
Chapter 458 Where is the green tea? This is obviously a good and considerate sister. Chapter 458 Where is the green tea? This is obviously a considerate and good sister.

Chapter 458 There is no green tea, this is clearly a considerate and good sister

. The water in the river was cold. Kurama Yakumo stood there and stared at the fish basket hanging by the river for a while.

“Where to sell it?”

“In the capital of Yuno Country, there is a vegetable stall that spontaneously formed at the foot of the city wall.” Naruto said, “Sell it out before dark tomorrow afternoon, otherwise it will be difficult to sell it.”

“Master You know so much.” Kurama Yakumo added in a timely manner, very deliberately, but Naruto liked it very much.

After all, who doesn’t like a girl who has eyes for you? How can there be any green tea? This is clearly my good and considerate sister.

What’s more, it would be even better if Kurama Yakumo only did this to him.

Hydrangea’s whole body froze, and she turned to look at Kurama Yakumo with an expression of disbelief. How did she say these words!

“Ahem, find a place to rest. We’ll talk tomorrow.” Naruto said, directly covering up the topic. It was already late at night.

“Yeah.” The two women responded.

At night, Hydrangea and Kurama Yakumo slept in the same tent. After washing, the tent became quiet.

“Hey, are you asleep?”

“No.” Kurama Yakumo turned his head.

“Are you really going to sell fish tomorrow?” Hydrangea turned over and turned to look at Kurama Yakumo, “I really can’t understand what this person is doing.” ”

Probably just selling fish. ” Kurama Yakumo hesitated for a moment and then said, staring blankly at the roof of the tent, “Maybe he has a hard conscience and wants to take us to play.” ”

This guy is really awkward.” Hydrangea curled her lips, “It was obviously him who took us away. The training guy who was thrown inside doesn’t want us to sacrifice our lives for him so quickly.”

“Who knows.” Kurama Yakumo responded.

Late at night, the two women gradually fell asleep.

In the tent on the other side, Naruto didn’t think much at all. It was just a break in the busy schedule to lead team building with the employees, giving them a little buffer to avoid becoming red-blooded.

After all, he had just escaped from the constant fighting day and night, and he might be prone to bloodshed. Maybe he was overly worried and it was okay not to do this kind of team building.

But Naruto has always been thoughtful and doesn’t like gambling. I would rather waste some time than miss the first opportunity, and it will be even harder to get it after catching the snake in the grass.

This time, he didn’t come to Iwagakure Village to carry a bag of rice to several floors. He was planning to lure Ohnoki’s only sweetheart, the little princess Tsuchikage, into the water. He wants to create chaos, not riot.

The plan was for Kurama Yakumo and Hydrangea to attack Iwagakure Village, while he took advantage of the chaos to take Kurotsuchi away and make him his lackey.

The next day, under the city wall of Tang Country.

He clearly remembered the road away from the center of Yunokuni Street. After four o’clock in the morning, people started to set up stalls to sell some fruits and vegetables.

Or fried snacks, fresh meat and fish.

Two years ago, he and the lustful Jiraiya hung out in this area for more than half a month. They took baths, ate and drank every day, and Jiraiya had one more expense.

They have also been under this city wall before, and the flow of people is not small. They are all ordinary people living on the edge of the capital. Occasionally, wealthy people would come here to buy some fresh meat and vegetables.

As soon as night falls, the vegetable and fruit stalls will be removed, and more food stalls will be set up. At that time, there was a huge flow of people, and nearby villagers were walking shoulder to shoulder on the road.

The lights all over the capital of Yuno Country are connected together like a colorful light belt. The bright light spread farther away, as if burning into the night sky.

Big black fish is a delicacy from the mountains, and it is much more delicious than other fish whether cooked in soup or sliced.

As long as the price is not expensive, there is no need to worry about not being able to sell a piece of sixty taels. But for the price of a bowl of ramen, it is still a good deal to have a wild big snakehead fish.

At three o’clock in the afternoon the next day, the sunlight slanted, and a shadow shrouded under the city wall.

They were not the first to rush under the city wall. There was not much traffic at this time, and there were some vendors moving around one after another. Walking around in the shadows, chatting, carriages and horses slowly passed through the land under the wall.

“There aren’t many people!” Hydrangea covered the non-existent sun with her hands, squinting and looking around.

She was actually a little irritable in her heart. She hadn’t seen anyone for a long time, and she was surrounded by people for no reason. Even though her face was calm, she was actually a little restless inside.

It’s too noisy, it’s really too noisy.

He almost couldn’t help but have the idea of summoning a psychic beast to kill all the people from all directions. Just like at the Altar of the Evil God, if you kill all your opponents, the area around you will become quiet.

With this, she could also take a breather.

“These people are really…” Her voice was trembling slightly as she spoke. She habitually turned her head to look at Kurama Yakumo’s condition, and found that the other party had also become quiet.

He lowered his head, his body muscles tensing slightly, sensing Hydrangea’s gaze. Kurama Yakumo raised his eyes slightly and met hers, his eyes already filled with blood.

When the two women met someone, they were both in a bad state, but Naruto on the side was extremely calm. He even found a corner to squat down and started to dig out the basin as if nothing had happened.

Then several baskets of fresh fish were poured into the water basin, causing a splash of water half a meter high. Not only did Naruto ignore the two people trembling slightly beside him, he even took out an oxygen generator.

Professional, very professional.

There are some fish and meat sellers around, most of them have a few big basins. I have never seen Naruto in this posture. He took out the oxygen generator that was half the height of a man, and the big black fish that was too fresh.

It’s like a tractor equipped with a Ferrari engine. Isn’t it involution?

After doing all this, he looked around at the two women and didn’t say anything when he saw that their condition was not right. Just took out the price list again, the currency of Tang Country is sixty taels.

The group of vendors watching the excitement could not sit still and looked at each other. One of the leaders stepped forward and stood in front of the fish stall with a somewhat aggressive tone.

“Are you selling this fish for sixty taels? Are you selling it at a loss on purpose?”

“What’s wrong?” Naruto sat on the chair and squinted at the middle-aged vendor with a sinister face, “You live in the Land of Fire. Are you so lenient?”

His tone was neither anxious nor annoyed. Facing ordinary people, there was no wave in his heart. He even looked at that person with a smile on his face.

However, this look in the eyes of middle-aged people has a hint of childishness. For an old man like him, it is easy to handle these young people.

“You can’t sell it here for sixty taels. If you sell it, you will ruin everyone’s business.” The middle-aged man threatened, “If it ruins everyone’s business, don’t sell it.” “I can sell my

own fish however I want. I’ll sell it for sixty taels, and I’ll sell it for ten taels.” Naruto raised his head and said with a smile, “What can you do to me?” ”

You!” The middle-aged man obviously didn’t expect this young man to be so tough and angry. He came up in an instant, “Are you blind? Who in this area doesn’t know me Shuta!” ”


If you don’t know me, if you have the guts, you’ll smash my place.” Naruto didn’t seem to take that person seriously at all. , leading step by step, “Don’t dare to smash it, go home and drink milk from your mother’s arms!”

“Seek death!” The middle-aged man was furious, raised his foot to kick the basin, and suddenly met two blood-red eyes, his body Suddenly I felt cold from head to toe.

The almost substantial murderous intent made him calm down in an instant, and his anger was swept away. He stood there tremblingly, with chills all over his body.


He had no doubt that he would be torn apart the next moment, and the imaginary pain felt like reality. Before it happened, I felt like my whole body was already hurting.

“Don’t do anything?”

Naruto glanced at him and thought to himself, it’s a pity that this little Yakuza is quite cowardly. At the same time, he was also a little surprised that Hydrangea and Kurama Yakumo could tolerate it so well.

“If you don’t do anything, get out! Don’t be an eyesore!”

Gudong! The middle-aged man, who was sweating profusely, felt like he was being pardoned. His legs went weak and he rolled away. No matter how arrogant he is, he is still afraid of ruthless people. If he doesn’t run away, he will stay here.

“Hey, it’s boring.” Naruto sighed, turned around and looked back at the two people standing next to him, “You two, stop being so straight-faced.”

Hearing this, Hydrangea seemed to suddenly wake up. , swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Looking at the bustling crowd, my back felt a little chilly.

It seemed that I almost couldn’t control myself just now. I don’t know why, but I just wanted to kill the middle-aged man who appeared in front of me.

“I’m sorry, Master. It’s all my fault. I just got distracted.” Kurama Yakumo said with a small smile, and walked over to massage Naruto’s shoulders.

Hydrangea: “.”

In response to this, she was speechless.

It was almost four o’clock, and there were more stalls around. More and more people were passing by, and after witnessing the scene just now, the vendors on the side clearly distanced themselves from the three of them.

Three people guarding a stall seem to be a small island on this Konoha street. Hydrangea also noticed something unusual and felt a little complicated.

“They seem to be afraid of us?” she asked.

“Of course I’m scared. It looked like you were going to eat them alive just now.” Naruto said slowly, “But what surprises me is that you are not lost.” “It’s also my fault that my

level has dropped recently, and that guy is not so angry. Just set up the stall. Do you think, if I had just greeted his mother first, would he have set up the stall directly?”

Hydrangea: “.”

Kurama Yakumo: “.”

Seeing that no one came to ask about the price, Hydrangea became a little worried after a long time. She couldn’t sit still, even though she didn’t really want to sell fish. But come and go, one or two will always be sold.

Just when she was hesitant and about to ask what to do, Naruto at the side suddenly shouted at the top of his voice.

“Fresh wild black fish, boiled in soup and bones, tender and refreshing, bitter melon slices, infinitely delicious! Come and see, one fish only costs the price of a bowl of ramen.”

Hydrangea was stunned and turned to look at Kurama Yakumo. As if she felt everyone’s attention focused on her, Ziyanghua suddenly felt a little embarrassed and wondered how could this person shout?

Kurama Yakumo was also stunned, but then he reacted. She immediately took out a handkerchief from her arms, whispered something in Naruto’s ear with a chuckle, and wiped his sweat.

Hydrangea: “.”

But the effect was really good. Two women hesitated for a few seconds and then came over to ask.

“Is this fish fresh?”

“Sister, it’s absolutely fresh. I’m making fish soup for beauty!” Naruto smiled.

Naruto had no airs, his words were sweet and enthusiastic, and he coaxed the two women into running circles. Words are like magic medicine, a few words can make your face radiant.

The two women lowered their heads and glanced at the big, lively black fish, and simply bought two of them each.

“Done.” Naruto collected the money, squinted his eyes and sat back down.

The first business was easily settled in this way, and he got off to a good start with 240 taels. Faced with such a record, he was quite satisfied. Hydrangea on the side was even more stunned, with her mouth slightly open.

“Sold now?”

“Or else?” Naruto said without raising his head, “Sixty taels is about the same as what you picked up for free. Most people in the Kingdom of Yu are not short of money.” ”

Come here, you two try it. Try.”

After saying that, Naruto stood up directly and gave up his position to Hydrangea and Kurama Yakumo. While the two women were still a little confused, he said in a casual tone.

“Just sell it. You can figure it out for yourself. It’s sixty taels anyway. Most of these fish were brought up by the two of you. If you can’t finish them all, you’ll have to sell them.” ”

But… I can’t do it!” Hydrangea was a little nervous, she I’m afraid that when I see someone, I won’t be able to suppress the idea of stabbing them.

“You really can’t do it, Hydrangea, you are very weak.” He said, “If you sell it, the money will be yours, so that’s all.”

Hearing this, Kurama Yakumo on the side was a little moved. She knew that Naruto was going through all this trouble just so that the two of them could get rid of their suppressed bloodthirsty state.

“Master, then let’s try it.” She smiled like a flower.

Naruto turned his head and glanced at Kurama Yakumo, seeing the girl’s sunny smiling face and clear stupidity in her eyes. He looked away calmly and looked away.

The price of fate’s gift has already been secretly marked, but these two people will not know it.

The afternoon passed quickly while setting up the stalls. It was getting dark soon, and not a single fish left by the three people was left. All the fish were sold out.

Naruto threw the basin he brought in a side alley and stopped caring about it. Under the setting sun, the three of them began to share the money, waving wads of money one after another.

“Hydrangea, this is yours. The twelve fish total 720 taels. These are all for you. They are considered as your own earnings. Remember to pay the bill after dinner at night.”

As he said this, he handed over the 720 taels of banknotes. passed.

“For me?” Hydrangea seemed a little at a loss. She never thought that Naruto would actually give the money, “I just sold a few fish, is it worth so much?” ”

Of course it is worth it, you deserve it. ”

Thank you, Master.” Hydrangea didn’t hear the second half of Naruto’s words clearly, “Then I really took it? I…”

“This is yours.” Naruto handed Kurama Yakumo his share. He gave it to her, and the latter smiled and said thank you to the master without being coy at all.

Naruto couldn’t help but sigh again, what about green tea? This is obviously a good and considerate sister. Come on, one by one, who can withstand it?

“Let’s go! Let’s go! Eat, eat!” Naruto raised the remaining thin stack of banknotes in his hand high, waved it and shouted.

“Okay!” The two women were very excited and followed them towards the center of the capital.

The setting sun fell into the world like fire, and the entire Kingdom of Tang was shrouded in a hazy scene. Crows flew diagonally onto the telephone poles, pedestrians chatting and laughing, and vendors carrying loaders on their way back mingled together, and the scenery was as lively as an oil painting.

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