Hatake Kusuo didn't come out for a short time this time.

  Especially before Hatake Kusuo left, Hinata's eyes just turned into the latest reincarnation eyes.

  "I don't know how Hinata is now."

  But Hatake Kusuo thought of Mizukage who was preparing to start.

  There was another burst of anger in my heart.

  What Hatake Kusuo now demands is the strongest opponent.

  He had already made the most perfect plan, if he was interrupted, Hatake Kusuo would never let it go.

  So the best option now is to kill Sui Ying before Sui Ying starts.


  The next day, early morning.

  As soon as Hatake Kusuo opened his eyes, Summer immediately rushed from the door.

  "Lord Hatake Kusuo, I have been waiting at the door for a long time."

  Hatake Kusuo wasn't surprised when he looked at Summer's appearance.

  "If you're all ready, we can go now."

  Saying that, he threw a piece of information directly into Xia Xia's hands.

  "That's what we're going to do this time."

  The task card that Hatake Kusuo handed to Summer was exactly what Ibiki Morimu made overnight last night.

  The intelligence records the current situation of the water shadow in detail, as well as the possible location of the water shadow.

  But when Xia Xia took over the task card, her eyelids jumped. .

Chapter 243

  Before Xia Xia's strength was extraordinary, he had also gone out of the village to perform tasks.

  For some task levels, it is natural to have some understanding.

  But the task in his hand at the moment turned out to be an S-level task.

  And the content of the task is only a simple sentence.

  "Kill the water shadow."

  "Isn't this water shadow one of the five adult villages?"

  Summer looked at Hatake Kusuo with a surprised look on his face.

  However, Hatake Kusuo looked at the summer very calmly.

  "It's the water shadow of one of the five great kingdoms. ~Is there any problem?"

  Xia Xia was stunned at first, and then nodded - nodded.

  "Lord Hatake Kusuo, don't worry. No matter what task you give me, I will definitely complete it seriously."

  After finishing speaking, Xia Xia patted heavily on his chest a few times.

  Seeing Summer's serious look, Hatake Kusuo's eyes tightened.

  Hatake Kusuo already felt in the summer's body that the power of the original 'star' was constantly weakening.

  All this is because the power of the 'star' has been completely deprived.

  But the summer at the moment did not notice these anomalies at all.

  Hatake Kusuo didn't say much.

  Because Hatake Kusuo knew that if he relies too much on Captain Nagu, it would not be a good thing for summer.

  Xia Xia's talent is extremely strong, and just the strength before training can become an outstanding female ninja in the village.

  Even, once became the leader of the coup.

  This one by one illustrates the strength of summer.

  "Are you going to say goodbye to anyone before you go?"

  Hatake Kusuo knew that, after all, as a mother in the summer, before she left, she might have something she wanted to say to her child.

  But unexpectedly, Summer shook his head.

  "No, Hatake Kusuo-sama, we can go now."

  Hatake Kusuo who watched this scene was a little surprised.

  Hatake Kusuo still nodded and took the lead and left.

  "Come with me."

  After leaving the village Hatake Kusuo and Summer, the two left after jumping on the tree trunk a few times.

  Before leaving, Xia Xia finally looked back at Xing Nin Village.

  Although Xia Xia once left the village to perform some tasks.

  But after all, those actions are against the rules of the village.

  So most of the summer is spent in the village.

  This is also summer, the first time to officially leave the village.

  The two walked all the way, no one said a word.

  But after rushing for a while, the two have come to the border between the land of fire and the land of water.

  "Wait a minute."

  Hatake Kusuo's body suddenly stopped in place.

  "What's wrong? Hatake Kusuo-sama."

  Summer immediately looked around with a serious look on his face.

  Just when Xia Xia was about to perform the peacock trick, Hatake Kusuo suddenly stopped Xia Xia.

  "Don't do it yet."

  Hatake Kusuo plans to let Summer use this power when fighting Mizukage.

  After all, the current summer has not realized that once his power is lost, there is no way to replenish it.

  "Okay, Hatake Kusuo-sama."

  After Xia Xian finished speaking, he sat on the ground.

  Hatake Kusuo traveled very fast.

  Even in the summer following behind Hatake Kusuo, it was a little difficult.

  "Don't sit down yet, we've already been followed."

  After hearing this sentence, Xia Xia was a little surprised.

  "How come I didn't find anyone with an enemy nearby."

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

  Hearing the words of summer, Hatake Kusuo was not surprised.

  Because the opponent's stealth strength is very good.

  Even Hatake Kusuo didn't use his naked eyes to discover the other's hiding place, but used the transparent world in his body.

  "Lord Hatake Kusuo, can you tell me how did you guess where they are?"

  At this moment, summer can only attribute Hatake Kusuo to his experience.

  But Hatake Kusuo did smile slightly.

  "This kind of thing doesn't need to be guessed. When a person goes out and encounters anything, he must ensure that the news is foolproof."

........ 0

  When Xia Tian was revealed to say this, she felt a little ashamed of herself.

  "But we have just left the village for a short time, and we are also at the border now. How could the other party ambush us here?"

  Summer is still a little confusing.

  But Xia Xia didn't know that the group of ambush behind him was sent by Orochimaru.

  After the launch, since the ninjutsu failed, he naturally knew what happened in the Hoshinin Village.

  So Orochimaru was going to recover the ninjutsu that he handed over at the first time.

  But what made him say he didn't expect that this time he actually hit a nail.

  For a team like this, if they really meet Hatake Kusuo, it will be a waste of life.

  Hatake Kusuo could clearly feel that the team that was secretly ambushing them now had been divided into two teams.

  Hatake Nanxi knows that, don't think about it, they must be one group as a feint, while the other is rushing out from the front.

  "Now they can't wait. Now that they're ready to fight, let's get ready to fight." Shi.

Chapter 244

  Hatake Kusuo could feel that the teams hiding beside them had begun to form a joint attack.


  Assassination Squad.

  "The captain is here. As long as we can kill that person, I guess we will also earn a lot of commission."

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