
  The two fell silent together.

  "Well, our strength is not enough to fight against him, and Samsara Eye has a chance to retake it again. Now we are dormant and recruiting people."

  Nagato laughed at himself, but he, who claimed to be a god, ended up like this.

  Little Lan shook her head unexpectedly.

  "I'm afraid I won't have this opportunity. Obito has already launched a tailed beast capture plan in advance, and the three tails, five tails, and six tails all fall into his hands."

  "Before Obito broke into Konoha, it was precisely to press the news of Ya'ao and Jiu'ao."


  "Is he crazy for doing this?"

  Nagato's face was full of incredulity. He claimed to be a god. He knew very well in his heart that all his strengths depended entirely on those eyes of reincarnation.

  With the eye of reincarnation, he is a god, he can judge the world, and he can create weapons that are enough to shock the entire human world.

  The tailed beast capture plan must also have the help of the eye of reincarnation in order to safely and smoothly merge into the ten-tailed outsider golem.

  "Obito has no reincarnation eye, why would he dare to do this? How did he arrange those numbers?" Nagato eagerly wanted to know what happened when he was in a coma.

  Xiao Nan shook his head.

  "I don't know the specifics. Now he and Jue two people are defending me like a thief, and the paper clone can't get within [-] meters of them."

  "I can't wait for the expected things!"

  With a long sigh.

  With the help of Xiao Nan, Nagato walked outside the house.

  Without the support of the pupil power of the Samsara Eye, the effect of the rain transformation technique is not as good as before.

  Rarely did the sun appear today.

  The temperature was still wet and cold, but the sunlight on the back of the hand could vaguely feel a little warmth.

  Nagato muttered to himself: Sunshine, Sun, Hope, Yahiko...

  The Land of Wind, Shayin Village.

  "What do you think Konoha and the others have in mind? Why did you arrange the location of the Chunin exam in our village?"

  Kankuro and Temari directed the ninjas below to do their work, taking time to chat secretly.

  Temari has grown a lot over the years, and it is slim, and Xiaohe has exposed sharp corners, which is quite a taste.

  "How can I guess this? Nine times out of ten, it was that kid's idea."

  Kankuro pouted and shivered.

  Seems like an unmentionable name.

  Hatake Kusuo is the nightmare of the entire Wind Country.

  He hangs over everyone's heart.

  For Konoha, he slaughtered the entire village by himself. This feat is a hero to Konoha and a devil to them!

  "I can't control that much anymore. The future of the village is in your hands and me, and Gaara is still in their hands. As long as I can get me back while Shouhe goes smoothly, grievances and grievances are nothing."

  Temari knows the truth about the times.

  She understands that at this time, she cannot fight recklessly with Konoha Village.

  "All right......"

  The selection site for the Chunin Exam is arranged in the new Kawokage Building.

  This is a mushroom-shaped mound structure with a unique cave inside.

  The whole has been applied with a secret technique, which is solid and unbreakable.

  The exam is also divided into three steps.

  The first written test.

  The second round is a ninjutsu test.

  The third game, the actual combat test.

  These three competitions were also opinions given by Hatake Kusuo later.

  The written test is naturally able to see whether a ninja's basic knowledge is solid or not.

  It determines whether the ninja can become the pillar of a village in the future.

  That guy Naruto, Sora has brute force, if it wasn't for his mouth, he wouldn't know how he died.

  The ninjutsu test is to see how talented a person is.

  Whether a person has talent, let him play a few ninjutsu and see it.

  As for the third practical test, you don't need to say anything to understand it. .

Chapter 207

  Gravel, barren rocks, weeds and cacti.

  The dreary climate makes it monotonous and boring.

  The occasional passing migratory bird can cause a riot.

  A group of masked people, with swords on their waists, walked silently on the road.

  There are also carts of supplies in the back, all covered with butter cloth, bulging and uneven.

  The headed man is tall and has a long scar on his face, which is very personal.

  "Lord Ibizi, according to the map, crossing the Gobi Desert is the destination, and it will take half a day to reach the stronghold of the adults."


  Senai Ibizi responded silently, and the people behind him were none other than ninjas who were good at using swords, and they were given breathing techniques according to the change of chakra attributes.

  They are the ghost killing team secretly created by Hatake Kusuo!

  There is only one purpose for their existence, that is, Hatake Kusuo does some dirty and private affairs, among which collecting the source of Chakra is the most important.

  No one knows that Hatake Nanxiong wants to attack the blood and the net, and there is too little information about Mori Nai than Xi, and he can't guess at all.

  Everyone obeyed silently, and they would do whatever the adults asked them to do.

  Their lives were all carefully selected from various underground organizations, war orphans, and waste scavengers, following the orders of Hatake Kusuo.

  Everyone has been planted with the art of eradicating the scourge of the tongue, and everyone is grateful and loyal to Hatake Nanxiong.


  The once white and peach land will no longer be cut.

  The equipment at the back is also the result of many years of research by Konoha Anbu, chakra traps and amplifiers.

  With these things, no tiny source of chakra can be missed.

  Along the way, all kinds of bizarre treasures in the ninja world they collected have filled the car.

  There are also many blood dragon eyes, red eyes, high-purity white eyes, and writing wheel eyes that have been lost in the ninja world.

  "Heizi, pay attention, don't lose these things."

  Ibiki Mori found a half-year-old boy with purple hair who was a war orphan he rescued from Kiriyin Village.

  The child of the Mizunoyuki family.

  When he was rescued, he was already dumbfounded and couldn't remember his previous name.

  Seeing the blackness on his face, Senai Ibi liked to name him "Hei" on the spot.

  "Don't worry, my lord, all the subordinates are on the record, and sent a perceptual ninja to guard nearby."

  Kuroko replied in a serious manner, and only complained after Morinai Ibiki walked away.

  "How could someone come here to rob in such a remote place..."

  The voice just fell.

  There was a sudden burst of dust in the distance.

  Thick yellow smoke billowed, "There are enemies—!"

  In an instant, all the members of the Ghost Killing Squad were ready to take off their cloaks and drew out their knives.

  Immediately, the sword, the sword, the shadow, and the cold light flashed.

  Streamlined airflow began to wander around them, thunder, water, wind blades, dust...

  There is no moon blade and no big sun.


  Heizi took a step forward with a knife and asked sharply.

  Senai Ibiki stayed behind and didn't move.

  "Hey, I've been following it for half a month, and I finally arrived at this good place at the right time and place!"

  The ground suddenly cracked, revealing two grinning ninjas, holding big swords and laughing wildly.

  From behind, similar figures began to appear one after another, staring eagerly at the supplies escorted by the Ghost Killing Team, greedy like stupid villagers.

  "Don't talk nonsense with them, there is an order from above, make a quick decision."

  In the windy yellow sand, a figure wearing a bamboo hat appeared.

  His clothes were obviously different from the others. After he coldly dropped these words, his whole body turned into a gust of wind, whistling towards the Ghost Killing Team.

  "Breath of the Wind·Yichi-shaped Dust Whirlwind·Cut!"

  The corner of the Ghost Killing Team standing at the front raised slightly, looking at the visitor confident and full of pity.

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