The huge impact water flow is extremely powerful, and it can sharpen the control of chakra very well.


  Hatake Kusuo brought Hinata Hana and Shion here for training.

  "Hina, Hana, although the two of you don't have a very high starting point, but you have a solid foundation. The know-how of breathing has been fully taught to you, and you have almost mastered it.

  Most important now.

  Or completely integrate the breathing sword skills into the soft fist.

  Once the new ninjutsu is successfully developed, the Hyuga clan will not be as restricted as they used to be in terms of attack distance or power in the future.


  This is also the first and most important step for you to get rid of middle and low-level ninjas. "

  Hatake Kusuo said to the two sisters with awe.

  Hinata and Hana also listened carefully, nodding like garlic.

  Father has already warned.

  The future of the Hinata clan has already been placed on Kusuxiong-kun.

  Regardless of whether there is a chance to find or evolve the rumored Tenseigan in the future, the breathing method currently bestowed by Kusuo Hatake will be the most important support for Hinata.

  They have a mission.

  Both the founder and the founder, the future of the Hyuga family.

  After giving some training focus and development direction again, Hatake Kusuo turned his head and took Shion's hand.

  "Your starting point is very high. As a witch, you have sealed the chakra of the tail beast level. After recovering the sprite, the chakra and strength have been improved by leaps and bounds.

  What you have to do now is to run this power well, start from stepping up trees and treading water, slowly exercise your ability to accurately control chakra, and try the breathing method I taught you when you have spare energy. Standing in the waterfall, you can persist. For as long as it takes, remember? "

  Shion opened her big amber eyes and nodded earnestly.

  She said softly, "I know!"

  "very good!"

  Hatake Kusuo clapped his hands.

  "Now that you understand your future path, let's start practicing!"


  The three girls each found a suitable location and tried to train.

  Hatake Kusuo himself is guarding the periphery of the waterfall.

  Responsible for tracking.

  I had already greeted Tsunade in advance, and in the past few months, no one was allowed to approach the waterfall.

  It is a privilege to have made so many contributions to Konoha, and it is strong once.

  Tsunade is absolutely insane, just curious as to why he did it.

  it's actually really easy.

  Hatake Kusuo turned his head and saw that the clothes of the three girls were soaked in the water of the waterfall.

  He couldn't let outsiders see such a beautiful and moving scenery.

  Not even women.

  holding sword.

  Looking at Hinata and Hana, who gritted their teeth and insisted on resisting the current on the waterfall bridge, reminded Hatake Kusuo the scene of Naruto practicing Spiral Maru shuriken in the original book.

  For the path of the two sisters, or the future breakthrough of the entire Hinata clan.

  He vaguely has two directions.

  The first is the thunder call method.

  It can be regarded as a kind of secret method with Yunyin Village's thunder attribute forging body.

  But comprehensiveness and hierarchy are higher.

  after all.

  The things given by the system blessing are very abnormal.

  Just imagine, every move and every style has the power of thunder, and the shape, speed, and power are all blessed by thunder and lightning.

  The sixty-four palms of gossip can shoot sixty-four thunder and lightning palms, and they will cut people to death in the air, how desperate the enemy should be.

  The second is the wind call method.

  Needless to say, the sharpness of the wind attribute has the strongest attack power.

  Especially after controlling the cutting attribute, Hyuga's acupuncture not only seals your meridians, but also blocks Chakra.

  Instead, he directly punched a blood hole!

  Every time acupuncture is cut with the wind attribute, it is extremely fierce.

  Other aspects such as sun call, moon call, water call...

  It's not that you can't, it just depends on who is more suitable.

  It's really unclear what genre Hinata is suitable for.

  Fireworks can definitely try the fusion of the thunder call method.

  A loli with thunder and lightning all over her body came and went like the wind on the battlefield, and it was amazing to think about it.

  "' ˇ It's Shion, it's a bit of a headache."

  Lightly knocked on the head.

  It's a pity that Hatake Kusuo is so passionate and willful about this girl.

  It's a pity that she was trained as a witch since she was a child.


  I really don't know anything about chakra's control and use of power.

  It can be seen from her control of the Terracotta Warriors that day.

  Compared with sprites with self-awareness, it is very different.

  the latter.

  In an instant, an army of millions was summoned.

  Shion requires a long casting time.

  The two are completely incomparable.


  But it's still early.

  Anyway, this move is used to deal with the filthy army, or the multi-national coalition attack.

  It's not a life-and-death battle on the battlefield.

  Able to perform surgery.


  The undercurrent of the ninja world is surging, and all the troubles in the dark seem to herald the arrival of a major event.

  "Hehe, come on, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

  Hatake Kusuo looked into the distance, looking at an unknown place, the strength of his thumb was slightly exposed.

  Clang words!

  Jian Yin Huo Huo.

  A section of snow-white sword light is brilliant, and under the refraction of the sun, it is dazzling and colorful, revealing coldness. .

Chapter 123

  Since the crisis in the land of ghosts passed.

  The past few months have been so peaceful.

  The people live and work in peace and contentment, thinking that they have returned to the era of peace and are happy and stable.


  under this false peace.

  But it is undercurrent.

  Tsunade stood on the roof of the Hokage Building, leaning on the railing and watching the scenery of the entire village.

  Jiraiya stood beside her, and the two were silent at the same time.

  "Is the matter over there in the Land of Wind settled?"

  Tsunade pointed to Shayin Village, the specific name of the country of wind, because he was a village and naturally had no right to arrange it.

  Also unintentionally arranged.

  "It's almost there. The other party's mission outside is still somewhat stubborn, and they are basically recalled."

  "The power of the one-tailed human pillar has also been temporarily sealed, and it will not change within ten years if there is no accident."

  This time.

  The surrender of Sandyin Village.

  The total surrender of the Land of Winds.

  Only the interests of the national level are divided.

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