
The surface of the Uchiha family is much more low-key.

The people in the dark department also did not pretend, so they openly monitored the situation of Uchiha.

The main battle faction in the family, the tone is fierce, but the body is very honest to choose the underground meeting.

Leaving the rest of the family, their faces are more or less ugly.

The contradiction between Konoha and Uchiha has been placed on the table.

There is no more decency.

Even Uchiha, who has a lot of police departments, has become a little more arrogant in law enforcement after his temper.

This will undoubtedly continue to increase the intensity of the confrontation between the two sides, but no one can control it, and neither can Patriarch Fugaku.

“Sasuke, you… You okay? ”

Sasuke got up early for school, as usual.

At the intersection, Uchiha Izumi was also waiting for him as usual.

Even though Izumi graduated yesterday, he only waited for a few days off to officially register Shinobu and be classified.

Izumi asked with concern on his face, but did not dare to ask too explicitly.

She was worried that Sasuke didn’t understand anything, and it would be bad if he spoke out sensitive information.

She couldn’t worry about family affairs, she just cared if Sasuke was affected by this incident.

“It’s okay, Sister Quan, don’t worry, everything will be as usual.”

Sasuke soothed and asked, “By the way, do you have any plans for the future?” ”

Quan was stunned: “Future planning? ”

She didn’t expect six-year-old Sasuke to suddenly ask her this.

But thinking about Sasuke’s little ghost’s appearance, Izumi did not take it lightly, and replied: “Just study with the teacher, and then strive to be promoted to Naka Shinobi within three years, or work in the police department.” ”

Sasuke glanced back, “What does Sister Izumi think, how is the relationship between Konoha and Uchiha now?” ”

Izumi pursed his lips and shook his head.

Thinking of the career plan just now, she sighed helplessly.

If he works for the village in the future, with Uchiha’s current reputation, he will undoubtedly be ostracized.

And to work in the Uchiha Police Department, you have to receive the coercion of the main war faction, and if you don’t agree, you will also be ostracized.

Both look like the future is not good.

Sasuke continued: “Actually, there is still a way for ninjas, didn’t Konoha want to send ninjas to the daimyo palace some time ago? Guardian Shinobi Twelve. ”

“Although you can’t get a spot, it means that there are opportunities to exercise outside.”

“If you don’t want to get caught up in the dispute between Konoha and Uchiha, I’ll go back and see if the dark line outside can find an opportunity to send you out.”

Although Uchiha has little contact with the outside world, he has some connections on the cat mother-in-law’s side.

If you want to send people out with a different identity, pay some price, you can still do it.

Anyway, now Uchiha doesn’t have to worry about being suspected by Konoha, so make small moves.

“But wouldn’t that be good?”

Izumi was a little entangled and did not dare to look at Sasuke.

Because of the influence of Itachi, Izumi really does not want to fight in the village.

But after all, she was adopted by Uchiha’s mother’s family, and her neutrality alone made her embarrassed.

“Nothing bad, the situation in the family… Some people are crazy. ”

Sasuke tiptoed to pat Izumi on the shoulder and continued, “And you’re not running away, after all, no matter what, it’s hard for our relationship with Konoha to go back to the past. ”

“Eggs can’t be put in one basket, if you go out, regardless of the success or failure of the family in the future, you can play your role outside.”

When the family succeeds, Izumi can bring back the channels for external development.

If the family does not succeed, the spring is equivalent to a flame and scattered in advance.

Anyway, it’s better than the sand sculpture of Itachi, who let Izumi be killed in the family.

And Sasuke also meant to think for himself.

Izumi’s potential is good, and as his temporary outsider, it can help a lot.

Especially if you enter the daimyo palace, or the noble circle.

Izumi thought hard.

The sudden change in life plan made the girl panic.

But she could hear what Sasuke meant, maybe the end of the family would not be very good.

If you go outside and give feedback to help the family….

“…… If you go out, it will be difficult, right? ”

Izumi lowered his head and said after thinking for a long time.

This is already a loose mouth.

“You are not officially registered as a ninja yet, so it’s not a big problem.”

Sasuke was relieved that he hadn’t started to engage with Naruto yet, but had first harvested a free-moving chess piece.

The pawn who crosses the river seems to be very weak and has a great effect.


“Hah! Sasuke Yaga~, you’re late! ”

Sasuke was delayed for a moment because of Izumi, and the bell had just rang when he entered the classroom.

Naruto couldn’t wait to get up from his position and point at Sasuke to mock.

“Naruto, be quiet!”

Iruka helplessly nodded, his eyes signaling Sasuke to take a seat.

As the first place in all aspects of the grade, it is privileged.

“Hmph, it’s obviously Sasuke who is late, but it’s me who is being disciplined…”

Naruto saw that Sasuke was safe and sound, and hummed and closed himself.

“Late, will it affect my first place in the exam?”

Sasuke sat down calmly, his face full of casualness.

Naruto tickled his teeth at the sight.

But there is no way.

Can’t take the exam, can’t beat it!

Why is this guy lazier than me, but the result is so different?!

Naruto held his head, puzzled.

“Why, curious about how I learned?”

Sasuke rarely took the initiative to ask.

Naruto immediately perked up, but wanted to ask the nasty guy, and was embarrassed.

Sasuke stopped looking at him: “Since you’re not curious, forget it.” ”

Naruto was anxious, “Curious! I’m curious! ”

Iruka, who was lecturing on the podium, couldn’t bear it, and the chalk head hit Naruto’s forehead accurately.

“Naruto! If you make any more noise, you will stand outside! ”

Naruto covered his forehead and sat down ruefully.

I even wondered if this guy Sasuke was deliberately making him yelling and letting the teacher be an accomplice.

But as soon as he sat down again, he saw Sasuke quietly hand over a note.

The note reads:

[During the lunch break, tell you.] 】

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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