Back in the tent, Qimu Kusuo only had a slightly painful expression.

  Just now in front of the bug, Qimu Nanxiong couldn't show his weak side.

  "Good guy, why are you injured so badly? You didn't make it clear earlier just now, what's wrong with this situation."

  Sun Wukong looked very distressed.

  Unexpectedly, Qimu Nanxiong suffered so much damage during the fight.

  The weapons of these insects are poisonous, and with the perspiration moisturizing, Qimu Nanxiong must have suffered enough pain just now.

  "Those bugs don't really surrender to me at all. If I show a weak appearance in front of them, I'm afraid these bugs will think of other ways, why should I trouble myself."

  Qimu Nanxiong smiled.

  Thinking of what he did this time, Qimu Kusuo felt a little stupid.

  If he did it all over again, he would definitely not have any kindness towards these bugs.

  Now that he has left these bugs, Qimu Nanxiong wants to change to another method to rectify these bugs.

  "Forget it, it's useless for me to say some other things now. I'll give you medicine first. Your wound is too serious, or it will fester and pus."

  Sun Wukong shook his head and took out the accompanying medical box.

  Seeing the redness behind Qimu Nanxiong, Sun Wukong kept mumbling, and he did not forget to lighten the movements of his subordinates. .

Chapter 702

  With the treatment of drugs and the nourishment of chakra in the body, Qimu Kusuo's body system gradually recovered.

  Qi Mu Nanxiong twisted his neck, got up and walked around the house a few times.

  Seeing Qi Mu Nanxiong's relaxed appearance, Sun Wukong couldn't help but joke, "You are looking at it now, it is too dangerous, if these bugs are not educated well, I am afraid that next time this knife will stand between you and me. It's on their necks."

  Thinking of what just happened, Sun Wukong feels a chill on his back now. If he was too fast just now, I'm afraid Qimu Nanxiong wouldn't be able to fall behind in the corpse capital here.

  "I will definitely discipline them this time, you can just watch by the side. If there is something inappropriate in my words, you can also point out in time that I don't plan to be kind to them."

  Qimu Nanxiong put down the words and went out the door, and Sun Wukong hurriedly followed.

  At this moment, the worms are kneeling outside the room to plead guilty, the queen is also dead, and their only support is gone.

  Seeing the worms drooping their heads one by one, Sun Wukong smiled disdainfully.

  The guys just now were not as honest as they are now, but now they are better. Without a backer, they are like deflated balls~.

  "Your Majesty, it's all my fault that we listened to that woman's greedy words. We are here to apologize to you, and I hope Your Majesty can forgive us, and we will never make the same mistake again in the future.-"

  The atmosphere of getting along was very embarrassing, and the leading battle bug seemed much bolder, and took the initiative to break the deadlock.

  "I also hope that the king can forgive us for our previous behavior, and then we must be loyal."

  Seeing this, the other bugs hurried forward to express their sincerity.

  "My trust in you is gone. I warn you one last time. It's better not to provoke me, or you will be tragically endured by the queen."

  Qi Mu Nanxiong scolded sharply, and his eyes looking at these insects also looked much more severe.

  At the beginning, he didn't plan to let these bugs go, and if it wasn't for the empress' begging, he wouldn't have moved his compassion.

  It's better now, he almost lost his life, and what happened just now really taught Nanxiong Qimu a lesson.

  "They can be a little bit longer. If the queen is really a good thing, there is no need for you to rush in front and make fun of your lives. If you are loyal to Qimu Nanxiong, you will be benefited in the future."

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

  Sun Wukong couldn't help but mutter a few words.

  Seeing these worms look like they don't know what to do, Sun Wukong is also very angry.

  This way, Qimu Nanxiong's reputation has been greatly shaken. Anyone who has been outside should know the title of Qimu Nanxiong.

. . .

  Qi Mu Nanxiong was able to spare the Zerg, which is already his tolerance. Who knew that these insects were deliberately provocative, and it was too presumptuous.

  "I am willing to be loyal to King Qimu Nanxiong, and I also ask King Qimu Nanxiong to forgive me."

  The worms hurriedly crouched at Qimu Nanxiong's feet, all of them seemed very loyal, and kept shouting the slogan that Chen Qimu Nanxiong was the king.

  Seeing these worms look so honest, Qimu Nanxiong didn't care too much. Since he still wants to get along in the future, Qimu Nanxiong didn't want to make things too ugly.

  "Get up and do your own thing. There are only three things to do. You have already done it twice, and there is no last chance."

  Qimu Kusuo ordered to go on, and then returned to his

Chapter 703

  There were countless deaths in a battle just now.

  Looking through the window of the house, seeing that the insects outside seemed very restrained and did not dare to move too much, Sun Wukong couldn't help shaking his head.

  Qimu Nanxiong has now taken over the Zerg, so in the future, the Zerg must be allowed to develop, otherwise this matter will become a stain on Qimu Nanxiong and be criticized by outsiders.

  "The queen is dead, we now need to find another queen to reproduce for them, the one-one-seven Zerg, otherwise the Zerg will not be able to develop for a long time."

  Sun Wukong speaks his mind.

  Although he also seems very disgusted with these bugs.

  But thinking of things in the future, Sun Wukong also felt that they could be arranged at this moment.

  After all, it is impossible for Qimu Kusuo to stay here forever.

  If you can find your confidant as soon as possible and appease many bugs, you can also save a lot of trouble.

  Qi Mu Nanxiong patted his head, but Sun Wukong's words touched his heart.

  In the process of fighting with the queen just now, the moment he strangled the queen, Qimu Nanxiong really felt great in his heart.

  But after calming down after the incident, Qimu Nanxiong also felt a little regretful.

  In this worm family, it is only by the reproduction of the queen that it can expand the people of the zerg.

  Now, the queen is dead, and the reproduction of the Zerg has stopped.

  "Your kid thought it well this time. I thought you would let me kill them all."

  Qi Mu Nanxiong ridiculed a few words.

  Sun Wukong has always acted impulsive and irritable, and today's proposal made Nanxiong Qimu a little impressed.

  "I'm not a snake or scorpion. If these bugs can be corrected properly, you only need to train them, maybe they can become our effective helpers in the future."

  Sun Wukong took the tea on the table and drank it.

  A battle just now also made Sun Wukong see the current situation clearly.

  Although they have come a long way, they have gained a lot.

  But on the next journey, it is inevitable that you will encounter bad people with different appearances like a queen.

  If you want to quickly solve the trouble on the journey, you must have your own strong army, but these bugs are the best thing to use.

  "At present, only the male bugs have returned. I have to call back all the female fighting bugs, and select the strongest one among them to cultivate 0..."

  Qimu Nanxiong thought about it, but he also made up his mind.

  Since a new generation of queens is to be established, the queen must obey her own constraints.

  As the main system for the reproduction of the bug family, the queen must have the strongest physical fitness.

  Otherwise, the Queen's reign will not last long.

  Qi Mu Nanxiong blew his whistle, and many female insects also returned to the camp.

  Zerg operations have a rule that is different from other races.

  The two bugs move separately.

  Male combat bugs hunt.

  Female combat bugs are responsible for collecting honey outside.

  This time the two worms met, and the male fighting worms inevitably seemed too excited.

  Due to the presence of Qimu Nanxiong, the male combat bugs are not good at showing too much.

  "I called you back today to discuss important matters. The female battle bugs came to the camp with me to speak."

  Qimu Nanxiong gave the order, and many female combat bugs nodded.

  Although it is unclear how Qimu Nanxiong is currently arranged.

  But on the way back, they also heard everything that happened to the Zerg, and the female fighting insects did not dare to say much to save their lives. .

Chapter 704

  The female battle bugs gathered together, looking at Qimu Kusuo curiously one by one, waiting for Qimu Kusuo's next order.

  "The past queen has died under my hands. You should have heard about this. At present, for the reproduction of the bug family, I have decided to choose a new queen. I will conduct rigorous training for you in the next period of time. ."

  Qimu Nanxiong walked around in front of many insects, observing the changes in the facial expressions of each insect very carefully.

  Regarding the matter of killing the former queen himself, Kusu Yuto Saiki did not skip this topic.

  Qimu Nanxiong wants these bugs to know that 06 is currently the master here.

  If these magnetic bugs are revolting, their fate is no different from the previous queen.

  He doesn't have any thoughts of pity for Xiangxiyu.


  The female worm nodded in agreement.

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