Wait until everything calms down and the smoke clears.

  An abyss-like tiankeng appeared on the spot, with a deep and terrifying darkness.

  Standing on the ground and looking down will feel the soul being absorbed.

  Iwakide stared at the middle of the battlefield in disbelief.



  The giant pit in the middle is like the arm of the gods and demons, drawing such earth-shattering traces on the ground with supreme might.

  and so.

  Is the dust of Lord Tuying weak?

  The weak will be invincible until today?

  Weakness will cause this kind of abyss-like tiankeng in front of you?

  Not weak!

  But that's exactly what it says.

  Hatake Kusuo's sword is stronger!

  Strong enough to control you, I am proud and confident that I will cut it with one sword.


  They looked at the red-clothed figure standing quietly across from Hatake Kusuo, and for no apparent reason raised this idea.

  Why would this monster be his own enemy!

  Iwanin's heart was full of bitterness.


  There are always geniuses.

  From the former Uchiha Itachi and Shisui, Konoha White Fang and Yellow Flash, Kakashi to today's Hatake Kusuo.

  One is more perverted than the other.

  The person in front of him, just a pervert can't describe his strength.

  Chen Dun, like an eraser, wiped away half the power of the earth, and actually disintegrated under his sword.

  No matter how you think about it, it's amazing.

  Onogi's eyes flickered.

  this moment.

  He was finally sure.

  The sword qi possessed by that kid in Konoha on the opposite side is definitely at the level of blood following elimination!


  It is impossible to offset or even devour his Dust Escape Light Body!

  The only ones who can crack the blood-based elimination are the existences that are also the blood-based elimination.

  Even the strongest pupil technique of the Uchiha clan, Susanoo, can only be turned into ashes by his dust.


  Hatake Kusuo didn't know what Onogi was thinking.


  He will say what is the blood following elimination.

  His sword aura clearly does not have the slightest chakra fluctuation, how could it be related to ninjutsu! ?

  Looking at the entire ninja world, except for the six-level Qiudao jade, he still doesn't know if he can smash it with one sword.

  Nothing else is the enemy of his unity!

  Only the blood snares above the six realms, who control the power of wind, fire, water, earth and thunder and the fusion of attributes in the yin and yang escape technique, can arouse his interest in Hatake Nanxiong.


  Tsunade, who kept running on the rock, did everything he could to come, regardless of the beating in front of him.

  When she saw the light flashing again in the sky, the familiar Thunder Dragon made her eyes light up.

  This is the sword spirit of the brat!

  At first.

  When we first met, this stinky brat used this kind of sword energy to give her to...  

  The brat is fine!


  From the fluctuations in the sky, you can feel that Hatake Kusuo actually has the upper hand!

  Such a surprise discovery made Tsunade's face smile.

  "This brat never disappoints in terms of surprises."

  The distance to see the fluctuation of the battle is not far away.

  Tsunade picked up speed again.

  at last.

  She arrived at the scene.

  "Princess Tsunade!"

  "Hokage-sama! It's Hokage-sama who felt it!"



  "That's Hokage-sama! What happened to you?"

  "Isn't there any information that Naruto-sama is coming here? I was surprised, do you have any qualities of a Konoha ninja? What a shame!"

  A group of Konoha ninja looked at the few teammates who were excited when they saw Tsunade coming.


  Those few also stood there suddenly.


  Lord Nanxiong has already stood on the battlefield.

  What are we waiting for, Hokage-sama?

  Nanxiong-sama is so powerful, can't it be enough for Hokage-sama to stand behind and cheer with us! ?

  thought here.

  They paused, and immediately turned their attention away from Tsunade who had just arrived, and stared nervously again at the front of Hatake Kusuo, who was wearing a red shirt and blocking the entire army.

  Onogi did not give up.

  A will of earth burned in his heart.

  Far from shaking the faith.

  Still as simple and unpretentious as a stone.

  It doesn't seem to have any brilliance, but it is the hardest and most tenacious existence.


  "Dust escape! The technique of boundary stripping!"

  It was another ultra-large-scale dust escaping light body attack, and this time the range was more than doubled compared to the previous one.

  The rock hidden below.

  Seeing that his Tuying-sama is so powerful and still retains his strength, he has regained his courage in his heart.

  His eyes believed in his own Tuying-sama.

  Looking at the battlefield.

  This level of combat.

  They have no choice but to do it.

  Looking at Konoha's side, isn't it good to be honestly shocked by the onlookers?

  ... ...

  With Onogi's move, the war broke out again.

  The sword energy in the sky is against the dust escape of Oh Yemu.

  Unlike the previous few times, Hatake Kusuo didn't use only one sword this time.

  Instead, the arm is waving at a high speed, and thousands of sword qi are frequently swept out.

  Without the markings turned on, it is impossible to slash out thousands of breathing sword skills, but the slashes that are comparable to the shadow level are still fatally swung.

  I don't know if it's an illusion.




  The whole world was shaking, shaking, and buzzing.

  When the eardrum is enveloped by an extremely loud and shocking sound, the attention is only on the objects that people can see, and it leaves a subtle impression.


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