They held their last breath.

  Barely maintaining the integrity of the soil flow wall.

  on the ground.

  It was full of compatriots and teammates who had been shaken to death.


  They were so numb that they didn't know how many sword qi slashes they saw, breaking through their barriers and slashing on these people's bodies.

  Feng Han's cutting attributes caused them to suffer a sudden pain.

  My heart seemed to be completely relieved.

  They even threw up blood clots with laughter before dying.

  at last.

  You can die yourself.

  You don't have to face that monster's perverted sword energy anymore...

  This is the end.

  After arriving from Hatake Kusuo.

  In addition to not knowing that he is still not entangled with Kai, the four elites of Iwahidden Village are Joinin.

  The entire Yanyin coalition is destroyed!

  And they.

  It is also a small half of the living force of the entire Yanyin Village.

  In addition to Ohnogi Black Earth Loess et al.

  This time I came to the land of ghosts.

  Basically all killed!

  And this time.

  Zi Yuan also happened to be late with an army of thousands of Terracotta Warriors.

  She exudes a holy witch chakra halo and purple-black surging chakra fluctuations.

  Wherever the Terracotta Warriors go along the way.

  Another great earthquake.

  The entire battlefield seems to have never stopped shaking from the very beginning of the battle. .

Chapter 136

  When Shion landed.

  As far as the eye can see, everything is full of corpses, and many ninjas in Yanyin Village died so terribly that they couldn't bear to look directly.

  Even if you see a lot of battlefield.

  But seeing this scene at once, Shion was still a little uncomfortable.

  Seeing Shion's little face a little nauseated, Hatake Kusuo walked over and squeezed her hand.

  "If it doesn't apply, don't read it, and just give it to me in the future."

  Unexpectedly, Shion shook his head firmly, and then looked at Hatake Kusuo seriously.

  "I have to work hard to adapt to the environment of the battlefield. As I said, I will help you in the future."

  Seeing the girl's pure and firm eyes, Hatake Kusuo's eyes softened and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  "Okay, I believe you!"

  the other side.

  Since there is no pressure from a large number of ninja coalition forces on Kai's side, they cooperate with a group of Konoha ninjas and their own strength.

  He has successfully captured four elites from the land of the land.

  When Kai came over from the eight-door Dunjia state, looking at the corpses on the ground, his eyes were almost dumbfounded.


  He opened seven kung fu.

  Everyone here is dead?

  This is too fast.

  Those wars in Konoha in the past were not counted in days and nights.

  Hatake Kusuo looked at Kai and said lightly:

  "I didn't notice some scattered Iwakushi when I shot, so they attacked some of our ninjas." 06

  Hear what Hatake Kusuo said.

  Kai directly gave a thumbs up.

  "How can you blame you for this? You are used to seeing life and death on the battlefield. They died fighting for the village, and they are Konoha's heroes."

  "Instead, it should be thanks to you, Nanxiong. Without you, we might have suffered far more losses than this."

  Of course he understood what he meant by Hatake Kusuo.

  It's really time to run out of water.

  This old tree of his will be turned into nourishment for the new leaves, opening the last dead door of the Eight Gates of Dunjia and implementing the will of fire.

  that time.

  Maybe the speed of solving these Yanyin coalition forces is faster than himself.

  Shake his head.

  Leave these messy thoughts behind.

  "Since it's settled here, we'll leave first."

  Say it.

  Hatake Kusuo hugged Shion's waist and walked away without looking back.



  Kai was a little confused.

  He has a straight personality and is not good at dealing with people.

  Especially Hatake Kusuo, although they were related, they were still unfamiliar.


  The Konoha ninjas behind him were completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

  Just in time.

  The boulder column in front of the hundred meters collapsed, and a large number of incomplete soil flow walls also shattered.

  More corpses appeared on the ground.

  "Baguazhang! Go back to heaven!"

  Neji used a technique of returning to heaven, and all the ruins were cleaned up at once.


  Blood, like a sea of ​​blood, poured out from the ground like a fountain.

  The gurgling flowed on the ground, dyeing the entire space underfoot red.

  in the air.

  It is a bloody smell that is extremely rich.


  "What kind of monster is it that can quickly solve all the coalition forces in Yanyin Village in just a few minutes!"

  "That's right! I can't imagine how terrifying Mr. Nanxiong's sword is!"

  "Alas! The battle was so loud at that time that I didn't dare to approach. If I had been braver at the time, I might have been the first person to witness Lord Nanxiong's heroic killing of the enemy!"

  The Konoha ninjas were dumbfounded, and their words were incoherent.

  one person.

  A sword.

  Destroyed the Yanyin army that even drove them to a corner a few minutes ago.

  The results of such a strong contrast between the front and the back are like a day and a place.

  all of these.

  Change just because of one person.

  "So, we're not on the same level at all, aren't we...?"

  Someone sighed and had helplessly dropped their weapons, and their eyes became demented.

  Kai looked at the mental state of his subordinates and wanted to shout to refresh himself.

  Then suddenly found out.

  Even himself seemed to be convinced by the ferocious and violent power of Hatake Kusuo.

  There is no nutritious and encouraging language to speak at all.

  Looking back at Tiantian Ningci Xiaoli, he was also downcast, and his mood was very low.

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