This statement came out.

  Obito's face suddenly froze for a second.


  Still that iconic laugh.

  With a kind of aloofness in the game world, Jue's body slowly merged into the interior of the wall again.

  "I have arranged for someone to properly handle your clone, and you can come and pick it up at any time."

  This is the last sentence after leaving.

  In the dark and gloomy laboratory, Obito was left alone again.

  "Nagato, as a chess piece, you must have the consciousness of the chess piece. You think you are doing moves and want to escape from my control. I don't know, all of this is only in my plan."


  "No one can escape my control!"

  Under Obito's hysterical frantic expression, he didn't notice a momentary flash of closed eyes on Itachi's body lying quietly on the hospital bed.

  at the same time.

  According to the instructions on the scroll, Hatake Kusuo had already felt the battlefield in the Land of Rain.

  Go forward again.

  It's just a sea.

  The last location shown by Jiraiya's psychic toad was here, but he couldn't find it no matter how much he looked for it.

  "Shouldn't it be late?"

  There was a cloud of sadness between Hatake Kusuo's eyebrows.

  He didn't want Jiraiya to die so casually. After all, Jiraiya also needed to provide himself with information on Payne's location.

  Otherwise, it would be too difficult to find a person within a country.

  Hatake Kusuo's entire strength lies in his swordsmanship.

  In terms of tracking and exploration, it's just average, and it's limited to the level of the ninja school.

  And Jiraiya, an old oilie who has been in the ninja world for decades.

  some aspects.

  Still no comparison.

  "Uncle! I'm going to call someone when you are like this!"


  From the coast came the screams of girls.

  "Hey, hey! Don't call people, don't call people! I can't do it if I don't touch it?"

  Then came the hearty and vicissitudes of voice line, with helplessness and panic.

  Hatake Kusuo smiled.

  The psychic toad did not lead the wrong way, the destination on the map is here.

  That unique voice just now, no one except Jiraiya's LSP!


  He kicked up his feet.

  The whole person exploded forward like a cannonball.

  On the coast, a young girl dressed in a fishing suit, with clean calves and feet, was pushing an uncle with long white hair in disgust.


  A loud bang.

  Hatake Kusuo had already landed in front of them, with a smile of Noh Yu on his face 0  …

  "Teacher Jiraiya, I didn't expect to be seriously injured, so dishonest?"

  That's right.

  Uncle with white hair.

  It was Immortal Toad Jiraiya, one of the three dignified endures. There was also a black stick on his chest. It was a penetrating wound, and blood was gurgling from it.

  After seeing Hatake Kusuo landing, Jiraiya blushed and withdrew his dishonest hand.

  Move away from the calf of the fisherman's daughter.

  "Cough cough."

  "Why are you the only one?"

  Jiraiya immediately looked around and found that there was no one except Hatake Kusuo.

  "Where's Xiaogang? Where are the other people in the village?"

  Hatake Kusuo looked at Jiraiya indifferently, took out a scroll containing the wound medicine from his arms and handed it to him.

  "Don't look, I'm the only one, Hokage and the others are estimated to be here in a few days."

  As he spoke, he prepared to take out the trauma medicine and apply it to Jiraiya.

  did not expect.

  The fisherman's daughter, who was still disgusted just now, suddenly blushed, and cautiously took the powder from Hatake Kusuo's hand, and said in a low voice:

  "Let me do it."

  This little daughter's gesture fell into Jiraiya's eyes, and he was immediately heartbroken.

  Zi Lai also cried in his heart.

  They are both men, why does this stinky boy Nanxiong have such good luck wherever he goes?

  Xiaogang also let him hug.

  Today, I finally met a beautiful seaside fisherwoman, and he was also hooked!

  Hatake Kusuo didn't feel anything about it.

  After handing the medicine bottle to the fisherwoman, she began to sense Jiraiya's injury.

  Under the transparent world, he can see that Jiraiya's injury is very serious now, and his internal organs and muscle tissue have been damaged to a certain extent.

  It seems that the body was slapped by an external force, and the huge impact caused damage to the inside of the body.

  "Is it caused by a giant psychic beast?"

  Hatake Kusuo asked.

  Zilai was also stunned to hear the words.

  I was shocked how this kid knew.

  After thinking about it, it might be that Xiao Gang informed him of the information he sent, and he was relieved at the moment, so he nodded.

  A giant psychic beast...

  Hatake Kusuo is in trouble now.

  His swordsmanship is not afraid of anything, and a giant psychic like Ten Thousand Snakes is a symbol of power in the eyes of ordinary ninjas.

  But for him.

  It's nothing more than a sword.

  The only trouble is.

  That hell three-headed dog can't be beaten to death, the more he kills, the more he kills.

  The faster you cut yourself.

  The faster the number of Cerberus Three-Headed Dogs splits, the more troublesome it will be in the end.

  I thought so in my heart.

  The fisher girl has officially invited them to be guests at home, so as to temporarily heal Jiraiya's injuries. .

Chapter 156

  The fisherwoman's home is a simple thatched cottage by the sea.

  After helping to lift Jiraiya to the bed, the fisherwoman carefully smeared the medicinal powder in his hand on his wound. .

  During the process, Hatake Kusuo paid attention not to let her touch the black chakra stick.

  this thing.

  Chakra connected to Nagato.

  Let the latter be able to track its location at any time.

  But Jiraiya was able to escape, and there was no accident for so long, which shows that this Chakra gang also has a distance limit.

  "Okay, leave the rest to me."

  Hatake Nanxiong stretched out his hand to stop the little fisherwoman's movements. The moment her skin touched, the fisherwoman trembled in fright, and then withdrew with a pretty face flushed.

  These two are powerful ninja adults.

  The ninjutsu that took out the potion from the scroll at the seaside calmed her down.

  and also.

  This boy looks so good...  

  After the fisher girl completely withdrew, Hatake Kusuo looked serious, staring at Jiraiya's body, like a sharp sword trying to penetrate the texture to the inside.


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