only He is not only the Hokage of Konoha, but also the guarantee of the free will of the entire ninja world.

If Uzumaki Naruto, the strongest sage in the ninja world, loses, then the ninja world will have no choice but to be slaughtered.

In Kai, Yuhi Kurenai, With the expectant eyes of the others, Uzumaki Naruto calmly ordered:”Protect Hinata!”

They all were startled:”Don’t worry! Naruto, leave Hinata’s safety to us!!”

Now the hope for the safety of Konoha Village lies with Naruto. Even if they pay the price of their lives, they must make sure that Naruto has no worries.

This is their role, otherwise they will not be able to help in a battle of that level., it will be a disservice if you go up there!!

“That way it would be easier to distract Naruto from the consequences he would face once Naruto was defeated. Hinata also clenched Uzumaki Naruto’s arm.

Uzumaki Naruto gently stroked Hinata’s hand:”Don’t worry, I will be back soon. No one can interrupt my wedding!””

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