Chapter 0227: Mentally collapsed after being persecuted!!

Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura were almost dying of confusion.

I originally got up early in the morning and came to the No. 3 training ground to wait, but what happens now??

You actually want to follow Kakashi-sensei to find Uzumaki Naruto?

Are you kidding me? Throughout the entire process, the two of them acted like fools.

Uchiha Sasuke looked unhappy and wanted to get angry, but reason told him not to get angry easily.

The unhappy expression on Sakura’s face was immediately obvious. It was a very unhappy expression.

In the end, he couldn’t help but roared:”Damn idiot Naruto, Sasuke-kun and I have done everything well, why should we suffer!”

“Because you are one.”

Kakashi said this, not caring whether Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura were angry or not.

Kakashi only wanted one result, and that was for Team 7 to form a team with a strong sense of community.

This is the result that Kakashi wants. As for the rest? Kakashi basically just turns a blind eye and ignores it.

In fact, the person who is most unhappy is Hatake Kakashi. The students are so disobedient. If the order is passed out, will Kakashi still have any face to speak of?

Uzumaki Naruto is here to give him a big problem. He must teach Uzumaki Naruto a lesson later. Otherwise, let Uzumaki Naruto do this If you go down, it will be too lawless.

When Kakashi Hatake, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno and others arrived at the door of Naruto Uzumaki’s house!!

Kakashi said:”You two go knock on the door!!”

“I dont go.”

Uchiha Sasuke responded directly with a look of disgust. Doing this kind of thing will only make Uchiha Sasuke feel inferior.

So if Uchiha Sasuke is beaten to death, he will not do such a thing!!

Especially after being beaten for many years. The person who suppressed him, so Uchiha Sasuke was even more unwilling to do such a thing. Haruno

Sakura was stunned. If Sasuke doesn’t knock on the door, doesn’t that mean she can only knock on the door?

Haruno Sakura whispered:” Sasuke-kun, do you want me to knock on the door alone??”

“What do you think?”

Uchiha Sasuke was not polite and told Haruno Sakura directly and clearly that he wanted you to knock on the door.

Kakashi on the side was confused. Is this Uchiha Sasuke??

Sure enough, problem students are problem students, and they cannot be blamed for the morning. Came on time, and felt that the problem student had improved.

However, Kakashi did not intend to stop the decisions of Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura.

There were some things that he, as the leader of the Jonin, still could not interfere too much., Kakashi still understands these principles.

It is also to minimize unnecessary trouble!!

Haruno Sakura actually doesn’t want to knock on Naruto’s door, after all, she is a girl, but Sasuke-kun has spoken.

Haruno Sakura also She didn’t dare to say anything to Sasuke-kun. What she was most afraid of was that Sasuke-kun would be angry. If Sasuke-kun was angry, Sakura would be at a loss for a moment!!

So, in the end, she had no choice but to go into battle and knock Naruto’s head off in person. The door of the house.

So, Sakura walked to the door reluctantly and knocked on the door. After knocking several times in succession, no one responded??

Sakura said doubtfully:”Naruto, isn’t he at home? Or what’s going on??”

“Why is there no response when I knock on the door? Or did you sleep too much??”

It’s no wonder that Sakura is confused, because she has knocked on the door several times in succession. It’s already this hour. Even if she’s asleep, she should be awake.

“Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke-kun, do you think Naruto was too asleep to hear the knock on the door??”

Sakura turned around and asked Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke-kun to see if they had any good suggestions.

Kakashi frowned and said,”In that case, let’s open the door and go in and have a look!!”

“I think so.”

Uchiha Sasuke immediately agreed with what Kakashi-sensei said.

This way he won’t waste too much time. Otherwise, how long will he keep knocking at the door?

So just go in, which is the simplest and most direct. It saves trouble!!

Uchiha Sasuke motioned for Sakura to step back, and he came to break the door.

Otherwise, Sakura’s movements were so grinding, and Uchiha Sasuke was also impatient.

When Uchiha Sasuke directly opened the door of Uzumaki Naruto’s house The moment it was kicked open!!

Bang! There was a sound of breaking the door.

Uchiha Sasuke walked in, Haruno Sakura quickly followed, and then Kakashi followed.

When the three of them entered Uzumaki Naruto’s house, they saw nothing. one person??

“What? Naruto isn’t at home? Where did that go?”

Haruno Sakura kept looking around, but there was no sign of him.

In other words, Naruto was not at home at all.

Uchiha Sasuke gritted his teeth and said:”That idiot.”

Because Uchiha Sasuke could already imagine that after he broke the door, Uzumaki Naruto would definitely come to him and ask for the cost of destroying the door. It would be okay if Uzumaki Naruto was at home, but as a result, he is not at home now, so it will definitely be difficult to say please afterwards. Not to mention Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura were stunned, including Kakashi.

Kakashi said:”I seriously doubt that Uzumaki Naruto was listening to me yesterday?” Don’t even know the meeting time??”

It’s okay if Kakashi didn’t say it. As soon as he said it, both Sasuke Ochiha and Sakura Haruno looked at Kakashi-sensei at the same time.

You are obviously the one who is three hours late, but you are still saying this?

” Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Both Sakura felt serious regrets. Why were they assigned to Class 7?

Forget Class 7, there was Uzumaki Naruto and Hatake Kakashi?

Wasn’t this tantamount to playing tricks on them??

Kakashi said shamelessly:”You two are responsible for repairing the door, and then return to the No. 3 training ground”

“I’ll look elsewhere to see if I can find Uzumaki Naruto.”

Anyway, Kakashi is too lazy to continue taking Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura with him.

Kakashi is now a little disappointed in leading Team 7. There are too many problems. Kakashi needs to go back and take some time off., As for looking for Uzumaki Naruto? Kakashi doesn’t have that much free time!!

Go back and read the book for a while at the past training ground No. 3.

Anyway, seeing how Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura are like this, they will be able to build a door in a short time., not that fast.

Kakashi disappeared and left with a teleportation technique.

Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura looked confused. Sakura said:”Kakashi-sensei, are you leaving now?”?”

“Didn’t you prepare us mentally??”

“”Tch,” Uchiha Sasuke also had a look of displeasure on his face. They were all like this one after another. They treated him like a fool??

Uchiha Sasuke then said,”Let’s get started!” Don’t waste your time.”

Haruno Sakura responded and started working with Uchiha Sasuke. After all, he finished his work early and rested early.

And where is our Uzumaki Naruto??

At this moment, he is fishing on the edge of a river outside Konoha Village..As for what Kakashi said about the gathering yesterday, Naruto didn’t pay attention at all. Naruto Uzumaki knew Kakashi’s habits very well.

Naruto also planned to go to the training ground No. 3 at noon, that time It was just right to go there.

It was too early, and I was just waiting stupidly.

Noon, training ground No. 3.

After Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura repaired the door of Naruto’s house, they came to training ground No. 3..

As a result, upon arriving at the scene,

Haruno Sakura couldn’t bear it anymore and roared loudly:”Damn it, aren’t we being let go again??”

“Otherwise, Sasuke-kun, let’s go home!!”

“Don’t wait any longer, otherwise you won’t know when it will be until you are let go one after another!! It’s almost killing me”


Uchiha Sasuke agreed. After all, it was early in the morning, and now he is just like a fool, coming back in circles? What is he not a fool??

Another point, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura have gotten up at around four o’clock until now, They haven’t eaten yet.

They are so hungry. What if Kakashi-sensei doesn’t come? Do they have to keep waiting??

Just when Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura were about to leave!!

Seeing Uzumaki Naruto mention Walking over with a basket of fish, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura were instantly confused.

Haruno Sakura asked:”Naruto, don’t tell us, you went fishing this morning??”

“yes! These will be considered as lunch today, let’s eat grilled fish.”

Naruto responded as he placed the basket of fish on the ground.

Naruto smiled and said,”What? Are you surprised?”

“When I look at you, you haven’t eaten since morning until now. You should eat when you need to.”

“Another thing, don’t take what you Kakashi-sensei said too seriously, especially about gatherings!!”

“Naruto, how do you know Kakashi’s habits?”

Uchiha Sasuke asked back.

A newly graduated genin knows so much about what a Jonin does, which can explain a lot of things.

Therefore! Uchiha Sasuke is very curious as to why Uzumaki Naruto knows this.

Naruto He waved his hands and responded with a smile:”These are not important, don’t worry about these small details.”

After Naruto finished speaking, he ignored Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura and set up the barbecue grill on his own.

Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura saw that Naruto was about to start grilling fish., I became even hungrier.

I was already very hungry, but now I was even hungrier. I could hear Naruto who was dozens of meters away.

So, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura looked at each other., decided to shamelessly walk to Uzumaki Naruto and sit down.

No matter what, fill your stomach first!!

Even Uchiha Sasuke, he is not an iron man, he will not eat if he cannot bear it, but for Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura chose not to talk about the trouble they caused in front of Naruto’s house in the morning.

They were also worried that if Naruto didn’t grill fish for them after telling them, what would they do??

Anyway, The two of them just chose to pretend they didn’t know.

Soon the smell of grilled fish began to spread around.

When Kakashi walked over to 2.7, he muttered in confusion:”Why is there grilled fish here at Training Ground No. 3?” The smell of fish??”

There is no lake at all around the training ground, but the smell of grilled fish means that the fish was brought here and grilled.

“Good guy, these two students, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura, really know how to enjoy it!!”

However, when Kakashi came closer and saw Uzumaki Naruto present, his entire face darkened instantly.

Kakashi roared loudly:”Uzumaki Naruto, where have you been running all morning??”

“Do you know that we have had a hard time looking for you?!”

“If I don’t give an explanation today, I won’t be able to go home after class.”

Kakashi feels that he must deal with Uzumaki Naruto, otherwise he will be like this in the future?? Then how can he lead the students??

Maybe, he, Kakashi, may be evaluated as the leader of Konoha Village It’s not impossible to be the worst teacher in the group.

It can be said that doing that would ruin Kakashi’s lifelong reputation.

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