"Do you want to eat and find a place to sleep?~"

  Aboriginal exploratory inquiry.

  Qimu Nanxiong and Sun Wukong hurriedly nodded.

  Seeing Qimu Nanxiong playing here for a long time, Sun Wukong was worried that these guys wouldn't be able to understand the meaning.

  "This fellow, we are really hungry, and I hope you can bring us into the village to have a meal and sleep for a while."

  Qimu Nanxiong learned the tune of the natives and communicated with the natives.

  His ability to learn is very fast.

  Although this indigenous person sounds a bit lame, but fortunately, he can already communicate with the indigenous people normally.

  "Then come with me. My village is near here. After entering in a while, I will bring you some food and clean water."

  The indigenous people invited several people to go with them.

  Qimu Nanxiong hurriedly nodded and agreed.

  The natives led the way, and the two followed behind.

  Worrying that the natives would feel fear after seeing the wolf king, Qimu Nanxiong kept the wolf king behind him, trying not to expose the wolf king as much as possible.

  A few minutes later, he finally arrived at the village, and when he saw the smoke wafting from the stockade, Sun Wukong only felt very comfortable. He rarely encountered such a farmhouse along the way.

  "Nanxiong Qimu, this is great too. We can finally have a good meal. I don't have any oil or water in my stomach. The food I ate before was really tasteless."

  Sun Wukong looked very excited.

  Qimu Nanxiong glanced at Sun Wukong, this kid seemed very abnormal every time he got emotional.

  Qi Mu Nanxiong was really worried that Sun Wukong's crazy appearance would frighten the natives.

  They are guests now, so they can't act so casually.

  "Please wait here for a while, and I'll go in and get you something to eat."

  The indigenous people greeted Qimu Nanxiong to sit down, filled the two with tea, and then entered the inner room.

  "By the way, what will they bring us to eat later?"

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

  Sun Wukong asked curiously.

  There was a lot of dried meat hanging outside the roof beam of the indigenous tribe, and Sun Wukong looked a little greedy.

  "Don't talk so much, kid. No matter what he brings out, it's enough to fill his stomach. We have to keep our minds and don't destroy our own image here."

  Qi Mu Nanxiong scolded a few words, he always felt that Sun Wukong was like a child, and it was very out of tune.


  Sun Wukong nodded in agreement.

  The indigenous people came out with large plates of meat and drinks.

  Smelling the fragrant food, Sun Wukong became more and more excited.

  Just as he was about to pick up the chopsticks to eat, he was scared away by Qimu Nanxiong's eyes.

  "The visitor is the guest, you don't have to be as polite as me, eat quickly, these meals are all fresh, I don't know if they suit your tastes."

  The indigenous people greeted the two very warmly.

  Qimu Nanxiong was no longer polite, picked up his chopsticks and slapped his mouth.

  The wolf king poked his head out from time to time when he smelled the fragrance.

  The indigenous people noticed the wolf king, and looked at Qimu Nanxiong with a lot of admiration.

  He did not expect such a handsome young man to be able to tame such a brutal wolf king.work.

Chapter 768

  Seeing that the natives did not mean to be afraid of the wolf king, Qimu Nanxiong breathed a sigh of relief.

  He wished that the natives could get along with the wolf king friendly, so as not to worry too much.

  "Young man, you must be a powerful character. I need your help with something. I wonder if you can agree?"

  The aborigines looked at Qimu Kusuo with some embarrassment.

  He just gave Qimu Nanxiong a bite to eat, and now he opens his mouth and closes his mouth and asks for help for one or three things.

  Thinking of the situation in the village, the indigenous people also decided to take a daring try.

  After all, he can no longer manage the village by his own abilities.

  "If you have something to say, you can give me a meal. If I can help you, I will not shirk."

  Qimu Kusuo seemed very refreshing.

  The natives were also completely at ease.

  "Many people in our village are suffering from plague. No matter how many medicinal herbs are searched, they cannot be cured. I hope you can help me."

  The aborigines looked at Qimu Kusuo very pitifully.

  Since the plague broke out in the village, many people have died in their area.

  During this period of time, the nearby villagers saw that people on their side had been hiding, and it was difficult to seek help.

  Hearing the word plague, Sun Wukong was so frightened that he dropped the chopsticks in his hand.

  This plague is no joke. Once infected with the plague, you will lose your life, not to mention it is an infectious disease.

  "Hurry up and take your life here for a while."

  Sun Wukong pulled Qimu Nanxiong and wanted to leave this place.

  It's really okay to beg for food, but if you lose your life because of this meal, it's not worth it. This plague should not be underestimated.

  "Take me there to see, if I can help you, I will naturally not shirk."

  Qimu Nanxiong forcibly pulled Sun Wukong and sat down beside him.

  The plague was not as scary as it was imagined.

  Since the natives dared to speak, he could not refuse.

  If you don't even want to help with this little thing, wouldn't it be too unrighteous.

  The indigenous people were able to take them back for dinner without knowing them, which is enough to show the sincerity of the indigenous people.

  Qimu Nanxiong didn't want to hurt the hearts of the natives because of Sun Wukong's actions.

  "Thank you, thank you so much, you two come with me 0..."

  The aboriginal hurriedly nodded and agreed, and took the two to the plague treatment area.

  On the way in the past, Sun Wukong seemed very disgusted.

  He has always been afraid of these viruses, not to mention that this time it is related to the plague, and it is even more sloppy.

  "Don't talk nonsense, kid. The arrival of the plague has already cost this village a lot of people. They must be very sad."

  Qi Mu Nanxiong explained in a low voice.

  With such an unreliable appearance of Sun Wukong, he is really worried that this kid will be talking nonsense for a while, which will make these indigenous people even more sad.

  Sun Wukong pouted and didn't answer, he couldn't guarantee this.

  "The patient is right in front of you. You should wear a mask when you go in. Plague is an infectious disease after all. I'm very grateful for your help, and I don't want to hurt you."

  The native handed the veil to the hands of the two.

  Saiki Kusuo put on a veil and entered inside.

  Seeing that the condition of these patients was very bad, Qimu Nanxiong started medical ninjutsu to treat these people.

  During the entire treatment process, the patient's complexion improved, and the healthy indigenous people on the side were surprised to see the situation. .

Chapter 769

  The natives walked around Qimu Nanxiong, wanting to see clearly.

  But this ninjutsu cannot be understood by ordinary people. In the eyes of the natives, Qimu Nanxiong is a genius doctor.

  Seeing these guys look so confused, Nanxiong Qimu smiled.

  After treating the plague-infected indigenous people, Qimu Nanxiong took the healthy indigenous people out of the tent.

  "I'm not as powerful as you think. Medical ninjutsu treatment is to use some special means to pour energy into the patient's body to make them stronger."

  Qimu Nanxiong explained.

  Aboriginal people still seem very confused.

  They have no idea why.

  When the plague broke out in 06, in order to cure these people, many healthy people were also digging for herbs outside.

  In the end, the herbs on the nearby mountains were all dug up, but the condition still did not improve.

  "No matter what, you are very powerful anyway. If it weren't for your arrival, I'm afraid we villagers wouldn't be able to keep it."

  The natives clapped.

  At this time, an aboriginal man who was more gorgeously dressed came over.

  Seeing this person's arrival, the other indigenous people hurriedly stepped aside.

  Hearing what these natives called this person, Qimu Nanxiong knew the identity of this person.

  "Thank you very much for curing the plague for the indigenous people."

  The leader bowed deeply and expressed his gratitude to Qimu Nanxiong.

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