" Marie, in an hour, Andrew or his team mate will come with a delivery of Roses. Help them to get it settled in the empty room near the entrance and he will give you a bouquet of green roses, arrange them in the Annya's room, somewhere you will get the fragrance once you enter and away from direct eye contact. " I instructed Marie before walking in my room. ' Green. Few I am not wrong that's her favourite colour. Yes, yes. Green is her favourite colour. That's why her room is all green and it looks nice. I hope she likes it too. I personally asked Andrew to arrange this. I am doing something like for the first time. Whether she will like it or not. Yes or no, because of this thought i didn't realise that i was in shower for more than 30mins.

After a while i heard, achooo, achooo, achooo, achooo, achooo, achooo, achooo, achooo, achooo, achooo, achooo, achooo, achooo, achooo,achooo, achooo,achooo, achooo, achooo, achooo, achooo... ' Who is sneezing continuously? Why can't take a break. ' I hurriedly went downstairs to check the matter and there in the hall everyone was gather around the girl who's face was covered.

" Marie, what's the matter? Who is she? Why she is snezzing like that? '' " Sir, we don't know why Annya madam is doing so? Marie replied. " what? It's Annya. What happened to her? " I rushed towards her who was still sneezing. " Annya, what's the matter? " I grabbed her towards me while saying.

" Why achoo I achoo smell achoo rose achoo ? " She replied with her face covered with cloth and her hand.

" What you just said, i couldn't understand a single word? " I confusingly asked when she is still sneezing.

" Sir, ma'am is asking for the smell of roses " Marie said.

" Roses. Yes there are in that room, near entrance and in your room too. " I replied pointing towards the room. " careful " I said and she almost fell on the floor when i grabbed her again.

" I achoo am achoo allergic achoo to achoo roses achoo " She said.

" WHAT " I was shocked. I did something for her the first time and it harmed her.

" Somebody, ask driver to get the car. Annya, you are coming with me hospital and Marie, ask Robbin to return all the roses right away and get rid of the smell of roses from the house. I don't even a single corner to smell it. " I instructed.

" Sir, what about green roses ? " Marie asked

" Throw them. I don't care. " I said

" Sir, the car is ready. "

I took her hand and walked out. She was still sneezing. I was very worried but hoping that she will be fine. I was so worried about her until when doctor said she is fine, they have given her required medicine and injection. As she is allergic to roses and the smell was so strong for her which made her like but no need to worry after a nap she will be fine.

" Robbin, listen to very carefully, at any cost i don't any roses. there will be no roses in any event, party not even on any desk, garden or home owned by my company. Do you get that? "

" Yes sir " I instructed my secretary after checking on her.

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