She nodded. After a few minutes, she came back with her documents and an envelope in her hand. " Your father asked me to give it to you. " She said and gave me the envelope.

She was looking at me the whole time I was checking all the papers along with her identification papers.

" I am sorry. I didn't mean to, it's just I merely forgot about your presence. " What the hell. I said sorry to someone for the first time. I someone felt like to say it. She again nodded.

" Make sure this will not happen in future. For the time being, I am staying in the room on the right side of the second floor moreover you stay in your own room. Don't even think about to enter my room without my permission. There will be rules, which you have to follow whether you like it or not. You will get the list tomorrow on breakfast. Breakfast is at 8. I am busy too, make sure not to miss it. " She said all that in one go and left.

I was just blankly looking at her. Trying to understand what she just said and why.

I was expecting my wife to be someone who will be desperate to be my wife, who will through herself to me, someone cheesy whereas she is not. Either she is not like that or this all is just an act. Fine, you want rules, then you will get rules. I will find out by all means why you are behaving like this.

After she left, I also went to my room. I took a long relaxing shower to adapt to what just happened all. I checked the envelope again, there were marriage certificate and all the required paper to legally prove the marriage. It can be only be done by my father. He must have prepared for all this in advance in order to avoid all these situations. When I can forget about being married moreover her, then registration and other legal formalities are nowhere to be mentioned.

After putting the paper in the drawer, I took a pen and paper to write down the rules.

FB ends..

After thinking of all this now, it seems like I was a different person with her and others. In fact, in the first meeting as well. No one had ever dared to talk to me like that unlike her. The first meeting was memorable and exceptional. She was the only one who treated me like a person, like Shane not the owner of some company. The one she was talking to was her stranger husband, not a celebrity.

Maybe that was the first thing attracted me towards her.

Whatever it was back then or now, I cannot forget about the things she did to me. She used me for her own good. I tried to live a life with her whereas I was just a stranger to her.

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