In Marvel With Random Power System

1 How does this even happen!?

Jeremy was pissed, He had died by getting hit by a truck. Now if he had been hit while on the road he wouldn't be as mad, but he hadn't been on the road no, he had been in his bathroom brushing his teeth.

Jeremy: "How the hell does that even happen!?"

now he has been stuck in an all-white room for an unimaginably long time.

after what seemed like forever he heard footsteps approaching.

???: "wow that was hilarious!"

Jeremy turned around and saw a tall and lanky looking guy with an indescribable, face it bore a resemblance to every person he had met before, he couldn't even tell what the man's skin color was!

Jeremy: "who the fuck are you?"

he reflexively asked

???: "I am Thanatos the God in charge of reincarnation that's who"

Jeremy just stared blankly at this man who just claimed to be a God.

Jeremy: "bull shit! show some proof!"

he yelled.

Thanatos: "what do you mean? don't you remember dying?"

Jeremy paused since he is dead then it is very likely that the man in front of him was a God, that meant that he would be reincarnated like in the novels that he loves to read!

Jeremy: "ok that kind of makes sense... but what do you want with me?"

Thanatos: "well after death sentient beings that had positive karma are allowed to be reincarnated in a world of their choosing with a gift"

Jeremy: "really!? then I wish for omnipotence!"

Jeremy immediately said, because with omnipotence he could do whatever he wanted in any world and no one could ever stop him!

Thanatos: "no omnipotence is not one of the options, the gift can't be anything too powerful after all then what would be the fun in that?"

'fun? what fun you bastard! I'd rather be omnipotent than to have "fun", you idiot!' Jeremy thought.

Jeremy: "then can I get a system?"

Thanatos: "A system, alright now what world would you want to be born into?"

Jeremy: "wait! no that was a question, not my wish!"

Thanatos: "too late! now choose the world you want to be reincarnated into"

'god fucking damn it! fuck! oh well at least I get a system like those novels, now where do I want to go to? hmm oh, I know!'

Jeremy: "ok fine, then I want to go to the Marvel world, more specifically the MCU"

Thanatos: "ok that is doable, have fun! and try and be entertaining!"

with that Jeremy was suddenly sucked into a vortex before he could react.

Thanatos: "well on to the next one, let's see oh this one died while masturbating! oh, this will be hilarious!"

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