The first day of the exam is a written test, so there will be no trouble.

  Hinata circled nervously around the room.

  "Hinata, don't spin in circles, I'm about to faint."

  Shion looked at Hinata with a bewildered expression.

  "However, Hua Huo is taking the exam today, and I don't know if I will meet such a perverted examiner today."

  Hinata felt a chill all over her body when she thought of the original Mori Ibis.

  Nanxiong is rushing to Mori Ibishi's side at the moment, and he doesn't know what is going to happen in Sandyin Village.


  Orochimaru and Yaoshidou have come to Chiyo's door.

  "Come on, come in."

  Before the pharmacist could open the door, Chiyo's voice sounded inside the door.

  Orochimaru is not surprised.

  After all, Chiyo was a powerful puppet master during the Second Ninja War.

  And you can easily control several puppets with just one hand.

  Orochimaru walked into the house, and Chiyo was sitting in front of a pool fishing.

  "Is there a problem?"

  Orochimaru didn't speak, just smiled slyly.

  "Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

  A large number of white snakes rushed out of Orochimaru's sleeves and rushed towards Chiyo.

  Although Chiyo is old, the basic reaction speed is still there.


  "Boom, bang."

  The three scrolls were thrown out by Chiyo and turned into three puppets.

  There was a hint of approval in Orochimaru's snake eyes.

  "It's already an age, and the reaction speed is so fast."

  "Orochimaru! You actually killed me?"

  Chiyo manipulated the puppet and scuffled with Orochimaru's snake.

  Although Orochimaru's poisonous snake is extremely venomous, Chiyo's puppet is well-organized.

  Not a single venomous snake can get close.

  Even a large number of poisonous snakes have died under Chiyo's puppet mechanism.

  Orochimaru rarely showed a nervous look.

  "It's immortal. People like you can still manipulate so many puppets. What a waste."

  Listening to Orochimaru's words, Chiyo sneered, and with a wave of his right hand, the three puppets began to form an encirclement towards Orochimaru.

  Seeing that Orochimaru was about to die, Chiyo reached out and picked up the fish he caught today.

  But the moment he reached out his hand, Chiyo's expression changed instantly.

  A few white snakes actually crawled out of the fish frame.

  It was the ones that Orochimaru sent out before.

  Chiyo's face gradually turned purple, and finally, Chiyo's body fell to the ground.

  Orochimaru was just about to be happy when suddenly, with a bang, Chiyo became a puppet next to him.

  "Oops! Hit the game!"

  When Orochimaru reflected, a puppet's dagger had already stabbed in front of him.


  Bright red blood splattered all over the ground.

  "Master Orochimaru!"

  The pharmacist rushed towards Orochimaru, but black blood flowed from the corner of Orochimaru's mouth.

  Apparently died of poisoning.

  Chiyo's figure suddenly appeared in another corner of the room.

  Just as Chiyo was about to walk over, Orochimaru's dead body began to slowly wriggle.

  Like a snake shedding its skin, Orochimaru emerged from the corpse's mouth.

  Seeing this scene, even Chiyo was shocked and speechless.

  "You... what did you transform yourself into?"

  Orochimaru was squirming on the ground, and several white snakes quickly crawled through the house.

  Just as Chiyo was about to fight, Orochimaru suddenly retreated.

  The other white snakes in the house also quickly returned to Orochimaru.

  "Hehe, the ten people in Jinsong are mine now."


  Chiyo was shocked, and only then did he realize that not only the ten members of Kinmatsu had been stolen, but the scroll of the puppet technique was also snatched by Orochimaru.

  "Orochimaru! What do you want this kind of thing for? Are your research results not enough?"

  Chiyo's manipulator puppet rushed towards the two of them.

  "Double, let's go."

  With a bang, the bodies of Orochimaru and Yaoshidou disappeared in place.


  Granny Chiyo looked at the two who disappeared, but her body trembled with anger.


  At the moment in the sandy village, Uchiha Obito has obtained the power of the four tails.

  But Uchiha Itachi and the Red Sand Scorpion still appeared on the high wall of the Hidden Sand Village.

  It happened that this time was the noon break, and the two of them stared at the place where everyone in Konoha Village lived.

  "Is this the Konoha man? Itachi, look at this familiar forehead guard, do you miss it?"

  Scorpion turned to look at the same Uchiha Itachi.

  Uchiha Itachi seemed to have heard nothing, but just stuck his hand in and walked towards the village.

  "Come on."

  The two began to walk into Shayin Village.

  When the two of them passed by, the ninjas who were originally guarding the entrance of the village fell down.

  All of them fell into Uchiha Itachi's illusion! .

Chapter 212

  After about half an hour of shift time, the shift ninja came to the gate, only to discover the abnormality.

  "Quick! Alert!"

  "Someone has entered the village!"

  "Enemy invasion! Enemy invasion!"

  A leading ninja immediately released flares into the sky.

  Huge fireworks exploded in the air.

  Kankuro and Temari who were in Sandyin Village immediately saw the flare.

  "Something happened! Someone has entered the village."

  Kankuro looked solemnly at the direction of the flare.

  There is the main entrance of Shayin Village.

  This group of people is really very courageous, and they chose the most conspicuous front door to rush in.

  "Temari, you're here to watch, I'll take someone to see it."

  As soon as the words fell, Kankuro greeted a few people and ran towards the village entrance.

  When Kankuro and the others came to the door, they found out that the people here were completely motionless, and they seemed to have been hit by some kind of ninjutsu.

  "Immediately notify the escort class and step up vigilance."


  A sand ninja immediately went back to make arrangements, while the remaining ninjas were responsible for waking up their comatose companions.

  "Lord Kankuro, do you want to inform me to stop the Chunin exam first?"

  After hearing the question, Kankuro also looked embarrassed.

  If the chunin exam is just stopped like this, it will definitely affect the face of Sandyin Village.

  However, even who invaded, and the number of people who invaded, have not yet figured out.

  If he insisted on taking the exam at this time, there might be some kind of danger.

  In particular, the reference students this time are almost all the best in every village.

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