Loquat Tenzo's hand tightly held the beheading sword in his hand.

  A tyrannical aura instantly spread from around Loquat Juzo's body.

  At this time, the summer is in place, and the hands are quickly knotted.

  However, when Loquat Shizang saw the scene of summer, he sneered.

  "I don't even plan to move, are you planning to die so early?"

  But just when he was about to start in the summer, the eyes of Loquat Juzo suddenly turned to Kusuo Hatake.

  Especially after seeing the knife behind Hatake Kusuo, Loquat Juzo's expression changed drastically.

  "Why is this knife in your hand?"

  "Did you kill him?"

  Loquat Juzo's eyes were fixed on Hatake Kusuo.

  But Hatake Kusuo had no fear at all.

  "Your opponent is here."

  The summer beside him roared.

  In an instant, a sword condensed from the peacock's magic method stabbed out.


  Seeing the blade made of chakra condensed, Loquat Tenzo was stunned for a moment.

  But still very calmly swung the beheading sword in his hand.

  "go to hell!"

  The beheading sword slashed on the summer's Chakra sword.


  A tyrannical chakra storm suddenly burst out.


  Loquat Shizang's beheading sword shattered.


  Xia Xia roared, and the chakra sword in his hand did not stop at all.

  He stabbed it towards Loquat Shizang's chest.

  Loquat Shizang picked up the residual blade in his hand and blocked it.

  The moment when Summer's body is about to stab the loquat Juzo.

  The beheading sword in the hands of Loquat Tenzo also blocked Xia Xia's attack.

  "Exploding talisman! Explosion ¨"!"


  Seeing that the attack failed, Xia Xia immediately took out an improved version of the detonating talisman and stuck it directly on the face of Loquat Shizang.

  As soon as he hit it, Summer immediately returned to Hatake Kusuo's side.

  "Lord Hatake Kusuo."

  Summer bowed respectfully to Hatake Kusuo.

  This summer is not as awkward as it used to be.

  Hatake Kusuo glanced at Summer and nodded in satisfaction.

  "Looks like it's not over yet."

  Hearing Hatake Kusuo's words, Xia Xia was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Loquat Juzo, who was seriously injured.

  The smoke from the detonating talisman gradually dissipated.

  In the thick fog, a figure stood in it.

  "Oh, yes, I haven't met such an interesting opponent for a long time."

  Loquat Shizang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

  At the moment of the explosion just now, Loquat Tenzo immediately received the repairing ability of Chakras' power.

  After consuming ordinary effort, Loquat Shizang stood up straight.

  "That's why I don't want to chop off your head!"

  Loquat Shizang roared and rushed towards Xia Xia's body in an instant.

  Although there is a peacock in the summer, but with the combat experience in summer, it is indeed not as good as the loquat tenzo.

  In just one face-to-face, Xia Xia's body was cut with a wound by Loquat Shizang.

  Summer was injured, and the blood was left on the beheading sword,

  To Xia Xia's surprise, the originally broken beheading sword actually absorbed the blood just now.

  And the blade began to recover gradually.

  "Why is it happening like that?"

  Xia Xia was stunned for a moment, and then her body immediately retreated.

  But Loquat Shizang's body had no intention of retreating at all.

  "Woman, your reaction is too slow."

  The big knife in the hands of Loquat Juzo slashed towards Xia Xia's body with one slash.

  And this time the knife is deadly.

  "The peacock trick, defense!"

  A defensive shield formed of chakra instantly appeared around Summer's body.

  At the same time, Summer also found an opportunity and quickly retreated.

  "Fire escape! Great fireball technique!"

  A huge fireball spewed out of Summer's mouth in an instant.

  Hit Pipa Juzo's body.

  The raging fire immediately wrapped all the loquat Shizang.

  "' ˇ Shui Dun, Water Dragon Wall!"

  After hearing the voice, Kuroko frowned.

  Although it was far away, Kuroko could still feel the water escape after the flames.

  A tall water dragon wall instantly blocked all Xia Xia's attacks.

  Summer starts to wrap up quickly again.

  "Fire escape! Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

  One after another flames escaped the water dragon wall and continued to hit Loquat Shizang's body.


  Loquat Shizang wheel rushed out of the flames with a beheading sword.

  Summer ends immediately.

  "The peacock trick."

  Chakra instantly condensed behind Xia Xia into two (Qian Hao Zhao) Chakra wings.

  Summer's body instantly flew up.

  "This woman?"

  Hei Zi was shocked.

  "How could she still..."

  "She knows far more than you think."

  It was the first time that Heizi saw the peacock trick.

  "It was possible to condense Chakra into a fixed form."

  Heizi's eyes were full of shock.

  This time, Kuroko's vision of summer has all disappeared.

  Instead, it was filled with respect and shock.

  Summer's body has no intention of retreating.

  The beheading sword in the hands of Loquat Tenzo has already moved towards Xia Xia.

  "Lord Hatake Kusuo, do I need to go and help Summer?".

Chapter 257

  Although Wu Li Jinba had only one hand left, he still stubbornly slashed the knife towards Xia Xia's face.

  But the summer is not in a hurry to defend.

  Explosive Knife Droplets This knife should be used in conjunction with ninjutsu while slashing.

  Otherwise, the detonator's scroll will be difficult to play any role.

  But when Wu Li Jinba was just about to put on summer, he found that the summer in front of him was not afraid at all.

  And there is a flame in the palm of the summer.

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