"Well! I'm going to become a thunderous girl in the future!"

  Fireworks nodded earnestly.

  Looking at her palm-sized face, her big pure white eyes did not contain a trace of magazines, as expected, she was the thunderbolt girl in her impression.

  "Okay, I promise you everything you decide, then the uniform will be delivered to you later."

  The four of them warmed up for a while, then talked about their insights on breathing techniques, and then returned to the village together.

  But this time, they did not return to Hatake Kusuo's home, but the Hinata clan's clan.

  Count it up.

  Hinata and Hana have not lived at home for four or five years.

  The lintel of Hyuga is still so towering, so simple and outdated.

  In the past, Hatake Kusuo only saw decay and decay, but now——

  He wants to make it the No. [-] family in the entire ninja world!

  "Uncle is back! Miss is back too!"

  As soon as they entered the door, the guard saw their arrival. After a short period of shock, his face was full of ecstasy, and he threw his feet and flew into the clan, shouting loudly.


  The entire Hyuga clan began to become lively.

  Surrounded by a group of white eyes, a majestic middle-aged man walked out in the middle.

  Hyuga Hizu looked at the faces of her two daughters, and many expressions of longing, relief, and reluctance flashed in her eyes.

  A thousand words finally came together into one sentence.

  "It's good to be back."

  After speaking, he turned his head and walked into the hall.

  Hatake Kusuo followed Hinata and Hana. Shion looked at the surrounding guards curiously. She found that these Hinata clansmen seemed to be extra high-pitched, very unusual!

  Between the spit and the breath, there is a familiar fluctuation.

  This fluctuation comes from the fluctuation of breathing method! .

Chapter 194

  "Nan Xiong-kun, have they all learned breathing techniques?"

  Shion quietly grabbed the corner of Hatake Kusuo's clothes and asked.


  Hatake Kusuo nodded, this was something he had promised the Hinata clan before.

  Since Hyuga Sunzu can boldly entrust his daughter to him, he will naturally reciprocate.

  The most important thing is that the children of the Hyuga clan are still of great use to him.

  Whether it is the future personnel replenishment of the ghost killing team, or the genetic research on the level of life, the members of the Hinata family will play an irreplaceable role.

  "I didn't expect that in just a few years, you've all grown up."

  Hyuga Hizu was in the hall, looking at Hinata who had matured quite a bit, and Hana Hana who looked like a little adult~, he couldn't help sighing.


  Hua Huo shouted coquettishly, and Hyuga Hizu laughed when she heard it.

  "Who is this?"

  Since Shion came to Hatake Kusuo's house, she has been going deep into the house, and only occasionally went out to go shopping with Hinata. In the past few years, Hyuga has not had any impression at all.

  Hatake Nanxiong didn't have the slightest sense of guilt when he was outside looking for Xiaosan to be caught, and his face was calm.

  "This is a witch from the original country of ghosts. After the village helped solve the cholera of the sphinx, she has been living in seclusion in Konoha. Now she is living with us."

  He explained briefly.


  Hyuga Sunzu responded meaningfully, and his heart froze.

  He always felt as if something was wrong.

  However, due to the illustrious reputation of Hatake Nanxiong over the years, not to mention a mere Hinata, even the entire Konoha may not be the opponent of this young man, so it is extremely wise not to choose to ask more.

  There were several greetings and reminiscences, and the two sides officially opened the chat box.

  Hatake Kusuo also stated the purpose of his trip.

  "Actually, the purpose of our visit this time is mainly to select some children from the clan who play games, and to test the results of the breathing method. In addition, it is about the future direction of the Hyuga clan."

  His words got straight to the point and didn't go around in any circles.

  Hyuga Hizu immediately sat upright, and he straightened up, ready to listen to the legendary boy's speech.

  So Hatake Kusuo then stated his purpose.

  "The patriarch must know a lot of secrets about the ancient times of the ninja world, and also know a lot of secrets about the Tongju family."

  Hyuga Hizu nodded, without denying it.

  "Then," Hatake Kusuo's tone changed suddenly, "Do you know the origin of Hinata's "Bird in a Cage"?"

  Caged bird! ?

  Hyuga Hizu was surprised.

  He didn't understand the meaning of Hatake Kusuo's words, the caged bird was the most profound and characteristic forbidden technique of the Hyuga clan.

  On the one hand, it can strengthen the clan's control over the separation, on the other hand, it can effectively avoid the outflow of white eyes, which greatly protects the safety of the Hyuga clan.

  Up to now, the only person who has been wandering outside is the one from Wuyin Village.

  "Of course the old man knows," said Hyuga Hizu solemnly.

  His curiosity has been completely swayed by Hatake Kusuo, and emotions such as anxiety, anticipation, and hesitation flashed one by one.

  His eyes began to stare at him tightly.

  The next moment, Hatake Kusuo's words made him feel frightened.

  "Then, does the patriarch know what kind of chakra he is to control the caged bird of this forbidden technique level? In other words, with the ability of the Hinata clan, there is a way to decide life and death and control hundreds of thousands of years. Is it the fate of the Hyuga branch of the family?"

  Hatake Kusuo's understated rhetorical question shocked everyone present.

  Hinata looked at her father at a loss, and then at Hatake Kusuo, her heart was chaotic. As the former heir of the clan, she knew too well the lethal power of these words on her father.

  Hua Huo was also a little confused, what happened?Why did the atmosphere suddenly become solemn?

  At the age of [-], she is relatively simple. She only has a strong competitive spirit and a deep love for her sister and her husband. Others, she doesn't know much.

  Not to mention Hinata and Hana, even Shion clearly noticed the ups and downs of everyone's emotions.

  As a witch in the land of ghosts, who has suppressed evil creatures like sprites for generations, Shion is the most sensitive to emotions.

  She could clearly perceive that Hatake Kusuo's mood had not changed, but the serious old man opposite seemed very restless.

  "It's so weird~!"

  Playful, she stuck out her tongue secretly, and didn't like this kind of atmosphere.

  "Appreciate further details."

  a long time.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

  Hinata bowed deeply, his entire waist bent ninety degrees, and begged heavily to Hatake Kusuo.

  His performance shocked Hinata and the Hana sisters even more.

  "You don't have to be so solemn, since I'm here today, I naturally want to tell you everything," Hatake Kusuo said with a faint smile.

  "Actually, I said a few years ago that the Hyuga clan has the most precious treasure in the world, which is comparable to the treasure of Samsara Eye."

  With that said, he gently instructed Shion next to him, "Contact Hinata's seal."


  Sunshine was confused.

  Shion nodded obediently, and then surging holy chakras appeared all over his body, and the number was large enough to make the whole room tremble.

........ 0 0

  Hyuga Hizu was shocked, what level of chakra is this?Even the predecessors of the Nine-Tails, Zhuri-sama, are just like that, right?

  He only saw the style of his first-generation wife when he was a child, and he will never forget it after experiencing it once.

  did not expect.

  Today he saw this level of chakra eruption again.

  The houses trembled, blazing bright white light, which was obviously day, but took away the brilliance of the sun outside.

  "What happened?"

  "What happened to the patriarch? Why are there such amazing chakra fluctuations?"

  The Hyuga clansmen who were guarding outside and eating melons were shocked and looked at the location of the Hyuga Hall in shock.

  "Could it be that Lord Nanxiong broke through again?"

  "Why does the breakthrough have to be carried out in the inner room? I don't see it right. Lord Nanxiong is clearly a swordsman who uses swords. This chakra aura is very warm and pure, without the sharp and cold sword intent."

  There are experienced elite ninjas carefully analyzing the situation inside.

  The other clansmen thought it was reasonable and nodded in agreement.

  But the horror in his eyes remained undiminished.

  This chakra is definitely not something that the patriarch can have, nor does it look like Mr. Nanxiong.

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