In Line

9 Chapter 9: Fathers Unknown

I traveled to the embassy. It was a long ride on horseback that nearly took till sundown to clear. The building was unlike anything else in the city. It went below the ground rather than above. My first steps were into shadows as I followed a narrow set of stairs down into the earth that slowly turned into a tunnel lit by torches. I thought I was alone, but as I crept deeper, I saw guards were standing near every other flame. I tried to speak with them as I walked, but they gave nothing.

I finally met the end of the tunnel after walking what seemed to be an endless void. There was a large wooden door locked from the opposite side. A man slid open a slot to speak.

"What is your business here?" he said.

"I'm looking for a royal guard by the name Non."

"There is no one here by that name," he said.

He started to close the sliding door.

"I am Par, Prince of The Kingdom of Fae, and I command you to open this door," I said.

"You have no power here, prince, only a king or queen may enter without reservation," he informed.

"Then, I'm here to speak with King Teco."

"The king of Catalina has given no warning of visitors."

"Ask him if he wishes it. He will tell you to let me in," I declared.

They shut the sliding door and for a long while I was left in silence. Suddenly the gigantic wooden structure was opened, and I was allowed in.

The main area was spacious. It was a big circular waiting room with several doors.

"The King of Catalina is behind door 5, he will see you now," said the old man who's face I finally matched to the voice of the gatekeeper.

I proceeded to enter room number 5. It was a red room with black furniture and dim lighting. There were guards everywhere and in the center sat Teco as if he were waiting for me.

"You should have a seat young prince," said the foreign king.

I sat across from him, unsure of the meaning of the situation.

"I'm looking for Non," I stated.

" So you are enjoying my choice," Teco said.

"You don't care that I know you wanted us together?"

"I want many things for you, all good, so why would I not want you to know?" He answered.

"You used him to lead me here?"

"Non had no choice but to return to my side. As a general of my guard, he must see to the routine renewal of my detail, your following him is simply a bonus to the usual," he said.

"Are you lying to me? Setting me up and luring me here," I questioned aloud.

"Your king is the one who has lied to you, and in more ways than one. I offer you truth with no vail to remove," he said.

"And what is the truth?"

"You are my son," he answered.

Not a single soul shifted. For Non to spout such lies was surely a disrespect, but for Teco to corroborate his tale was earth-shattering.

"I've already heard this lie once today, and it is every bit as impossible now as it was then," I said.

"It was a plan set to span years. We made sure you became a member of the royal family of Fae so that you might take the throne and give its power to me," he informed.

"I am no spy."

"No, but you are my son. In giving you up, I realized how cold I became as a ruler. That is why I left you in the dark so that you might grow up unhindered by my shortcomings."

"Let us pretend that I believe this fabrication; it doesn't matter because I am not yours."

"No, you are no one's to control, but there is more that you do not know," he added.

"I don't need this, I came here for Non, not a fairy tale," I said.

I tried to stand, but blades were held to my throat until I sat down once again. Leaving was no longer an option.

"You may not be mine to control, but I will protect you, and that is why you will listen boy," Teco exclaimed.

His posture was tame and subdued, but for that one moment, it was savage and domineering. He retracted himself and took a breath before motioning his guards to lower their weapons.

"To what?" I hesitantly asked.

"Growing up, you assumed you and your brother were the odd children, but your sister is not a child of your king and queen," Teco said.

"What does that mean?"

"Your queen had a miscarriage. She never gave birth to a single living heir," he added almost smugly.

"How could you know this," I begged for an explanation.

"I have kept eyes on you and your adopted family long before I gave you to them."

"So my sister is adopted as well, what difference would it make?"

"Her true father makes the difference," he said, sitting up to illustrate the importance.

He paused.

"Her birth father was a man of great wealth, great power, and great insanity, and so was his father and his and so forth," Teco explained.

"Are you implying that my sister is insane?"

"We believe your 'sister' is responsible for the attempt on your King's life," he added.

"I'm done here, let me go," I demanded.

"Your people, your inspectors, they are poor at best. It took my spies only days to find the poison that nearly killed your king," he boasted.

Teco tossed me a vial of the supposed poison.

"We had it extracted from each slice of cake served that night we could examine before its disposal. Would you like to know who's slice had none?"

He sat back in his seat as if to rest his case.

"Stop this," I exclaimed.

"You, your brother, and your sister had no poison while your king and Queen were given enough to kill ten men. I do not doubt that if anyone else received their deserts that night, it would have been their last," he continued at my dismay.

"My sister did not do this. She is too loyal, too protecting," I debated with The foreign king and his servants just as much as myself.

"I've given you the information you need, but I won't hold your hand. If you do not trust me, then search for the answers on your own. I'm sure you'll be back when you realize I am on your side like only your true family could be," he said.

I left only after the guards let me stand and pass them to get to the door. All the while, I felt his eyes watch me till I was gone.

On my way out of the tunnel up the stairs, I found who I came for. He was waiting for me.

"Was this all just a game to you?" I questioned.

"No, never," Non answered without shame or remorse.

"Then why make me go through this?"

"I have done nothing but be loyal to my kingdom and my king," he said.

"You mean my father?" I pushed him and myself.

I couldn't believe the words that fell from my mouth.

"Your king, thinks that I need you, he thinks you would be good for me, what do you think?"

"You lasted a minute longer than any of my men in combat, I'd say you don't need anyone," Non said.

"I don't know if I can trust you," I admitted as much as I questioned.

"Then don't, but as the winner of our ritual know that if you come to see beyond what your father has set into motion, I will be here for you," he said.

"Will you ride with me back to the castle," I offered.

"Another night, my prince, King Teco, has requested that I stay here for the remainder of our stay in your land," he said.

"And how much longer will you be here?"

"We make leave for Catalina at dawn."

I looked away. Perhaps my brother was right. I might have been too quick to offer my self in earnest.

"Already, you show me more affection than I deserve. I'm sure you will have many to keep your company until we meet again," Non joked as he took my hand.

"Would you not protest it?"

"You are a prince. I'd be a fool to think you were not wanted by many. It would be cruel to deny you the joy of joining with them, whether it be myself or another."

He engulfed me in his presence as he held me close enough to die.

"But I leave you with this," he said before offering me a parting gift.

With my chin held and parted lips, our eyes shut. For a moment, we were nowhere as the wind blew sand like stars. As it ended, I knew already I would miss the embrace. With a kiss to keep me warm, I went on my way to search for cold truths.

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