“Sasuke, what should I do?”

In the bushes near the riverbank, Sakura and Naruto crouched around Sasuke, looking anxious.

They have come to this point, and no one wants to be eliminated.

I don’t want my friends to be eliminated either.

Sasuke Fu said, “How many times have I said that when I encounter things, calm down and think about it, it all depends on what use I have.” One day I’m gone, and then you won’t be alive? ”

Sakura hurriedly took a few bites, “Sasuke-kun, don’t say such unlucky things. ”

Naruto actually calmed down before Sakura and thought along Sasuke’s usual train of thought, “I just thought something was strange, but I couldn’t remember it.” ”

Sakura saw that Sasuke ignored him, and the love brain finally stopped for half a moment.

At this time, the results of the intelligence analysis course are good or bad, which is reflected.

Sakura clapped her fists: “That’s right, teamwork!” ”

“Didn’t Iruka-sensei say that our graduation class was carefully considered, combined with the strengths of each squad member, and learned from each other’s strengths.”

“If the real three eliminate two, it means that the team is destined to break up, and it is not easy to rematch the right players.”

“And if it’s so easy to break up the team, then why put it at the beginning of graduation?” In this way, because there are too many teams that have been eliminated and separated, it means that the previous school teachers matched the team, isn’t it all useless work? ”

“So, this must be Kakashi-sensei’s private assessment!”

“And it won’t be as serious as he said, there should be a correct answer to this matter!”

Naruto looked at his goddess adoringly, “Sakura! So what’s the answer? ”

Sakura, who was proud, smiled and collapsed, “Uh, this…”

She was shy and angry, Naruto asked why this well!

It is good to be able to analyze and have an answer, and directly ask what the answer is, how do people know?

Wait, maybe Sasuke-kun….

Sakura looked over and saw that Sasuke’s analysis of her did not fluctuate much.

Sakura was a little lost, and sure enough, Sasuke-kun had known for a long time.

You may even guess the correct answer.

Sasuke reluctantly encouraged the two: “It’s still basic. ”

“Sakura’s analysis is correct.”

“But it’s not early, even if you have the correct answer, you must first get the bell before you have the opportunity to transcribe the answer.”

“Come closer, we’ll do this later…”


“The hiding of the breath…”

Kakashi was about to praise two words when he suddenly heard Naruto and Sakura’s voices.

How to say, hiding the breath is qualified.

But just making a voice like that, isn’t it too much to take the teacher seriously?

Kakashi had just gained the will to fight, and it had faded by half.

He took out the affectionate paradise and hesitated whether to put a shadow doppelganger to deal with the matter.

To deal with newly graduated children, the shadow avatar is completely enough.

At this moment, several shurikens suddenly flew from the distant bushes.

Kakashi stood in the teacher’s point of view and subconsciously evaluated.

The shuriken throwing is good, but not to the point of being amazing, and the strength is not great – Sakura’s handwriting.

At the same time, on the other side of the bushes, Naruto rushed out one after another.

Left and right.

‘Is this the ninjutsu that defeated Mizuki?’ ’

‘Unexpected fit Naruto. ’

However, the physical skills are not strong, and no amount is useful. ’

In the face of the left and right attacks, Kakashi never put down the imperial book in his hand.

Just retreat and get out easily.

A dozen Naruto pounced one after another, and he was still at ease.

‘Huh? More methodical than expected. ’

‘Are you specially trained in physical skills? This is not the scope of the school. ’

Kakashi faintly saw the shadow of Uchiha’s physical technique from Naruto’s part.

Sasuke that guy, did you even share this with your classmates?

But after all, the difference in strength is large, he is a Buddha-figure here, not a shadow avatar.

In the distance, Sakura constantly throws ninja interference, changing positions at the same time, and then changing the direction of the attack.

Trying to make Kakashi have to pull some of his energy to pay attention.

But in reality, Kakashi was just rambling against the two, which was perfectly enough.

They still underestimated Kakashi’s strength.

And as the situation became slightly unexpected, most of Kakashi’s remaining energy was no longer in the book, but in Sasuke, who had not appeared so far.

Naruto continued to compress Kakashi’s space, and the shadow doppelganger broke one, made up two, and gradually more and more.

Dozens of Naruto, even Kakashi had to get out of the way slightly.

This is a common problem of not being good at large-scale attacks, and of course, it is also the reason why Kakashi does not want to really hurt Naruto.

Kakashi glanced behind him, at the denser woods.

‘It must be this time, right?’ ’

Kakashi pretended to be defeated and retreated.

Sure enough, there was a sudden movement in the canopy.

Kakashi glanced at the man in the gap in the canopy.

This is the symbolic fireball technique.

Sasuke, this guy, is indeed worthy of being the first in his grade.

Short-term tactical planning and the use of ninjutsu are all top existences among students.

‘But that’s your limit, right?’ ’

Kakashi began to charge while balancing Naruto’s frontal attack and Sakura’s sneak attack.

Ninjas are all high attack and low defense, and they are hit head-on with a huge fireball, and Kakashi can’t stand it.

By the time Sasuke was imprinted on his head to the last, Kakashi’s muscles tensed, however-


‘Sasuke’ who poked his head out of the canopy, kept the imprint, but spit out not a fireball, but a tongue…

As well as the iconic Naruto laughter.

Kakashi’s face changed.

Above is Naruto’s real body? Shadow doppelganger?

And what about – Sasuke?


In the group of Naruto’s shadow doppelgängers, there was a sudden noise.

The ‘Naruto doppelganger’ closest to Kakashi showed Sasuke’s appearance.

When Kakashi’s energy was completely pulled by the canopy, Sasuke’s wrist shook.

A short knife slashed through.

Jingle bells.

The red rope bell that Kakashi tied to his waist fell to the ground.

Kakashi was stunned, then frowned.

This tactic, as well as timing.

‘Iruka, are you sure this is Shinobi, not Naka? ’

Kakashi had taken out some of his strength, but he didn’t expect to be robbed of the bell in just a few minutes.


Suddenly, Kakashi felt that something was wrong.

The bell fell, he was ready to end the assessment, and he didn’t think about bullying the child to snatch it back.

However, even the most frizzy Naruto did not go to pick up the bell.

Sasuke’s short knife never put down.

Nasen’s cold short knife raised instead.

“Kakashi-sensei, please advise.”

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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