In love with butterfly

14 Divorced or not?

There are millions of divorce cases which are still pending in our country and hundreds are register on daily basis. Whether the case is of mutual agreement or not, it still takes time. I never imagined that one day I will be one of them in the waiting list. I was aware as a businessman about the legal process but who knew that my one sign can make me divorced and then married again.

Sitting in my office, after the discussion with the lawyer and Taylor I couldn't focus on my work anymore and decided to leave work. I called Robbin to shift my all the meetings and send an email about any matter which needs to my urgent attention.

On my way back, there was only one thing going in my mind, whether it is for good or for bad?

The lawyer said, my divorce was kept on hold for the next 60 days because of our signature. My signature legal signature didn't match up with the divorce agreement. Within 60 days I have to submit the papers again to avoid any complications. The documents need to be signed again by both of us or it will be rejected. Once rejected it will be difficult to get the divorce.

Is it right or wrong?

Is it bad to meet again? The girl who left without saying anything, without letting anyone know where she is going or where is now, is surely a bad thing.

It can turn out to be a good thing too. Maybe I know the reason for the same. Maybe I can know the reason why no one knows about her actions.

Lately, for the last many days she has been troubling me a lot. I have thought about her lot. How that I am thinking about it felt a bit good about it. I guess I like to think about her.

When I reached home, I went straight to the room she used to live. As per my instructions the room was not touched by anyone. The only key to the room was with me. It was cleaned by once in a month by Marie. I had never been to the room after she left. It was the first time, it was difficult to go there again.

I need to search the room in order to find any clues about her. This room can answer about her whereabouts.

It was difficult for me to unlock the look. It took me time to gather up the courage to unlock it. The sound of unlocking was so loud like broken glass. I was a bit scared now. When I went in, the room was so alive like she still lives here. The things around reminded me of her more and more. I was reached to the study avoiding all the thoughts.

I began my search going through the things. There was hardly any stuff left for her but I need to check.

After a while a found a picture,

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