In Konoha: Begin as Jiguo Yuanyi Author: Salted Fish Master

Traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming Kakashi's cousin, Hatake Kusuo awakened the strongest character-playing system.

Start a succession of the country.

From now on.

A supreme swordsman appeared in this world.

A monster whose swordsmanship is far superior to Konoha White Fang is born.

Vortex Nagato: "Let the world feel the pain, Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Madara Uchiha: "Do you want to dance too?"

"If I go down with a sword, you may die!" Hatake Kusuo pulled out his sword with a smile...

Chapter 1




  More than a dozen shuriken flew from different directions, and without exception, all of them hit the training stake in front.

  The teenager squinted, Shen Yi looked at the results of his training.

  "Thirteen shuriken hits at the same time, is this enough to catch up with Itachi when he was young?"

  Looking into the ground, the ground is full of messes, and there are traces of fierce fighting everywhere. It can be seen that someone has carried out high-intensity training here.

  "In the blink of an eye, I'm five years old!"

  Hatake Kusuo put down the ninja tool in his hand, and lay panting on the lawn, looking at the sky.

  "I didn't expect to travel to the Naruto world for so long, but my system has not yet arrived. In this world where bloodlines are compared, the pressure of survival is really not ordinary!"

  That's right, Hatake Nanxiong was formerly a top student at Blue Star. He was admitted to the highest school through hard work, but he never expected an accidental car accident to send him to this world.

  Unfortunately, as soon as they crossed over, they encountered the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and both parents died unexpectedly.

  If he didn't happen to have a cousin named Hatake Kakashi, yes, it was the famous Hatake Mayuka who was complained by countless Hokage fans, his own life would become a problem!

  I thought that I would also activate the system like other traversers, sitting on the golden finger, punching Uchiha Madara, kicking the six-path immortal, and reaching the pinnacle of life, but I didn't expect that this wait would be five years, and the system I was thinking of was not yet. Come.

  "It seems that I still think too much, the system and so on, it really is a novel deceit, it doesn't exist at all!"

  "Five years! This is the Naruto world. Ordinary people will die if they are not careful. Even Konoha Miku has been destroyed several times. How can I live without a golden finger?"

  Hatake Kusuo cursed.

  It was this sense of pressure and tension that made him start training early.

  Anyway, the Hatake family is a famous family, and there is no shortage of medicinal materials for physical fitness. Hatake Kusuo doesn't have to worry about shaking the foundation.

  Through inhuman training in advance, and with a lot of accumulation, Kusuo Hatake was able to reach the point where he could fire thirteen shots of shuriken at the same time and hit it at the age of five.

  This scene.

  Enough to shock many people.

  Even Hokage may not be able to do this at this age.

  of course.

  It can't be compared to Uchiha Itachi, who can calculate the trajectories of the shuriken after the collision of each other.

  After all, they belong to the Uchiha family, and they have auxiliary writing wheels on them.

  And he is just an ordinary person, the only advantage may be that he has the opportunity to learn the swordsmanship left by Hagi Shiroya in the future?

  The whole day of training was a big burden for the still young Hatake Kusuo.

  There is no rest, only hard work.

  Therefore, now Hatake Kusuo was so tired that he could hardly breathe and collapsed.

  The whole person was sweating profusely, only the chest cavity was still up and down, and the speed was amazing!

  "Ding! Detect the host's breaths reaching [-] times a day! Turn on the strongest acting system!"

  At this time.

  A mechanically synthesized voice suddenly sounded.

  He fell into the ears of Hatake Kusuo, he was stunned for a while, and then his face showed a look of joy.

  "It's been five years, do you know how I've lived these five years? My golden finger is finally here!"


  The system will be late, but definitely not absent.

  "System, tell me about the specific functions!"

  Hatake Kusuo thought silently in his heart.

  "Answer the host, this system is the strongest acting system. As the name suggests, the host needs to draw a lottery to open the template to act. The higher the unlocking degree of the acting character, the stronger the strength."

  "The system template character will automatically adjust the force value according to the current world!"

  Hatake Kusuo's eyes lit up, which means that no matter what character is drawn, even the weakest goblin, the system can adjust it to the strongest goblin in the Naruto world!

  However, he was confident that he wouldn't be so black-faced and draw such a rubbish template.

  "System, start extracting templates!"

  "Template selection..."




  After a dazzling lottery background, the template finally stayed on a swordsman with a high ponytail, a fiery red coat, stripes on his forehead, and a gentle appearance.

  That is.

  A very temperamental man.

  It is the ceiling of the battle power of the ghost destroying world, the founder of the breath of the sun, the suppressed ghost dance Tsuji is hiding in Tibet, and he does not dare to appear in the world until he dies of old age, a powerful existence - Jiguoyuanyi!

  "Congratulations to the host for successfully extracting the template: Jiguoyuanyi!"

  "The template characters are being synthesized.... The template fusion is complete!"


  Hatake Kusuo only felt that there was something extra on his body, and then, a lot of knowledge of swordsmanship and breathing methods appeared in his brain out of thin air.

  "Following the fate of the country..."

  He muttered, and then the corners of his mouth twitched.

  This luck is not so good!

  Jiguoyuanyi, that is the ceiling of the battle power of the ghost destroying world, the existence of [-] knives per second.

  A monster-like powerhouse.

  Even if the attack power may be different from Naruto World, don't forget to have systematic blessings!

  Under the blessing of the system, Jiguoyuanyi, who is full of roles, is definitely a bug-like existence!

  He is a genius who can create his own breathing method, open up the stripes, and penetrate the world!

  If not the world is limited.

  Jiguoyuanyi's achievements are more than that.

  Known as the strongest man for hundreds of years, he suppressed an era.

  Hatake Kusuo believes that in the later stage of the development of the stripes, it will definitely not be worse than Bamen!

  There is also a transparent world. By observing the flow of the enemy's muscles and blood to determine the enemy's next move, it is simply a combination of white eyes and domineering!

  "very good!"

  "Playing a genius like Jiguoyuanyi should also give me his perverted talent, right?"

  "In this way, in this Naruto world, it is no problem to practice kendo and achieve the highest achievement!"

  After the system is turned on.

  When the template was fused, it brought a lot of energy to Hatake Kusuo, and even the exhaustion from the previous training was swept away at the same time.

  Now he is carrying the wooden sword with the urge to experiment! .

Chapter 2

  After simply cleaning up the sundries in the courtyard, Hatake Kusuo had given up the shuriken training which was not very helpful to him.


  Hatake Kusuo has better options.

  With a template of Jiguoyuan, he has made up his mind to specialize in swordsmanship!

  In the future... it might be possible to cut off Madara Uchiha's head with the breath of the sun!

  Back in his small home, which is the legacy left by his deceased parents, next to Kakashi's house.

  Hatake Kusuo carefully took out a sword from a precious wooden platform.

  This sword is the ancestral sword of the Hatake family of his generation.

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