Chapter 0181 The accumulation of nuclear fusion in parallel time and space will break through to the divine level in the future!!

The Dark Ten-Tailed Naruto is waiting for the answer of the Noble Phantasm ‘Plough’. The Dark Ten-Tailed Naruto must have a clear understanding of the risks he needs to bear.

If the risk exceeds the tolerance range, then the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto will have to consider whether to time travel or not.

After all, this kind of thing is no ordinary trivial matter.

The Noble Phantasm ‘type’ machine voice replied:”After you travel through the past, you cannot use your original power.”

“Otherwise, it will affect parallel time and space and the existing time and space. Once the impact is too great, you may also be wiped out by the power of time and space!!”

“It’s so serious! Can’t use your original strength? This risk is not too much and is acceptable.”

After Dark Ten-Tails Naruto heard this answer, he felt relieved.

Fortunately, the difficulty is not too great, otherwise Dark Ten-Tails Naruto would have to think carefully about it. After all, traveling through parallel time and space is not a trivial matter. Things.

But there is also a question. Dark Ten-Tails Naruto asked:”Then what if I use the power I got from the parallel time and space??”

“This is possible.”

Noble Phantasm ‘Plough’ responded.

Dark Ten-Tails Naruto said:”That’s it! I understand, okay, just send me to parallel time and space!?”

Dark Ten-Tails Naruto made a decision and planned to teleport to parallel time and space. At least he can buy some time.

Suddenly, Dark Ten-Tails Naruto thought of a question, which is also the most critical question. If not asked clearly, it may affect the entire future. situation.

Dark Ten-Tails Naruto quickly asked:”Then let me ask you, can the power I gained there bring me back to this time and space??”

This is the thing that the Dark Ten-Tailed Naruto is most concerned about and cares about most. After all, it is related to whether he can be promoted to the true god level in the future.

Because when the body over there is sealing the Otsutsuki God Style, the Tao only has genin-level chakra energy, not just energy.

It also carries part of consciousness.

If it is done properly, there is a chance.

At this time, the Noble Phantasm ‘Shape’ that travels through time and space made a beeping sound!!

“In the parallel time and space, he was born in the original time and space. There is no Otsutsuki clan there, only ninjas from the ninja world.”

“When your time point there is aligned with the current time point in time and space, you will be automatically teleported back.”

“Wish you a happy journey!!”

Dark Ten-Tails Naruto was stunned. It turns out that parallel time and space are not exactly the same as this time and space!

But this is better, giving Naruto more time to develop. This treasure of the Otsutsuki clan is a treasure phantom that travels through time and space. ‘It’s really amazing.

Then a huge gravitational force acted on Dark Ten-Tails Naruto, and the feeling was completely different from the last time.

This huge gravitational force made Dark Ten-Tails Naruto’s consciousness become blurred. Cleared up.

But the Dark Ten-Tailed Naruto locked energy tightly into his consciousness and tried not to be affected by this huge gravitational force. The beep beep sound of the Noble Phantasm ‘shaped’ that traveled through time and space became faster and faster.

When After the last ray of light completely exploded, it was as if time and space had been stopped. Time no longer flowed around, and everything seemed to be frozen. Parallel time and space.


Dark Ten-Tails Naruto was teleported directly like a ray of light. Go and completely disappear in place.

I don’t know how much time has passed. When the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto opened his eyes again, what he saw was a dark cage.

At the same time, what caught his eyes was a Nine-Tails that couldn’t move and stared at him intently. A monster that suddenly appeared in the sealed space

“It turns out that it was teleported into the Bagua seal! It’s incredible”

“Dark Ten-Tailed Naruto said calmly.”

The Dark Ten-Tails Naruto was not expecting to be transported by the time-traveling Noble Phantasm ‘Shape’ into the Bagua sealing space that sealed the Nine-Tails.

But generally speaking, there are no surprises. After all, if someone appears Accident!!

You will have to find a way to remedy it at that time, otherwise the gain will outweigh the loss.

Yang Jiuwei was finally able to speak reluctantly and asked:”Where did you come from as a monster??”

“Why does it appear in the seal of the brat Uzumaki Naruto??”

The energy aura of this suddenly appeared Ten-Tails monster is really too terrifying, even more terrifying than the Ten-Tails in Nine-Tails’ impression. The Nine-Tails

‘ perception is not wrong either. The Ten-Tails itself belongs to the Six Paths level, and the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto is a half-step Blood Continuation Snare level, and is only one opportunity away from the real Blood Continuation Snare level!! The

Dark Ten-Tails Naruto looked at the Yang Nine-Tails in front of him and inadvertently fell into deep thought.

When he had just traveled through time, in the process of capturing Uzumaki Naruto, he also took over the body of Yang Jiuwei.

Later, Uzumaki Naruto’s double body and double consciousness came into existence.

Dark Ten-Tails Naruto smiled:”Just right, half Kyuubi’s chakra is barely enough.”

“Okay, it’s not the complete nine-tails. If it were the complete nine-tails, that would be pretty good.”

“Damn it, what do you mean? Do you look down on me?”

Yang Jiuwei was seriously provoked in an instant, and he was looked down upon so much??

But Yang Jiuwei did not dare to attack easily, because the strength gap was too huge.

Even if the complete Jiuwei had the peak of super shadow level, in the opponent’s position There is also an ant-like existence in front of him.

Not to mention that he is only half a Kyuubi at the super shadow level!!

Therefore! The Dark Ten-Tails Naruto has absolute suppressive power over the Yang Kyuubi.

The Dark Ten-Tails Naruto shows his greed With a smile on his face, he said:”When I first arrived in the ninja world, Yang Jiuwei was possessed by me. Now you, Yang Jiuwei, in another time and space, will also be swallowed by me immediately. It’s interesting.”

“What? Do you want to devour me?”

When Yang Jiuwei heard this, the whole fox’s body suddenly became furry.

It was simply too much of a bully. Yang Jiuwei couldn’t swallow this breath, no matter how strong this monster was!

Yang Jiuwei planned to start preparing for a counterattack, so that The other party looked at how powerful he was.

Dark Ten-Tails Naruto opened his mouth, and a terrifying suction force exerted pressure on Yang Jiuwei.

Yang Jiuwei was immediately dragged down by this terrifying suction force:”Damn it, this power??”

In the end, the Yang Nine-Tails was swallowed whole by the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto, and bursts of white smoke were still coming out of his mouth.

Before being transported to parallel time and space, the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto was half-step to the level of Blood Continuation Snare. The limit.

The chakra energy of half a Nine-Tails can be considered to be just enough to meet the impact state of the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto!! The Noble

Phantasm ‘type’ that travels through time and space has said before that the power of the original time and space cannot be parallel. Use of time and space.

It does not mean that you cannot swallow tailed beasts to enhance your own power.

The moment the Yang Nine Tails were swallowed, all the Yang attribute chakra was refined by Dark Ten-Tails Naruto!!

Dark Ten-Tails Naruto completely They were all wrapped in colorful light, and promotion to the Blood Continuation Snare level could not be completed in a short time.

After being wrapped, the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto fell directly into a deep sleep.

As for what was going on outside! He didn’t care about it, first of all Let’s improve the realm first. Improving the realm is the top priority for the Dark Ten-Tailed Naruto. The outside world.

Uzumaki Naruto, who was only one year old, was lying on the bed. The nanny who was abusing Uzumaki Naruto was suddenly dispersed by a force. The energy was knocked away.

The sudden scene also indirectly attracted the attention of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen who was in the Hokage’s office.

After all, any problem with the Jinchuriki is a big problem.

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up and asked:”What happened just now?”

“Why do I suddenly feel the tailed beast’s chakra?”

“But it doesn’t feel like Kyuubi’s chakra??”

The third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen’s perception was correct! The momentary energy just now was not emitted by the Nine-Tails, but a trace of chakra breath inadvertently revealed by the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto.

But it was just that trace. The chakra aura had already made the ninjas of Konoha Village restless.

Otherwise Sarutobi Hiruzen would not have stood up in a hurry and asked what was going on.

At this time, an ANBU appeared in front of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen reported in front of him:”Hokage-sama, the location where the chakra aura was emitting just now is in the direction of the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.”

“Uzumaki Naruto? But why does it feel like the tailed beast’s aura is wrong? Forget it, come with me and have a look.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that now is not the time to investigate whether the aura is correct.

Instead, he should go over and see if there is any problem with Uzumaki Naruto’s seal. If there is a problem, it will be really troublesome.

Six months ago, four The Dai Hokage Namikaze Minato finally managed to re-seal the Nine-Tails.

Hiruzen Sarutobi didn’t dare to cause any problems to the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki. When the time comes, whether he has the ability to stop the Nine-Tails has become a serious problem.

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen ran to Uzumaki Naruto’s house, the root leader Shimura Danzo also walked out.

A group of high-level officials from Konoha Village came to Uzumaki Naruto’s house.

Sarutobi Hiruzen personally inspected the Uzumaki After seeing Naruto’s situation, he found that the seal was still very strong, so he felt a little relieved.

At this time, Danzo Shimura jumped out and said:”Hiruzen, give me the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki to train.””

“I will definitely train the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki into the strongest weapon in Konoha Village.”

“Shut up, Danzo, do you know what you’re talking about?”

How could Sarutobi Hiruzen agree to hand over Uzumaki Naruto to Shimura Danzo for training??

Even if he wants to train him, it should be trained by him, Sarutobi Hiruzen. What do you think, Shimura Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen?” Won’t you come out??


Shimura Danzo snorted, and left with the root ninja, and at the same time said:” Hiruzen, you will regret it.”

After saying this, Shimura Danzo left without looking back.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, it’s really exhausting now!!

Before Sarutobi Hiruzen left, he ordered more ANBU to protect him. The safety of Uzumaki Naruto is mainly due to the fear of the Nine-Tails Chakra bursting out.

The tragedy half a year ago cannot be allowed to happen again, and Konoha Village cannot afford such continuous twists and turns… As time passes, bit by bit, in In the Bagua sealed space, the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto continued to evolve.

Three full years passed, and suddenly on this day. The Dark Ten-Tailed Naruto in the Bagua sealed space opened his eyes, and the terrifying aura increased again. He spat out

Bai Yan said:”I finally returned to the blood-continuing snare level!!”

“It turns out that it has been three years!”

Dark Ten-Tails Naruto felt the flow of time in the outside world and found that a full three years had passed. After all, half-step to the Blood Continuation Snare level to promote the Blood Continuation Snare level, the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto only swallowed half of the Nine-Tails!!

Originally the energy was not particularly sufficient, so it took time to slowly accumulate opportunities for impact. That’s why it took three years, but after successfully being promoted to the Blood Continuation Snare level, then the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto truly belongs to the Blood Continuation Snare level life form.

Compared with before, there are two concepts.

At the same time, after the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto successfully promoted to the Blood Continuation Snare level life form, a crack opened on his forehead. The red Nine Magatama Reincarnation Sharingan was revealed. Come out, and add the two-eyed Tenseigan.

Why is there a pair of Tenseigans? Because this is the backhand left by Naruto before, to put the power of the giant Tenseigan into the body of the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto. The current Dark Ten-Tails Naruto can be regarded as the split body of the previous Dark Ten-Tails, which has successfully evolved again. The red Nine Magatama Rinne Sharingan on the forehead of the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto emitted a red light.

Suddenly, three rays appeared in the Bagua sealed space. Soul bodies.

These three soul bodies are Asura, Namikaze Minato, and Nai…

Dark Ten-Tails Naruto said:”I don’t like where I stay, there are other people!!”

After saying that, he directly swallowed the three soul bodies into his body. For the current Dark Ten-Tailed Naruto, anyone below the Sixth Path level is an ant and can be destroyed with just one look!!

Even if it is the Sixth Level, For the Dark Ten-Tailed Naruto, he is just a little more troublesome!!

Why are the three soul bodies of Asura, Namikaze Minato, and Kushina unresponsive?

Because their three soul bodies have not been activated, Still in a deep sleep state.

Dark Ten-Tails Naruto then said lightly:”We have to start preparing now, otherwise there will be no point in teleporting to parallel time and space.”

A chakra energy of only genin level slowly floated out. This energy body was emitted by Uzumaki Naruto at the last moment of his battle with Otsutsuki God Style. The

Dark Ten-Tails Naruto absorbed the chakra bit by bit. It began to be introduced into the floating energy body.

As the chakra energy continued to be injected, gradually the chakra energy body began to slowly open its eyes. The energy body said:”It’s a feeling I haven’t seen for a long time! I am working hard at every step, but I don’t think I will lose to you! Otsutsuki Kamikaze”

“Wait! Our fight will continue in the future.”

Although this chakra energy body does not have much chakra, it does belong to genuine half-step god-level energy.

It is an existence with half-step god-level energy that can hit the god level.

“let’s start!”

Dark Ten-Tails Naruto and the original space-time whirlpool Naruto’s energy body fisted each other, and a chakra link was formed.

The two were wrapped in a huge white light, which was the accumulation of nuclear fusion energy that Naruto planned to upgrade to the god level.

But before starting, the Dark Ten-Tailed Naruto used the Nine Magatama Reincarnation Sharingan Eye Technique to destroy it.

Destroy the Uzumaki Naruto’s consciousness in this parallel time and space! Let his consciousness be put into the Uzumaki Naruto’s body.

Even if the Six Paths Sage jumps Coming out is not enough in front of Dark Ten-Tails Naruto.

The energy bodies of Dark Ten-Tails Naruto and Uzumaki Naruto both fell into a deep sleep, accumulating nuclear fusion energy.

This process takes many, many years, so! They cannot be disturbed., it happens to be very suitable in the Bagua seal space.

To be honest, this Bagua seal may be very strong in sealing the Nine-Tails, but it is not enough to seal the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto, but the Dark Ten-Tails Naruto needs a quiet space!!

The outside world Uzumaki Naruto opened his eyes, and his eyes changed completely in an instant. They were no longer innocent eyes, but eyes full of heart.

After all, his consciousness had been completely replaced.

Uzumaki Naruto clenched his little fist and said:”Now I The energy body begins to accumulate nuclear fusion energy and will sleep deeply for many years. The god-level realm is waiting.”

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