Hatake Kusuo sighed and continued to do his own thing.

  He said.

  "Go back, I didn't think of a way. When I think of a way, let's talk about it."

  Hatake Kusuo is telling the truth.

  He didn't think of a way to solve it now, it was useless for them to stay with him, and Kusuo Hatake could only spend time with them.

  Because it wasn't that Hatake Kusuo refused to treat them, but that he had no way to treat them.

  When Sun Wukong and Raditz saw this, they could only leave.

  They went back. .

Chapter 579

  Hatake Kusuo was actually quite anxious, although he didn't show much on the surface, however, he was really worried about Raditz and Sun Wukong's arm injuries.

  However, no matter how worried he was, he couldn't think of a way to cure it.

  Today, Hatake Kusuo was sitting there, holding his head, thinking about Raditz and Sun Wukong, and was upset.

  Bulma came to him suddenly.

  After seeing Hatake Kusuo, Bulma was very surprised, she immediately walked over and said to Hatake Kusuo.

  "Hatake Kusuo."

  Hearing this, Hatake Nanxiong looked over and looked at Bulma, seeing her so happy, Hatake Nanxiong raised his eyebrows, not knowing why.

  "what happened?"

  Bulma approached, she stopped, she said happily to Hatake Kusuo.

  "Nuo Hatake, I've thought of 06 ways, but I don't know if it's feasible, but I can try it. It's about treating Raditz and Sun Wukong's hand meridian injuries."

  Seeing this, Hatake Kusuo said.

  "What do you think."

  After hearing this, Kusuo Hatake was surprised, because he felt that what Bulma said was quite reasonable, and this method was feasible.

  Hatake Kusuo and Bulma went to Raditz and Sun Wukong.

  When they found them, they were sitting in a corner of the yard, dumbfounded, looking very sad and lost.

  Hatake Kusuo saw them and shouted from a distance.

  "Raditz, Sun Wukong."

  Hearing this, the two looked up and looked at Nanxiong Hatake. The two were stunned and stared blankly at Nanxiong Hatake, not knowing what to say.

  Hatake Kusuo walked up to them and stopped.

  He looked at the two and said.

  "I discussed it with Bulma. We have found a way to treat your hand injury. However, we just tried it. As for whether it can be cured, we are not sure."

  Upon hearing this, Raditz and Sun Wukong were both surprised.

  The two looked at each other, then looked at Kusuo Hatake in surprise, and the two nodded immediately and agreed.

  "it is good."

  Next, Hatake Kusuo tried it.

  To be honest, he just had the mentality of giving it a try and never thought that he would succeed. Of course, if he could succeed, it would be the best.

  After Hatake Kusuo tried it, he was surprised to find out.

  Partially repaired, but only partially, not completely.

  After Hatake Kusuo stopped, he was generally satisfied with the result, so he told the two of them.

  "Now, your meridians have been partially repaired. You should rest for a while and don't exercise any more. This time, you must listen to me and don't mess around in private. Otherwise, if the injury is aggravated, I can't control it."

  Hearing this, the two were surprised.

  Anyway, it's good to be able to fix the parts, so they nodded, and Raditz agreed.

  "Well, Hatake Kusuo, don't worry, we won't mess around this time."

  Seeing this, Hatake Kusuo nodded reassuringly.

  After Hatake Kusuo left.

  Raditz said to Sun Wukong.

  "Hatake Kusuo only said that he can't move his arms, but he didn't say that he couldn't move his body. From now on, we will only exercise the strength of the body."

  Hearing this, Sun Wukong was surprised.

  "Ah? Are you still exercising?"

  He didn't understand why Raditz was in such a hurry to exercise. No matter how anxious Frieza was, there was no need to work so hard.

  Raditz replied.

  "Hatake Nanxiong only said that we can't move our arms, we can move our bodies, Sun Wukong, we will only exercise in the future."

  Monkey King listened, depressed, he did not say a word. .

Chapter 580

  Today, many days have passed since Frieza was resurrected.

  Frieza felt his state. He felt very strong. Just when his father came, Frieza told him.

  "I'm going to Earth."

  Hearing this, my father was a little surprised. Frieza has been practicing for a while, and his condition is very good.

  However, his father told him.

  "Your current combat power is not strong enough. You must wait for you to be stronger before you can go to Earth."

  Seeing this, Frieza was dissatisfied.

  "I'm already very strong now, I can go to Earth, I'm not strong enough now, so how can I be considered strong?"

  Looking at the arrogant Frieza, his father reminded him.

  "It's useless for you to be like this now. You must know that if you are not strong enough, you will only be killed by Hatake Kusuo and the others if you go to Earth. It is impossible for me to resurrect you again, right?"

  After Frieza listened, she fell silent.

  Indeed, he can no longer be reckless. The last lesson, after a period of peace, he forgot again.

  Calm down, and Frieza will feel guilty too.

  He is a typical type: a person who has healed the scar and forgotten the pain.

  Frieza also felt a little impulsive just now, he gave up this idea, looked at his father, and asked.

  "Then what are we going to do now?" "

  Father answered.

  "Continue to stay in the interstellar space, just to invade those planets, while enhancing our own strength."

  Hearing this, Frieza was silent.

  He just thought of Hatake Kusuo and the others. Although he had many opponents, Frieza was most impressed by Hatake Kusuo and the others.

  The last time Frieza died at their hands, Frieza was never reconciled.

  He felt that only by defeating Hatake Kusuo and the others could he be recognized for himself.

  Hatake Kusuo should know that he is not dead.

  He knew that he would be resurrected.

  So, during this period of time, Frieza was desperately strengthening himself, and he was also curious whether Hatake Kusuo and the others would also be strengthening themselves desperately to deal with his accountability.

  Because Hatake Kusuo must have thought that when he was resurrected, he would definitely seek revenge on them.

  Unfortunately, it's all up to Frieza to guess.

  He didn't see the changes of Hatake Kusuo and the others with his own eyes, so he felt uneasy because he didn't know what Hatake Kusuo and the others were doing.

  Really looking forward to the day I see them.

  It was for revenge, and at the same time, in his eyes, he could only see such an enemy. Other enemies, Frieza felt that they could not enter his eyes at all, so he could not remember.

  Next time we meet, Frieza will definitely do it, and make Kusuo Hatake and the others look up to him.

  Because, he will definitely cultivate to the strongest.

  At that time, Hatake Kusuo and the others will be wiped out in a single blow. On that day, Hatake Kusuo and others will humiliate him, and he will also return the scarf to them in the same way.

  Thinking of the humiliation she suffered that day, Frieza's heart filled with hatred.

  He could not wait to kill Hatake Kusuo and the others.

  Only in this way can he relieve his anger, otherwise, his breath will always be stuck in his heart, making him unable to swallow.

  Father looked at Frieza like this and knew he was thinking.

  Father comforted him.

  "' ˇ Well, don't think about it too much, let's practice for a while, and then go to the earth."

  Hearing this, Frieza nodded.

  Although I really want to do it now, there are some things that can only be endured. Only by enduring it can we wait for a better tomorrow. .

Chapter 581

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