Chapter 0229 Naruto’s timing surprised Kakashi!!

The moment Uchiha Sasuke launched the attack, he understood that Hatake Kakashi was not simple, and it was not that easy to grab the bell.

However, Uchiha Sasuke will not be easily defeated by Kakashi. What he wants is to kill that man.

If Kakashi falls here, what chance will he have to kill that man in the future??

Uchiha Sasuke was not stupid either. He immediately distanced himself and prepared to observe Kakashi’s actions.

After all, he had opened the Magatama Sharingan anyway.

Hatake Kakashi disappeared and appeared behind Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, and Yuu Uzumaki Naruto!!

Naruto Uzumaki crossed his arms and closed his eyes throughout the whole process, as if he didn’t take Kakashi Hatake seriously at all, and he wasn’t worried about Kakashi Hatake attacking him.

Because all of Hatake Kakashi’s actions were within Naruto’s expectations.

It just depends on whether Naruto wants to fight seriously. If he takes it seriously, Hatake Kakashi will lose if he can’t survive three moves.

As for Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura, they haven’t noticed that Hatake Kakashi has appeared behind them.

Uzumaki Naruto raised his right hand and pointed his thumb behind him.

After Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura noticed Uzumaki Naruto’s gesture, they quickly turned their heads and looked over.

You wouldn’t know if you didn’t look at it, but you would be severely shocked when you look at it.

Haruno Sakura said in shock:”What, Kakashi-sensei, how did he appear behind us in an instant? Is it so fast??”

“Damn bastard.”

Uchiha Sasuke clenched his fists and said very unhappy.

Kakashi smiled and looked at the motionless Uzumaki Naruto and said:”Uzumaki Naruto, aren’t you going to attack??”

This guy, being able to discover him in advance, is indeed very powerful in terms of strength. It seems that the next battle will be very interesting.

Kakashi also rarely started to cheer up. After all, he also wanted to know what the student’s strength was.!!

Impossible. As a teacher, he doesn’t even know the strength of his students. That’s really embarrassing.

After Kakashi finished speaking, Uzumaki Naruto was still unmoved, which made Kakashi Somewhat passive

“This kid.”

Hatake Kakashi was stunned and found that Uzumaki Naruto was not generally calm, but very calm.

Then it is estimated that waiting for Uzumaki Naruto to take the initiative to attack is unlikely, so he has to change his strategy and Kakashi will take the initiative himself. Launch an attack.

Let Uzumaki Naruto enter a state where he has to fight, then Kakashi’s goal will be achieved.

Kakashi disappears with a teleportation technique

“So fast.”

Uchiha Sasuke’s Magatama Sharingan couldn’t see the movements of Kakashi Hatake at all.

Not to mention Haruno Sakura, he couldn’t see Kakashi’s movements at all.

Anyway, everyone was covered. The kind who can only stand there in a daze and can’t do anything.

It can be said that Haruno Sakura is in a quite passive state!!

And Kakashi did not choose to attack Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura, but targeted them. On Uzumaki Naruto.

Under Uzumaki Naruto’s feet, a hand stretched out from the soil, ready to grab Uzumaki Naruto’s leg.

But when Hatake Kakashi grabbed Uzumaki Naruto’s leg, he was about to pull it down. As a result, Uzumaki Naruto turned into a ball of smoke and disappeared.

“Shadow clone?

Hatake Kakashi was stunned and said,”You didn’t even notice me?””

“sure! The timing of this use is very good.””

Hatake Kakashi admired Uzumaki Naruto’s fighting instincts, being able to react and react when he attacked.

It shows that Uzumaki Naruto’s basic skills are quite solid, otherwise he would not be able to do the shadow clone technique that Kakashi would not discover.

However, this makes it more interesting, and Kakashi doesn’t care much about the results of the bell-grabbing assessment.

Now, Kakashi Hatake just wants to know how much strength Naruto Uzumaki has in full.

Without testing Uzumaki Naruto’s full strength, Kakashi felt that he, as a teacher, would not be able to do a good job.

“Sasuke-kun, Naruto is missing.”

Haruno Sakura looked around to find Naruto’s figure.

Haruno Sakura then said depressedly:”How come Naruto’s speed is as fast as Kakashi-sensei’s, but he moves at a speed that makes people unable to see his shadow??”

In fact, Uchiha Sasuke looked very bad at this moment, because he found that not only could he not clearly see Hatake Kakashi’s movements, but also Uzumaki Naruto’s movements. He was a member of the Uchiha clan, The Sharingan is still open. When did it become so unsightly??

Anyway, deep down in his heart, Uchiha Sasuke is very unwilling to accept it.

But no matter how angry he is, Uchiha Sasuke understands that there is nothing he can do now. If there is a way, and will not be so passive now.

It is because there is no way, which leads to many passive situations now.

Hatake Kakashi began to slowly open his forehead protector, because Kakashi did not intend to leave any trace of Naruto Uzumaki. After all, he didn’t see clearly when Uzumaki Naruto used the shadow clone technique just now.

Therefore, Kakashi chose to use Sharingan to observe Uzumaki Naruto’s movements, otherwise he wouldn’t even be able to see the movements of a student clearly. It’s hard to explain.

When Kakashi Hatake revealed the three magatama sharingan, Uchiha Sasuke was stunned.

Uchiha Sasuke didn’t know why Kakashi had the sharingan?

The sharingan is not from the Uchiha clan. Is there a blood limit that can only be opened? Why does Kakashi have the Sharingan?

Uchiha Sasuke asked loudly:”Kakashi, why do you have the Sharingan of our Uchiha clan?”?”

“If you don’t give me a reason, Kakashi, I won’t let you go.”

Now the fact that Uchiha Sasuke cannot accept the most is that the Sharingan has been abused by others.

Haruno Sakura said doubtfully:”Sasuke-kun, is Kakashi-sensei also from the Uchiha clan??”

“Otherwise, why would his eyes be the same as yours??”

“ah! It’s a long story, I’ll tell you later!”

Kakashi responded briefly.

Now is the battle stage, so we can’t let down our guard at all!

After all, Kakashi hasn’t figured out what Uzumaki Naruto is doing now.

Uzumaki Naruto hiding on the top of the tree is revealed Smiling, he knew that Kakashi would definitely be unable to resist using the Sharingan.

Kakashi didn’t know it yet, but his Sharingan was a Manka abbreviation wheel.

Kakashi’s three magatama sharingan turned Ichiro found a chakra reaction on a tree and immediately launched an attack.



The duel between Hatake Kakashi and Uzumaki Naruto dazzled Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura. It was so exciting. I was surprised. I didn’t expect that Naruto was so fierce and could fight with Kakashi-sensei to such a fierce level.

The person who was the most unwilling was Uchiha Sasuke.

I thought there was a slight gap between him and Uzumaki Naruto, but I didn’t expect that the gap was so big. Will it be so big?

It was completely beyond Uchiha Sasuke’s expectations.

For a moment, Uchiha Sasuke was inadvertently confused. Is he really not talented?

Otherwise, why would he be so bad?

Haruno Sakura Seeing Sasuke’s ferocious expression, he comforted him and said,”Sasuke-kun, it’s okay. Your talent is also very powerful.””

“In the future, he will definitely be more powerful than Uzumaki Naruto and even better than Kakashi-sensei.”

“Sakura, you don’t need to comfort me, I know my situation myself.”

Uchiha Sasuke responded.

Uchiha Sasuke will not let himself get confused just because of Haruno Sakura’s comfort.

Uchiha Sasuke is the person who knows his situation best, and no one knows better than him. Understand himself.

Uchiha Sasuke said:”Naruto is very strong, but I am not as strong as him.”

Uchiha Sasuke also admitted very honestly that he is not as strong as Uzumaki Naruto and wants him to fight Hatake Kakashi like Uzumaki Naruto did.

There is nothing that cannot be admitted.

Hatake Kakashi and Uzumaki Naruto both On the personal side.

The more Hatake Kakashi fought, the more shocked he was. Unexpectedly, he became serious and couldn’t defeat Uzumaki Naruto. It’s terrible, Uzumaki Naruto just graduated from the ninja school!!

Kaka Nishi has tried many kinds of ninjutsu, but without exception, they are all unable to break through Naruto Uzumaki’s blockade. At the age of 12, just entering the ninja school, he already has the combat power of a jonin level?

Who can believe it? Anyway, Kaka If Nishi hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed it.

Although Kakashi showed his strength, it was just his basic strength!!

It wasn’t 100% full strength. After all, Hatake Kakashi was also afraid of hurting Uzumaki. Naruto.

But at present, it seems that it is impossible not to use all his strength. After all, Uzumaki Naruto probably started as a jounin at least.

This has caused a lot of pressure on Kakashi.

As a teacher, even his students If you can’t take it? It will probably become a joke to the entire Konoha Village. It is not impossible.

After all, this situation has not happened in Konoha Village until now!!

After Kakashi and Uzumaki Naruto distanced themselves, he said:”Naruto, what is your strength??”

“How did you achieve the strength you have now??”

It’s not that 12-year-old jounin has never appeared before. Kakashi also became a jounin at the age of 12.

But that was a jounin during the war, and it was not a jounin in the true sense, but a king special jounin..

So there is still a lot of water in it, but the strength of Uzumaki Naruto in front of him is different.

It actually has the strength of a jonin level.

If Uzumaki Naruto only has the strength of a special jounin, then Kakashi will not fight against it. It has to be so difficult.

Really, there is no such record in the history of Konoha Village.

If Uzumaki Naruto has such strength, once the Third Hokage knows about it, I don’t know what kind of expression he will show.

After all, no matter what In any ninja village, no jinchuriki would dare to be too powerful.

Being too powerful means it is difficult to control.

According to Uzumaki Naruto’s current strength, he will be a Kage-level powerhouse in the future., if you add the ability to use the power of nine tails??

I don’t know how powerful it will be.

“Why do you have such great strength?”

“There is a guy who calls himself my father and often guides me in my spiritual practice.”

“Uzumaki Naruto waved his hand and responded with a random excuse.”

Of course, no matter how you make excuses, you must be looking for the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, who is Uzumaki Naruto’s father, to be this shield.

There is nothing better than this shield.


Hatake Kakashi was completely stunned as to the identity of Yuu Uzumaki Naruto.

Although the Third Hokage has not made it public, Kakashi still knows Naruto’s true identity more or less.

In this way, it is the teacher Was there any back-up left behind??

As expected of Minato-sensei, even if he was sacrificed, he still had enough back-up left behind. Another point is that since Naruto Uzumaki knows which man claims to be his father, then he should also know that his father is Konoha. The fourth generation Hokage of the village, Namikaze Minato.

And what has happened to Yuu Uzumaki Naruto in these years?? I hope his thoughts will not eventually become distorted!

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