Chapter 381: Sakura was swinging and knocked on his door. Chapter 381: Sakura was swinging and knocked on his door.

Chapter 381 Sakura was shaking and knocked on his door

. Sakura stood up first, but she was not completely open to face Naruto.

She turned sideways, put one hand across her chest, and squatted down to pick up clothes. It felt a little strange, changing from one person to another, and that Pink Sakura was back.

They are obviously the same body, but they give people the feeling that they are two completely different people. Whether it was his eyes or his micro-expressions, he already felt a strong sense of discomfort even before he spoke.

Halfway through, the players were replaced, which was really embarrassing.

He looked over again and saw that Sakura was taking out a piece of paper to wipe it with, then raised her head and looked at Naruto with complicated eyes. My eyes only dared to stay above his head, and I didn’t dare to look down at all.

“Naruto, can you please put on some clothes?”

The words woke up the dreamer. Naruto was still thinking about Black Sakura. When he heard Sakura speak, he quickly responded with a few oohs and then put on his clothes. clothes.

He was a little confused and almost put his clothes on backwards.

Until both of them had finished packing, there was a brief silence again. It wasn’t until lightning flashed across the night sky that Naruto couldn’t help but speak.

“Now that you don’t speak, I will assume that you have calmed down.” Naruto said, and he also pulled up a chair and sat down, keeping a distance between the two.

It was still raining outside the window, and the white mist caused by the heavy rain obscured everything. The rumble of thunder continued, and the rain showed no sign of letting up.

In this situation, Sakura grabbed her thigh. Looking at the small and dimly lit room, one can smell the ambiguous smell mixed with the fishy smell of earth.

She knew exactly what had just happened. After all, she had felt it clearly, but Naruto’s words made it difficult for her to accept the current situation. She had been sleeping for six years?

“I know you are a little confused now, and I can explain it to you. Before that, I want to ask, can you feel your other self?” ”

What?” Sakura looked up, her pupils full of confusion. , just like the girl standing in the rain six years ago, but now her appearance has changed.

“I mean another personality. In the past six years, she has been controlling the body.” Naruto said, “Just now you suddenly woke up, so…” ”

I want to know, can you feel it?” Are you aware of her existence?” ”

She” Sakura’s expression was a little complicated, but she vaguely understood many things.

So it was another she who was doing that kind of thing with Naruto, but now she suddenly woke up? If so, he is caring about the other one.

“I can feel it, as if she is sleeping.” Sakura was a little embarrassed, and suddenly felt a little aggrieved, “You plan to wake her up, right?” ”

Uh,” what should Naruto do? He replied tactfully, “Do you still have memories of medical ninjutsu? Or maybe you share the same memory or something.”

“No.” Sakura shook her head.

“I really need to wake her up. I will explain it slowly. In short, it will be good for you all.” Naruto said, “Then let me help you remember it first. Where is the best place to start?” ”

Well, let’s start with Sasuke’s defection. , you also started from that time.”

So, Naruto started talking from the few days when Sasuke defected six years ago and her personality changed. At the starting point of that dream, Black Sakura’s data room slowly unfolded.

The matter is actually not complicated, and the entire experience of just six years can be told in about ten minutes. Sakura listened in surprise, from becoming Tsunade’s disciple to getting entangled with Naruto.

In the end, the magical relationship between the two people, and his body that has been used for a long time. She suddenly felt dizzy, as if the world had changed drastically after she fell asleep.

“Sasuke?” Sakura asked.

“Defected.” Naruto said lightly, “Now he is an S-class rebel ninja, and he is now on the happy road of revenge. If you want to confirm, I will not stop you.”

Sakura lowered her head and said.

“My mind is a little confused right now. I want to go home and be alone.”

“Okay.” Naruto stood up and made room for Sakura, and at the same time said, “Come to me when you have figured it out. I’m in Konoha.” No. 404 Main Street.”

“Your current situation is quite special. I have a solution, but I need the help of another personality.”

Sakura was unaware and walked out with a numb expression. Naruto watched from behind the door, his brows furrowed all the time, but he still let Sakura leave first.

Since Black Sakura is still sleeping, it proves that she can still be awakened. Maybe Heiying would wake up on her own in a day or two, or maybe she would come back on her own initiative.

How could he have any solution? If he had, he wouldn’t have put it off until now. He said that just to make Sakura come back to him willingly.

Since Pink Sakura suddenly woke up from that kind of stimulation, Black Sakura can also wake up again from stimulation. Just like the first time, Pink Sakura fell asleep stimulated by the news of Sasuke’s defection, while Black Sakura woke up.

He just needs to try various methods one by one, from verbal stimulation to various stimulations. If this rotation continues, there is a high probability that Black Sakura will wake up.

The principle is this, but whether Sakura is willing to cooperate is still unknown. However, Naruto is not completely helpless, he just doesn’t use it as a last resort.

After six years of time gap, many things have changed, and Naruto believes that Sakura will eventually come back to him.

At the dinner table, Sakura looked at her parents who were much older and felt slightly absent-minded.

“Sakura, what’s wrong with you?” her mother asked.


“It’s okay.” She lowered her head to eat, her heart tumbling with emotions.

“You rarely go home on weekdays. What happened this time?” His father asked gently, “Did you encounter problems at work? Or did you fall out of love?”


“I’m not.” Hearing the word “broken love”, Sakura felt like she was electrocuted. “I’m full. I’m going to take a bath first.”

“What’s wrong with this kid?”

In the bathroom, Sakura was soaking in the bathtub, recalling The situation and feelings that happened in the afternoon made my whole mood suddenly complicated.

She slept for six full years. Such a thing was so outrageous that it even made her doubt her life. The job is not hers, and the six years of experience are not hers either.

Her body even made a splash and she buried her whole head in the water. There was silence in the bathroom for two minutes, and then there was a crash, and Sakura floated up again, breathing heavily in the air.

He slowly calmed down and leaned against the edge of the bathtub. One hand dropped down, silently thinking about what Naruto had said, and suddenly felt depressed.

I don’t know how long it took, but she walked out of the bathtub. I wiped myself clean, put on my clothes and held an umbrella, ready to go out to take a breath.

It rained heavily from afternoon to evening. Sakura walked out of the winding passage and stood on the unfamiliar yet familiar streets of Konoha, looking at the various neon signs shining in the rain.

On a rainy day, Konoha Street is still busy with traffic. It is different from the old Konoha Street six years ago. There are colorful umbrellas blooming on the road.

People come and go, rushing in different directions.

Sakura tightened her grip on the umbrella handle and followed the flow towards a place with a lot of people. The further she walked, the more panicked she became, as if she had arrived in an extremely strange place.

Finally, she saw Ichiraku Ramen shining brightly in the rain. The familiar decoration that had remained unchanged for six years gave her a sense of security, as if she had finally met an acquaintance in a strange place.

She shook the water off her umbrella, desperately resisting the urge to run away home, and walked into the Ichiraku Ramen shop with a feeling that she couldn’t stand it anymore.

The light in the store is bright, the calamus has grown, and she is already a big girl. Uncle Shandai was busy working in the kitchen with his back straight. Even on a rainy day, there were still a few customers sitting in the store.

“Ha! On such a rainy day, you really need to eat a bowl of ramen!” The

sudden voice startled Sakura. It was two customers, one big and one small, praising the ramen with enthusiasm. The bright smile made her slightly absent-minded.

Just when she was ordering, she found that the set menu in the store had also changed. The only thing that remains unchanged is tonkotsu ramen, which also has many ingredients added. Time changes everything.

Has the most popular tonkotsu ramen changed too? She thought silently in her heart, and when she took a chopstick, it tasted familiar and seemed to have something extra.

“Let’s almost go home?” She stood under the eaves of Ichiraku Ramen and said to herself, then she held an umbrella and went into the rain, strolling along the streets of Konoha.

Stepping on the rain on the ground, the moment she lowered her head, she suddenly remembered something very long ago. That was her favorite female teacher in ninja school.

However, one day the female teacher suddenly stopped coming to class, and various speculations spread in the class until Sakura saw her on the edge of the village one afternoon.

A man was sitting on a swing in an abandoned open space, basking in the sun.

“Teacher, I have done something that is not very acceptable. I am pregnant, so I can no longer stay in school.”

That kind of smile made it difficult for her to understand at a young age. But she always remembered that smile, like a bitter smile with boundless calmness.

Now she probably understands a little bit, just like she wants to cry now. But she found that she had no right to cry, as if everything would be fine if she didn’t wake up.

She seemed to be drifting in the netherworld of an era that did not belong to her, feeling only endless loneliness. And this loneliness completely broke out when she found that the door was locked when she returned home.

Sakura probably knew that she was used to leaving home, so her parents were used to locking the door when they saw her going out. She didn’t want to knock on the door, she just squatted by the door biting her wrist and crying.

I cried repressedly for a while, but not even a single sound came out. At this time, an address came to her mind, No. 404 Konoha Street.

She stood up unsteadily and froze in place as soon as she raised her feet.

Do you really want to go find Naruto? Although he has, he clearly likes Sasuke, but Sasuke has defected and may never come back.

Want to go?

Something like that has happened, and there is absolutely no way for me to turn back. Already. Already, but there is absolutely no way to rebuke. What is


doing at this time? I woke up, but something like that happened. Now I really had no choice but to

knock on the door. There was a rapid knock on the door.

Naruto was holding a glass of water and arguing with Hydrangea about a plot in the TV series, using a day off as a bet, while Kurama Yakumo watched from the sidelines.

An unexpected knock on the door broke the harmonious atmosphere. Naruto turned his head to look at the door and frowned slightly. The two women were also stunned for a moment, and Naruto waved to them.

The two women quietly went back to the room to stay. Naruto walked to the door with his slippers on his hands and opened the door with a loud clatter. The rushing wind brought in the rain, and Sakura stood outside the door holding an umbrella.

Her thin body trembled slightly, and she raised her eyes and glanced down at him in the corridor. There was that awkward look on his face, as if he was forced here.

“What are you doing?” Naruto was a little surprised. We just left in the afternoon and came here in the evening? You figured it out so quickly, huh? It’s amazing.

Sakura didn’t think too much, she was just wondering whether she should find Naruto or not. She had already decided to go home and start over in the afternoon.


both Naruto and Ino’s character vests can be used. The operations officer has this permission to use it. If you want it, you can apply for it. There is nothing to do.

ps: Qidian has collectively blocked this chapter in the past few days, saying that the same applies to other books. I can see it in the background.

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