Jiraiya's forehead was confused.

  In his estimation, Hatake Kusuo's combat power has surpassed the level of ordinary shadows.

  It does not require the blessing of the power of the fairy.


  The absorption and extraction of immortal chakra is not as easy as people think. If ordinary people do not have a year and a half of penance, the final result will not even be able to enter.

  "Why do you suddenly have this idea?"

  Zilai also questioned.

  Hatake Kusuo shook his head as always.

  He has never been able to explain things, and he has no such habit.

  Zilai also nodded.

  Also understand the person of Hatake Kusuo.

  Zilai didn't ask any further questions. Then, he took out a scroll from his arms and said, "This is not the place to talk, let's talk in another place."

  The two galloped all the way from the corner of Konoha to an unvisited suburb.

  After looking at the open space around him, Ji Lai also laid the scroll on the ground.

  "This is the contract I signed with Miaomushan, and now I will take you in."


  A tinge of dark red appeared on Jiraiya's fingers. He bit the fingertips and wiped it on the scroll, making marks on his hands.

  "The art of psychic!"


  After a huge white smoke.

  The two disappeared from the reality plane and disappeared in place.

  Opening his eyes again, Hatake Kusuo found that the surrounding scenery had completely changed.

  "This is Miaomu Mountain, one of the three immortal lands," Zilai also explained.

  Hatake Kusuo looked at his surroundings.


  The energy is very abundant, and the intensity is far beyond the ordinary realm of the ninja world, and a large amount of abundant essence can be absorbed in the breath.

  This kind of place is very suitable for oneself with breathing method.

  Hatake Kusuo's breathing method has been systematically supported, and it has been able to extract the airflow from each breath to the maximum extent, from oxygen to chakra, all converted into pure energy in an instant.

  Fight here.

  Hatake Kusuo is almost invincible.

  "Little Jiraiya, why do you have time to visit our two old folks today, eh? There's a kid next to me."

  Two old little toads jumped over.

  Impressively immortals Fukasaku and Shima.

  "It turned out to be two immortals. Let me introduce them. This is my disciple, Hatake Nanxiong."

  Jirai also saw Fukasaku and Shima who had not seen each other for many years, with a flash of joy on their faces, and pulled Kusuo Hatake over to introduce them.


  Hatake Kusuo nods his head as a gesture of nodding.


  at this time.

  It was only when the two old toads discovered that this young man's energy was so strong!

  stand before them.

  The exuberant vitality of life is like the splendid sun, so dazzling can't be looked directly at!

  "Little Jiraiya, the body of this kid you brought is very unusual."

  Fukasaku shook his gray eyebrows, and he stared deeply at Hatake Kusuo.


  "Of course!"

  Jiraiya also akimbo proud.

  "He is the guy most likely to become the son of prophecy in the mouth of Immortal Toad. How can he be ordinary? There are not many disciples in the whole ninja world!"

  Son of Prophecy! ?

  Fukasaku and Shima looked at each other, their eyes solemn, and they automatically ignored Jiraiya's boasting in the second half of the sentence.

  "Little Jiraiya, we heard right, you said that this kid is the son of prophecy in the mouth of the toad fairy?"

  "Eight and nine are inseparable from ten." Zilai also nodded heavily.

  Hatake Kusuo: "..."

  I do not know how?

  I just let Zilai lead the way.

  Try the cultivation method of immortality and find reserves for the supply of chakra in the future.

  this thing.

  Isn't it a title that Er Lengzi Naruto has?

  "By the way, speaking, I may bring another person in after a while. Although he is stupid, he has good aptitude and temperament."

  At this time.

  Jiraiya had a row of heads, thinking of Naruto as a fool.

  "It's up to you, as long as it's someone you recommend by Xiao Zilai, we welcome you in Miaomu Mountain."

  "Let's go, the big toad immortal must miss you too, let him meet the son of prophecy by the way."

  Fukasaku and Shima jumped again, and Guwa quack quack Guwa quack jumped forward to lead the way.


  His eyes also glowed.

  Jiraiya is very excited when the mystery that has plagued him for decades is finally about to be solved.

  "Let's go! Nanxiong, let the big toad immortal meet you, I tell you, the big toad immortal has lived for thousands of years, or even longer, and his strength is unfathomable, but he is amazing!"

  Hatake Kusuo's forehead is now full of straight lines.

  "Hey, why do you just put a big hat on others, when did I become the son of prophecy? Why haven't I heard of it?"

  Zi Lai also grinned, revealing his big white teeth.

  "Haha, I haven't mentioned this thing for many years. Naturally, I forgot about it. To tell you the truth, since the first time I saw you, I had an urge to accept you as an apprentice."

  "Your strength and record are so outstanding, it must be that the son of prophecy in the mouth of the Great Toad Immortal has not escaped."

  Seeing Jiraiya's excited appearance, Hatake Kusuo was speechless for a while.


  This kind of thought has been lurking in Jiraiya's heart for several years, and it has not arisen overnight.

  Good guy.

  He was clearly an outsider, but by accident, he let Jirai also turn his attention to himself.

  Thus ignoring the Naruto.

  "That's too much, you are really miserable."

  Heart ridiculed.

  The two followed Shima and Fukasaku to the Holy Land of Mt. Miaogi.

  in a huge cave.

  The periphery is full of towering mushrooms, and it is hard to imagine what hormones are used to have this growth effect.

  From time to time, a toad the size of a small-tailed beast jumped past in the sky, shaking like a landslide.


  There are already a lot of toads jumping to join in the fun.

  Not for anything else.

  The news that Jiraiya found the Son of Prophecy has spread secretly, just in this minute.

  Therefore, they all came and crowded together, looking at Hatake Kusuo's body with radiance.

  Hatake Kusuo let them watch, calmly walked into the huge cave.

  Inside the cave is unique.

  Many intricately decorated patterns and ancient lamps show the ancient years here.

  The big toad fairy.

  But the legend and Liudao Yuyi swore to the existence of brothers.

  The gift of a toad baby brought Hamura back to life, and his combat power soared to the sixth level.

  Thus evolved the first pair of Tensei Eyes.

  while walking.

  Two eyes shot like huge lanterns, vicissitudes and wisdom.

  As if seeing through the vanity of everything, it first fell on Jiraiya's head, then swept across and gathered in Hatake Kusuo's body.

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