As if, as it should be!

  Hatake Kusuo, by himself, was able to turn around a defeated battle!

  Such is the power of his prestige!

  Even more shocking than the original yellow flash.

  "It's over!"

  "The man is here!"

  "He's not human! He's clearly a god of death!"

  "I felt a strong murderous aura in him, my feet... my feet are not obeying orders!"

  Rock hidden here.

  There was panic.

  Onogi ordered not to disclose the news to the villagers, but the news was still irreversibly passed down among the ninja levels.


  They all know that half of their dead companions are all thanks to someone!

  Hatake Kusuo.

  In their hearts, it has become the word of death.

  As long as he appears, there will inevitably be a bloody storm.


  "Brothers, don't be afraid, he is only one person, we have thousands of troops, is it possible that he will be afraid of a mere boy?"

  Not everyone was completely intimidated by Hatake Kusuo's fierce name and aura.

  One of them bravely stood up and cheered on all the Iwagakushi ninjas behind him.

  under his words.

  Everyone seemed to react.


  We have thousands of people!

  There are even a steady stream of reinforcements coming. He is only one person. No matter how strong he is, where can he be?

  Is it possible to kill us all?

  With this thought in mind, a fierce light flashed on their faces again.

  There was a flash of green cruelty in his eyes.

  "Tu Dun! There is no dungeon hall!"


  A huge mud prison rose from the ground and locked Kusuo Hatake's body inside.

  have to say.

  The biggest advantage of Yanyin Village is the large number of people.

  They are also very good at taking advantage of this, with the power of jutsu.

  This dungeon, which could only hold one person, was actually several hundred square meters in size.

  The thickness and height are even more incomparable.

  As such.

  Hatake Kusuo was sealed inside, without light or air.

  Sooner or later you will be suffocated!

  "Sealing Class! Quick!"

  Seeing this, Iwagakushi didn't leave his hands on the ground, but turned his head and yelled at the teammates behind him...


  A pair of special ninjas rushed out of the crowd.

  They were holding the scroll, and it was the seal class.

  As long as he can successfully perform the sealing ninjutsu, then Hatake Kusuo will be completely blocked.

  Become the fish on the sticky board and be slaughtered!


  Just as their expressions progressed and they were excited to cast spells.

  A clear voice came.

  "It's too brittle."


  The blade trembled slightly, humming.


  A blazing azure light pierced the sky and cut open the entire sky!


  The figure in red burst into the air.

  The huge dungeon that had controlled him was cut open in an instant.


  Hatake Kusuo is another sword at his fingertips.

  The crimson sword energy slammed into the oval prison that was upside down on the ground, and the dungeon was instantly turned into debris and disintegrated.



  "How can there be such an exaggerated sword energy?"

  The ninja of Iwahideen Village was dumbfounded.

  It has always been just a shadow-level slash that has been repeatedly mentioned in rumors and battle reports.


  It was finally staged in front of them!

  The sword energy that pierced through the sky, if it slashed on them.


  Just imagining it makes me shudder!


   Hatake Kusuo slashed down, and the sword body turned golden, with lightning arcs wrapped around it.

  Half a battlefield with him as the center.

  When the thunder came into the world, it was stepped out of the spider web-like crack and spread all the way to the foot of the Yanyin camp.

  The earth shook.

  Almost all of them were almost unsteady.

  A sword.

  Almost smashed the mountain!

  Even the aftermath can make your feet tingle.

  "Lord Nanxiong's it so powerful?"

  "He seems to be more powerful than Hokage-sama, right?"

  "Guru... Tsunade-sama has long said that Nanxiong-sama is stronger than her, but this level is too exaggerated!?"

  "Fortunately, he is from our Konoha side. If it is an enemy, I don't know if I still have the courage to hold a weapon. It's too numb!"

  More than just rock hidden.

  This sword.

  Konoha's people were also shocked! .

Chapter 141

  Hatake Nanxiong rushed to the scene and attacked strongly, slashing through the dungeon that was jointly released by a hundred ninjas with one sword.


  A sword flattened the mountains.

  The whole process took less than a few minutes.

  The morale of Yanyin Village has been completely destroyed now, and many ninjas are downcast watching this scene.

  On the other hand, Konoha's fighting spirit was high and he was full of blood.

  Sweeping away the slump that had been crushed before, instead they gritted their teeth and stared at the opposite side with fire-breathing eyes.

  To know.

  Just now, Yanyin Village killed a large number of his teammates.

  The anger and tragic death of the companion who got along with each other day and night was aroused at the same time at this moment.


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