Chapter 0184 Uchiha Sasuke’s death scene!!

Three days have passed since the ninja school started.

During these three days, the students in the ninja school basically got to know each other.

However, Uzumaki Naruto walked alone the whole time, even if Uchiha Sasuke was taken home from school.

It’s a new morning.

Iruka walked into the classroom, looked at the students who were all here and said,”Everyone, he has been in school for three days.”

“In the past three days, I basically explained to you how to refine chakra, so today I will basically test how well everyone is doing in refining chakra.”

“There are also some students whose elders have taught you how to refine chakra in advance, but you cannot relax your requirements and catch up. Even if you haven’t learned it yet, don’t worry, just work harder to catch up.”

Before the test started, Iruka gave all the students a reassurance.

After all, they are all children, and there will definitely be a mentality of comparison between each other. Iruka does not want the students to suffer from the mentality of comparison. It affected learning.

Indeed, Iruka’s speech also played a certain role in making some nervous students relax a little.

Uchiha Sasuke raised his proud face the whole time, thinking that he would be tested later. He will definitely get the first place.

His brother Uchiha Itachi often praises him for his greatness, so Uchiha Sasuke thinks that he has opened a gap with the students around him.

And the process of testing how well the chakra is refined is also very The simple Iruka had already prepared a stack of chakra paper for testing in advance.

Iruka said:”Okay, still come up from the first row on the left for the test.”

The order of the tests is the same as the order of self-introduction last time.

As the tests continued one after another, some successfully extracted chakra, and some have not yet refined chakra. There are various situations. This is also the case. It is inevitable.

As far as Uzumaki Naruto is concerned, Uchiha Sasuke is the best in terms of chakra refining.

And this also caused many girls in the class to scream.

There is no way!!

Like Uchiha Sasuke He is so handsome and outstanding, he is really attractive to girls.

“Okay, the last Uzumaki Naruto.”

Iruka read the name of the last Uzumaki Naruto. In fact, in Iruka’s mind, the first place in this test already belongs to Uchiha Sasuke. The

Uchiha clan is indeed born with an aura.

Uchiha Sasuke is still thinking. After going home today, I must show off in front of my parents and brother to let them know how good I am.

Uzumaki Naruto yawned, stood up slowly, walked to the podium, and put his hand on Cha On the carat test paper.

At this moment, the chakra test paper emits the highest light.


This scene not only shocked Iruka, but also all the other students in the class.

The most unacceptable person among them is Uchiha Sasuke.

Uchiha Sasuke really couldn’t accept the fact that he was far surpassed!!

Iruka looked at the highest light emitted by the chakra test paper and said:”Very well, Uzumaki Naruto-kun, you are very good. I hope you can continue your efforts.”

Uzumaki Naruto glanced at the chakra test paper. Sure enough, even if this body is not Allowed, chakra will grow rapidly without the need to suppress the Nine Tails.

But after all, he has half the blood of the Uzumaki clan.

To Uzumaki Naruto, this was a normal thing, but to others it was different.

Little Hinata looked at Naruto’s back with admiration. She didn’t even know that Naruto-kun was so good.

He usually keeps his appearance private, but shows his amazing talent at critical moments.

Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino also paid more attention to Uzumaki Naruto. After all, they had previously focused on Uchiha Sasuke.

Inuzuka Kiba pouted and said:”Finally, I suppressed that stinky Uchiha Sasuke.”

“Otherwise, I would always have a arrogant face all day long, which would be really annoying.”

“Do you think so, Shino?”

Inuzuka Kiba asked Shino Aburame next to him at the end. Shino

Aburame, who originally didn’t care about these things, suddenly heard Inuzuka Kiba asking him?” He responded:”That should be the case!”!”

As soon as Inukaya heard this, he knew that Aburame Shino was giving a perfunctory answer. Uchiha

Sasuke sat on his seat and silently pumped his fists, but he was actually surpassed by someone??

Especially which yellow hair??

This made Uchiha Sasuke couldn’t accept this fact for a moment. The arrogant Uchiha Sasuke finally couldn’t help but stood up and asked:”Teacher Iruka, is there something wrong with the chakra test paper?”?”

Uchiha Sasuke asked this, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention. After all, Uchiha Sasuke brought the topic to the issue of carat test paper.

But what Uchiha Sasuke didn’t know was that his performance, His status in the minds of girls has dropped invisibly.

After all, girls worship perfect male gods, not small-minded boys.

As for the test teacher Iruka, he was suddenly asked by Uchiha Sasuke., it’s so embarrassing!!

Isn’t it just a disguised explanation that Iruka’s preparations were not done well? He even prepared the chakra test paper by mistake??

It’s a disguised slap in Iruka’s face.

These Before Iruka prepared it, he personally checked it several times before taking it out for the students to test.

But even though Iruka was embarrassed! He still explained without understanding the voice on the surface:”Uchiha Sasuke-san, these checks There is no problem with carat test paper”

“Okay, sit down! Uzumaki Naruto-san also returned to his seat.”

Uzumaki Naruto slowly turned around and put his hands in his pockets and walked back to his seat. Regarding Uchiha Sasuke’s question, Uzumaki Naruto didn’t care at all.

What’s the point of arguing with a little kid? It seems childish!!

Uchiha Uchiha Sasuke also realized that he had just said something wrong, and his entire face suddenly turned red. The way everyone looked at him also changed.

In fact, the most important thing was because Uchiha Sasuke felt that he had been surpassed by others. Uchiha Sasuke was very unaccustomed to it.

He had a strong sense of superiority, and for a moment he felt like his testicles were being torn apart!!

Iruka looked at everyone after finally finishing the test, and said:”School is over early today, everyone go back.! After you go back, remember to keep refining chakra.”

“Now that you have just refined chakra, there are still many things that need to be paid attention to. In addition, those who have not yet refined chakra must speed up their pace, but don’t be too far behind.”

After school, some of the students in Class 1 were happy, some were unhappy, and they had various emotions.

However, Haruno Sakura, who was born as a commoner, was happy at this moment, because Haruno Sakura was also one of the people who refined chakra.

It shows that there is some talent in the refining of chakra, but of course the amount of chakra extracted is definitely not much.

Uchiha Itachi took time out of his busy schedule to come to the ninja school, waiting for his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke to finish school.

After today, maybe I couldn’t continue to pick Sasuke up from school every day, because there were more and more things going on, and Uchiha Itachi could hardly find any extra energy. He was also very exhausted physically and mentally. Suddenly he saw his brother Uchiha Sasuke coming out, Uchiha Itachi Showing a knowing smile.

Suddenly Uchiha Itachi frowned, because Uchiha Itachi saw his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke’s unhappy face. Uchiha Sasuke walked up to his brother Uchiha Itachi, and then barely showed a smile.

Uchiha Itachi touched He touched Uchiha Sasuke’s head and asked in concern:”What’s wrong?”

“Sasuke, did you encounter anything unhappy in the ninja school??”

“Not really, just……”

Uchiha Sasuke opened his mouth and halfway through speaking, he felt that he couldn’t continue because he felt a little embarrassed.

After all, Uchiha Sasuke didn’t want to embarrass the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Itachi turned around and squatted down and said:”Come on brother’s back! If you have any problems on the way, you can talk to brother slowly.”

Uchiha Sasuke obediently lay on Uchiha Itachi’s back and let his brother Uchiha Itachi carry him. Take him home.

On the way, Uchiha Sasuke did tell Uchiha Itachi what happened at the ninja school.

In fact, what Uchiha Sasuke felt was even more embarrassing was that he jumped out midway as to whether there was something wrong with the chakra test paper.

After all, it is one thing that the test results are not as good as Uzumaki Naruto, but it is another thing to see if there is any problem with the chakra test paper when he jumps out to take responsibility.

After Uchiha Itachi heard this, his attention was not focused on Uchiha Suke’s stupid mistake.

And now I’m thinking, is the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki better than Sasuke in the chakra test??

In other words, the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki has shown far more chakra at a young age than his peers??

Of course, these questions were just filtered through Uchiha Itachi’s mind!!

Uchiha Itachi knew that the Uchiha clan was in a very sensitive period and could not cause unnecessary problems to him.

Uchiha Itachi said comfortingly:”Don’t be depressed! Just try to surpass the past next time! Right?”

“Um! My brother is right! That idiot Uzumaki Naruto just has more chakra! It’s not certain who will win the battle!”

After the encouragement of his brother Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke seemed to have rekindled hope. He thought that Uzumaki Naruto was a stupid guy with a lot of chakra but little actual fighting ability.

Uchiha Itachi chuckled slightly, as long as As long as his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke is happy, the other Uchiha Itachi doesn’t ask for much.

When Uchiha Itachi took Uchiha Sasuke back to the Uchiha clan!!

At this moment in the Hokage’s office.

Iruka came to the Hokage’s office. There was a knock on the door. Knock, knock, knock…

Sarutobi Hiruzen was dealing with various documents when he heard a knock on the door:”Come in.”

“Iruka, you are here! What are the test results??”

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that the person coming was Iruka, and asked about the chakra test results of the new students in the ninja school.

Iruka consciously placed the compiled information files on Sarutobi Hiruzen’s desk.

As Continuously flipping through the pages, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction, indicating that the potential of the students in this class is quite good.

Otherwise, it would be unreasonable for the children of the ninja clan to enter this year’s ninja school without any achievements.

Browse After receiving Uchiha Sasuke’s message, Sarutobi Hiruzen only paid a little attention! To say that he was excellent, he was not that good.

Once, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi were even better than Uchiha Sasuke. Less.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was not surprised by the genius content of the Uchiha clan.

Suddenly, when Sarutobi Hiruzen saw the information about the last Uzumaki Naruto, he was slightly surprised and said:”The test paper showed that At the limit, it seems that Naruto has a lot of chakra!!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen could understand at a glance why Uzumaki Naruto was far ahead in chakra among his classmates. It probably had something to do with his bloodline. He was also a

Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, so it was not impossible.

Yi Luka said at this time:”Hokage-sama, when I saw Uzumaki Naruto-san could completely light up the test paper, I was quite shocked.”

“I was originally a very lazy person, but I didn’t expect that my talent would be so good, so I thought that if I train him well, I might become a Konoha ninja in the future.”

“Haha, yes.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen responded with a smile. Iruka is very concerned about the future of his students, which shows that this ninja school teacher is quite responsible.

Sarutobi Hiruzen still appreciates this, and Iruka is also very popular. A loyal supporter of Uzumaki’s will.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said happily:”Very good, Iruka should pay more attention to Uzumaki Naruto. After all, this child is not easy.”

“By the way, the point is to let him know more about the meaning of the Will of Fire, do you understand??”

“Yes, Lord Hokage.”

Iruka immediately became excited when he heard about the will of fire.

Iruka deeply understands the great meaning of the will of fire, especially letting students learn to understand the will of fire, which is also something Iruka likes to do very much. Things.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction.

Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Itachi took Uchiha Sasuke back home.

Uchiha Mikoto greeted happily:”Itachi, Sasuke, you are back together!”

“Mom, the food has been prepared. Come and eat together!!”

“OK, Mom.”

Uchiha Sasuke looked very happy when he heard that the meal was ready. He was indeed hungry. His stomach began to growl.

Uchiha Itachi glanced at the house from the corner of his eyes and asked:”Mom, where is father??”

“oh! Your dad said he had to go to a meeting or something. It’s okay. Let’s eat first.”

Uchiha Mikoto didn’t know the profound meaning of her son Uchiha Itachi’s question.

Uchiha Mikoto thought it was her eldest son Uchiha Itachi who was concerned about whether his father was at home.

“I see.”

Uchiha Itachi responded calmly.

In fact, he had already planned to find a time after eating to ask Shisui what the meeting was like!

After all, during this period of time, within the Uchiha clan, There are more and more bad voices.

This makes Uchiha Itachi very disgusted. Why do you always like to talk about one clan all day long instead of the entire Konoha Village?

Uchiha Sasuke cares about his brother very much., noticing the subtle changes in his brother Uchiha Itachi, asked:”Brother, what’s wrong with you??”

“ah! Nothing, let’s eat! Sasuke.”

When Uchiha Itachi heard Uchiha Sasuke’s voice, all his negative emotions disappeared in an instant.

Uchiha Itachi would not show his bad side in front of the brother he cares about most. That is not allowed by Uchiha Itachi..

Uchiha Sasuke looked at the smile of his brother Uchiha Itachi, and everyone was very happy to see it.

As expected, his brother loved him the most, which made Uchiha Sasuke very dependent on his brother Uchiha Itachi, and he must surpass the whirlpool. Naruto is that idiot.

Uchiha Mikoto brought all the dishes out of the kitchen. Seeing that the two brothers had such a good relationship, Uchiha Mikoto was also very happy.

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