"Breath of the Sun..."

  Hatake Nanxiong actually took the initiative personally.

  After getting out of the crisis, Kuroko looked at Kusuo Hatake apologetically.

  However, the other two women brought by Hyde looked at each other.

  The two gave up their original goal at the same time and began to charge towards Hatake Kusuo.


  One of the large women let out a roar, and the other quickly took the opportunity to charge towards Hatake Kusuo's body.


  Hatake Kusuo murmured.

  The other woman jumped up and jumped straight up, one from the top and the other from the bottom, and at the same time launched an offensive against Hatake Kusuo.

  The fists of the two were mixed with lightning, and they hit Kusuo Hatake's body.

  However, an interesting scene happened. The two people's originally powerful attacks were all hit on the broken seal formation.


  Hatake Kusuo instantly appeared behind the two and waved his sword.

  With just one slash, one of them immediately fell to the ground, with his head in a different place.

  The Greer ore essence on her body has also been smashed to pieces, and it does not look like the beginning.

  Seeing this scene, Hyde frowned.

  The elite generals that he has trained for many years have already lost most of them at this moment, and only the last one is left.

  "What kind of power is this? How can it be stronger than mine?"

  The last remaining Rank looked at his hands in disbelief.

  Hyde had taught her that as long as there is faith, the power is infinite!

  But today, his two companions died one after another in front of his eyes.

  "Why? Why is this happening?"

  Rank clenched his hands tightly, and just as he was about to strike Hatake Kusuo with all his strength, a scolding sounded behind him.

  "Lanke, come back."

  It was Hyde who spoke.

  Watching his generals die one after another, Hyde finally couldn't bear it.

  However, this kind of pity is not pity for his subordinates.

  It's just a cheap pity, like pity for a dog next to you.

  After Rank heard Hyde's voice, he was stunned for a moment, then quickly stepped back a few steps to give Hyde a way out.

  "Lord Hyde."

  There was even a hint of worry in Ranke's eyes!

  Seeing this scene, Hatake Kusuo actually began to sympathize with Rank in his heart.

  It's a bit too long for a few people to be brainwashed.

  Hyde's body moved instantly.

  After being strengthened by such a rich Greg ore, Hyde's body has reached unprecedented strength.

  A powerful breath burst out from the body.

  Seeing this scene, Hatake Kusuo secretly delighted in his heart.

  Now Hyde's strength is more and more tyrannical.

  I don't know if such an opponent can bring him some task promotion 0...

  "If only it could be stronger."

  Hatake Kusuo was a little disappointed with Hyde's strength.

  Hyde's current strength is not very strong, at most it is not easy to kill.

  But in terms of attack power alone, compared to Uchiha Obito, it is more than a little bit worse.

  It was Hatake Kusuo's contemptuous look that completely angered Hyde.

  "How dare you despise me?"

  Hyde let out a roar, his feet simultaneously exerting force.

  Because of this power, the ground was trampled out of two deep pits.


  Hyde's body was like a cannonball, and it bounced straight out of the spot.

  In the next second, Hyde's fist was already in front of Hatake Kusuo.

  Hatake Kusuo didn't hide, this punch contained more than just ordinary physical skills.

  At the same time, it also has the unique power of the Greer Mine.

  "too weak."

  Hatake Kusuo said these three words slowly.


  Hatake Kusuo slammed Hyde's body on the ground.

  Several parts of Hyde's body were instantly smashed to pieces.

  But with the help of the Greer vein, the wound quickly recovered as before.


  Hyde looked up again, only to realize that the scabbard of Hatake Kusuo had just hit him!

  "Don't even pull out the knife? How arrogant!"

  Hyde stood up, now his body has grown taller with the help of the Greer vein.

  "Your strength is not worthy for me to pull out the scabbard."

  Hatake Kusuo said, pulled out the sword, and slammed the blade into the ground.

  He just held a scabbard in his hand and gestured toward the outstretched hand.

  "bring it on."

  Hyde stared at Kusuo Hatake, his hands tightly clasped together.

  This is an insult!

  It is a great shame!

  He Hyde travels around the world on weekdays, and people respect him very much.

  Besides, his strength is also very tyrannical on the outside.

  In addition, he is now on the Greer ore vein, under the irrigation of power, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has reached the shadow level.

  After all, there is a steady stream of chakras, plus a nearly undead body.

  It is not so easy to deal with whoever it is.

  However, when Hyde was about to do it, he regretted it! .

Chapter 216

  Nanxiong's strength far exceeded Hyde's imagination.


  The moment Hyde's body rushed towards Nanxiong, Hyde only felt that Nanxiong left an afterimage in front of him.


  A heavy blow came from the back of Hyde's head, and Hyde only felt that his whole body was being beaten in darkness.

  If it weren't for the fact that Hyde now has the power of Greer ore in his body.

  Hatake Kusuo just that one blow was enough to kill him here.

  Hatake Kusuo did not immediately launch a second attack after this blow.

  "Hand over your things, and I can consider keeping you alive."

  Hatake Nanxiong slowly walked to Hyde's side, stretched out his hand and picked Hyde up.

  Although Hyde is not a good person, Hatake Kusuo is still quite interested in the book of Greer in Hyde's hands.

  "I do not know……"

  Hyde rose up and punched Hatake Kusuo with all his strength.

  However, Hatake Kusuo had already discovered Hyde's strategy, and he immediately escaped in a flash.

  "By you?"

  Nanxiong's voice sounded coldly in Hyde's ear.

  The sunspot on the side cast a sympathetic look at Hyde at the moment.

  Hatake Kusuo can overturn a village with the strength of one person.

  What was in front of him at the moment was just a Hyde.

  Hyde was thinking of finding another suitable opportunity to continue the sneak attack, but when Hyde was just about to turn around, he discovered an extremely powerful force that crushed him to the death.

  The next second, Hyde knelt directly on the ground.

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