
  Stretch back, lengthen.

  Hold tight to the steel building behind you and don't let yourself be sucked away.

  "Nanxiong, grab my hand!"

  In mid-air being dragged by two forces, Jiraiya shouted at Kusuo Hatake.

  "No need, Teacher Jiraiya, only one sword is enough for a move of this level."

  Hatake Kusuo shook his head.

  Refused Jiraiya's help.


  He looked at the other side Payne with a faint mockery.

  The Shinra Tianzheng just now has slightly disappointed Hatake Kusuo, proving that he is not the enemy of his own sword, so what if it is the opposite power of Vientiane Tianyin?

  Hatake Kusuo chuckled lightly.

  Not only did he not pull back, he wanted to fight against this gravitational force, but instead his body burst.

  The whole person is like a cannonball.

  Shoot directly at Tiandao Yahiko's body!

  Since you want to pull me over, I will weigh your heart!

  With the support of Kai's physical ability to open eight doors, six doors and seven doors, Hatake Kusuo's speed broke through the sound barrier!

  With a screeching sonic boom.

  A sword has been drawn towards Payne Tiandao's neck!

  "not good!?"

  Nagato was shocked.

  Unexpectedly, the opponent would not retreat but advance, and took the initiative to approach him and swung this earth-shattering sword.

  "Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

  He immediately blessed the supply of Chakra.


  In the animal realm and the hungry ghost realm, two Payne's bodies fell limply.

  The chakras of these two bodies poured into Tiandao's body instantly, and Xiao Nanliu's eyebrows were tightly locked.


  The sonic boom was deflected by the huge repulsion, and a deafening shriek erupted.


  Hatake Kusuo's figure collapsed.

  The strengthened Shen Luo Tianzheng was forced to retreat.

  It wasn't until he reached the steel building hundreds of meters away that his body was worthy of a stop.


  Taking a long breath, Hatake Kusuo's eyes narrowed slightly.

  Looking at Payne Tiandao's eyes with seriousness.


  That is, there is half a blood mark on Yahiko's neck.

  Just now, he almost smashed Tian Dao's body with one knife.

  Because of the corpse.

  Payne Tiandao's neck was restored to its original shape with the help of the huge chakra, and no blood was ejected.

  Calm down.

  Jiraiya also fell from the precariousness in midair, with an unstoppable expression on his face.

  What just happened?

  Too fast, too thrilling!

  He was played by these two astonishing forces like a mere mortal under heaven, and it was difficult to find a way to deal with it if he was caught off guard.

  Take another look.

  Hatake Kusuo who is standing on the building behind.


  That kid's clothes are not messed up? .

Chapter 162

  Hatake Nanxiong's indifferent temperament and calm eyes also fell into the eyes of Xiao Nan and Tian Dao.

  This look.

  hurt them deeply.

  "Xiao Nan, block this place and notify the nearby villagers to evacuate."

  The way of heaven made by Yahiko said.

  Xiao Nan's complexion changed, Hua Rong paled.

  "No! Nagato, calm down, they are just two people, we have a lot of time and opportunity to repel them, you don't need to do this!"

  this moment.

  Xiao Nan's tone was urgent and panic, and the cold expression no longer existed, just like a lost little girl.

  Nagato's words.

  Why can't she hear it?

  It is clear that he wants to go all out and use that trick.

  The performance of the two also fell in the eyes of Hatake Kusuo and Jiraiya.

  Zilai was also confused.

  Not sure what happened.

  In his opinion, Hatake Kusuo is so powerful and brought him so many surprises. It stands to reason that the enemy should choose to retreat is the correct choice.


  Judging from the current performance, the opponent seems to have a backhand.

  Realize this.

  Thinking that the eye of reincarnation is the eye of the six-path immortal.

  God knows, how many strange abilities and means are there?

  Jiraiya also secretly guarded, and was ready to enter the immortal mode with a seal at any time.

  He did not remind Hatake Kusuo aloud.

  Not for anything else.

  Purely from the front, every fussing reminder from Jiraiya was easily resolved by Hatake Kusuo.

  this face.

  It hurts to hit.

  What a little monster!

  Zilai was also quite impressed.

  If this slap in the face goes on like this, his old face will be completely invisible to anyone.

  It's better to keep silent.


  "Are you going to use that trick?"

  Eyes froze.

  Hatake Kusuo's face also became solemn.

  It must be a big deal that Xiaonan can argue with Tiandao so anxiously.

  And Konan, who transformed Nagato and Yahiko's will into his own, is undoubtedly most worried about Nagato's body.

  It seems.

  The answer is about to come out.

  Nagato intends to concentrate all the chakras on Tiandao's body and use the terrible ninjutsu that destroyed the entire Konoha in the original book.

  overtake!Shen Luo Tianzheng!

  A more powerful move than Shen Luo Tianzheng.

  One hit.

  Not to mention the human body.

  Whether or not the building underfoot still exists is another matter.

  Hatake Kusuo thinks that he is strong and is not afraid of Nagato.

  Just come and go.....

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