Then, he finally broke Frieza's shoulder armor, seeing this, Frieza was angry and annoyed, however, he couldn't do anything, he couldn't do anything at all.

  Frieza can only protect his shoulder armor.

  However, when he has subconscious actions, the synthesis of his entire body, in order to accommodate the shoulders, will inevitably be limited in other ways.

  Therefore, Hatake Kusuo attacked him, and attacked even more.

  Raditz and the others watching this scene were very happy.

  Raditz said excitedly.

  "Okay, good fight, you should fight like this, and soon, Frieza's armor will be broken."

  Sun Wukong on the side saw this.

  He saw that Hatake Kusuo had been beaten quite embarrassedly by Frieza from the initial defeat, and now, in reverse, Frieza had been beaten quite embarrassingly, and Hatake Kusuo was on top of winning.

  Sun Wukong felt that all this was reversed too quickly.

  It's too fast.

  It seems that I really answered that sentence, the feeling of feng shui turning around is nothing, it is limited from the beginning.

  Maybe this person one moment, and that person the next.

  Hatake Kusuo watched as Frieza kept making concessions in order to protect his shoulders, so that his entire state became so slow that he was not as energetic as before.

  Hatake Kusuo attacked while sarcastically.

  "Friza, weren't you very arrogant just now? How are you now? Frieza, remember, your complacency is always only temporary, and when it comes to the end, you will always be the one who fails."

  Hearing this, Frieza was also angry.

  he said angrily.

  "It's not the final decision yet, don't be too complacent, otherwise, it will be reversed later, but you will be slapped in the face."

  After Hatake Kusuo heard this, he replied disdainfully.

  "Hmph, at this time, what else can be reversed? Frieza, can you really see the situation clearly? What kind of embarrassment are you in now, don't you know in your own mind?"

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

  Frieza didn't say a word, he was just annoyed.

  He wanted to work hard to change all of this, but unfortunately, he didn't have that ability. Now trapped in such a situation, Frieza felt helpless and desperate, and he hated this feeling.

  However, he couldn't escape, he couldn't break free.

  Raditz and the others watched the increasingly fierce fighting. They were surprised. The situation was really exciting and they were overwhelmed.

0 ......  

  The battle between Hatake Kusuo and Frieza has reached a fever pitch.

  At this moment, Hatake Kusuo suddenly aimed at Frieza's shoulder and unleashed a Nova attack.

  As long as this nova attack hits the past, and hits.

  Then, Frieza's armor will definitely be destroyed at this time, and Kusuo Hatake eagerly awaits this moment.

  This is the final blow.

  Raditz and the others watched and looked forward with excitement.

  Frieza also watched, he didn't have time to dodge at all, he could only watch the Nova attack rush over, and then hit him on the shoulder.

  At that point, his armor may

Chapter 608

  Before Hatake Kusuo's attack could hit him, everyone discovered that a special light-colored energy wave appeared on Frieza's body.

  "what is that?"

  Sun Wukong found it strange that this kind of power was incompatible with Frieza's original power.

  Obviously, this is not a power that Frieza can use himself, but why is it stimulated at this time?What does this have to do with Frieza's armor and zero-five-seven...

  When Frieza saw Kusuo Hatake's Nova attack and was about to hit him, he only felt desperate.

  He was afraid that he would be killed by Hatake Kusuo, and he was unwilling that the battle would end like this, so the negative emotion of despair took over his mind.

  Frieza didn't even have to think about it to know that he couldn't resist Hatake Kusuo's Nova attack. If the armor on his body was shattered, I'm afraid he won't even have a chance to turn over!

  "Do not--"

  Frieza roared, and a special energy was stimulated in his body.

  Hatake Kusuo found out that the mysterious power in him suddenly erupted, and immediately ducked back. He never thought that Frieza's power would become so powerful. This is not like the original Frieza at all!

  However, Frieza lost his consciousness at this moment, as if he had become a tool for killing.

  Sun Wukong immediately reminded Hatake Nanxiong: "Hurry back! His current situation is very wrong."

  After hearing Sun Wukong's words, everyone retreated, and Frieza couldn't easily hurt them.

  Frieza's eyes were red. At this moment, the energy on his body was extraordinarily powerful. Even Kusuo Hatake's Nova attack could not break the armor on his body. Instead, Frieza stretched out his hand to block it.

  In an instant, the two energies collided and a huge energy wave burst out.

  Everyone was far away from Frieza, so they were only shocked by the aftermath of the energy wave, and nothing else happened.

  Qiqi said with some fear: "Fortunately, you reminded us to step back, otherwise we will be hit by his energy wave."

  Hatake Nanxiong paused and asked strangely, "Whose power is on Frieza?"

  He was able to block his own Nova attack so easily, obviously he only needed one last hit, and Frieza's armor would be broken by him to 0...

  At this juncture, Frieza suddenly became stronger again.

  Sun Wukong thought about it and said, "The power in him is very familiar, like the Doctor Who we met before."

  Doctor Who's strength is exceptionally strong, taking advantage of Frieza's loss of control, he immediately occupied Frieza's body sovereignty, but the current Hatake Kusuo and the others don't know.

  Hatake Kusuo just wanted to go up to fight Frieza, when he was stopped by his partner behind him.

  Kiki grabbed Kusuo Hatake and was very worried about his safety.

  But there is no way, even if they don't take the initiative, Frieza will attack them.

   "Get out of the way!"

  Suddenly, Frieza rushed towards them, extremely fast.

  Almost in an instant, Frieza was already opposite them.

  Kiki's eyes widened, and she saw Frieza stretch out a hand toward her, a huge ball of energy gathered in his palm.

  Hatake Kusuo also immediately shot, the two palms collided, and the blue veins on his palm burst out. .

Chapter 609

  Hatake Kusuo and Frieza retreated at the same time. Obviously, their strength is almost the same, and both of them were injured to a certain extent.

  Qiqi was affected by their energy and flew several meters away.

  Fortunately, Sun Wukong flew away in time and hugged Qiqi, and neither of them was injured.

  Hatake Kusuo looked at Frieza again with a different look.

  Originally, he just wanted to defeat Frieza, but now that he saw his companion injured, now Hatake Kusuo only hopes to kill Frieza completely and make him pay the price.

  "Obviously received my full blow, and now he is still not dead?"

  Hatake Kusuo took a few steps forward, and then rubbed his wrist, 06 obviously wanted to do it.

  Sun Wukong looked at it, but frowned.

  They don't know anything about Frieza's situation, and they may just get hurt if they go there rashly.

  "Let me go first, after all, we don't know what his situation is yet."

  Sun Wukong stopped Hatake Kusuo, but the latter refused.

  Hatake Kusuo closed his eyes, and said with some relief: "Just watch over everyone. If Frieza attacks you for a while, there is someone who can protect everyone."

  Moreover, now Hatake Kusuo suspects that Frieza has no self-awareness at all.

  In other words, Frieza has become a puppet of Doctor Who, so his combat power has soared.

  If you let other companions fight now, it is tantamount to letting them die. After thinking about it, Kusuo Hatake still feels that it is the safest to go.

  "Can you really do it alone?"

  Kiki was almost beaten to death by Frieza, but it was Kusuo Hatake who rescued her, so Kiki also hoped from the bottom of her heart that Kusuo Hatake would be okay.

  Hatake Kusuo didn't speak, because he knew that Frieza would not let them go even if he didn't go up.

  And his strength is not bad compared to Frieza.

  Sun Wukong grabbed Qiqi, who was a little emotional, and reminded her: "Even if he can't beat him, we can go forward to help him and wait and see what happens."

  After Kiki heard it, she looked at Hatake Kusuo's expression again, and after confirming his wishes, she had no choice but to give up.

  Just like that, Frieza and Hatake Kusuo fought.

  They fought so hard that no one seemed to get any benefit, but after all, Hatake Kusuo still had his own consciousness, and if he cheated a little at Frieza, he wouldn't be able to react at all.

  Almost a few moments passed, and Hatake Kusuo injured Frieza in several places.

  "His movements don't seem to be affected at all, why is that... doesn't he feel pain?"

  After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he felt very wrong again.

  Even if Frieza no longer feels pain, his body will not become sluggish and slow due to the massive blood loss.

  Such a style of play is undoubtedly a method of burning one's own vitality!

  Will Frieza really do such a thing, they don't think it's possible.

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