In Marvel With Random Power System

19 'sdate's with Natasha

* Natasha Romanov POV

I had been sent to infiltrate a Canadian facility experimenting on humans to create superhumans, SHIELD had gotten wind of it and decided to send me in to investigate. the operation was going fine until a patient broke out of containment, the facility went into lockdown and now its just a matter of time before I'm found out and killed.

the room I got stuck in was surrounded by a Faraday cage stopping me from contacting SHIELD and leaving me on my own. suddenly the door burst open and two guards burst in with their weapons drawn, I quickly lunged and grabbed one of their weapons pushing it to the side and delivering a palm strike to his jaw, I heard his jaw crack, I quickly turned and elbowed the other guard in the spleen.

after making sure that they were both knocked out I grabbed one of their guns, I started moving down the hallway stealthily. as I reached an open area the hallway behind me closed, I instinctually dived to the left as bullets impacted in the area I was just standing. as I landed behind an outcropping a phone slid out of one of my pouches I had left open, for some reason the screen turned on and showed the only contact on it, Atlan, it also seemed to have a signal despite of the Faraday cage, 'I guess he this is my only choice, wait why is there no phone number? you know what fuck it doesn't matter."



I was on a design for a drone capable of deploying large force fields and also able to give temporary regenerative factors to injured civilians. suddenly I felt a magical connection.

"Hello beautiful Natasha, what do you need? is it for pleasure or business?"

/hey Atlan, um I'm in a little bit of a bind and I need your help getting out of it./

"Oh! this sounds like a date! I'll be right there!"

I quickly opened a portal to her location, when I arrived bullets bounced off of my fields and I saw Natasha crouching behind an outcropping. there where guards everywhere shooting in this general location, I charged up a force spell and released a wave of those using all the guard against the back all knocking most out but killing a few.

"sup girl need a way out of here? or is there something you came here to do?"

"umm, I came here to obtain whatever data the facility had on human experimentation. and again aren't you a bit young to be hitting on me?"

"I am old enough to appreciate a strong capable woman, anyway I'll get you to the data center where you can do your thing"

as I said that I downloaded the map data of the facility, I got around the Faraday cage by using quantum tunneling, as we walked I talked a little with Natasha attempting to get her to go on a date with me.

we finally go to the data center after me incapacitating all the guards we ran across, as Natasha started to break into the databanks there was a roar from the direction we had come.

"You stay here I'll go and see what is going on." I put up a force field around the location and flew off towards the sound's origin. when I arrived I saw a disfigured man, he had one giant arm that looked like it was made out of decayed flesh and the rest of his body was missing its skin.

the guards were shooting at the thing but bullets just bounced off of its skin, I summoned my arclance and shot a row of guards. after I got rid of the guards I tried to speak to the thing when suddenly I was hit so hard that I flew through a couple walls and then out of the building, by the time I stopped my momentum I was a few miles away, I turned around getting ready to fly back in when suddenly a huge hand grabbed my face and slammed it into the ground the impact caved in the ground creating a twenty foot crater. the thing then tossed me up before he swung at me. at this point, I used my temporal perception so that he was moving as slow as a snail, I floated up to him and then punched him upwards, instead of sending it flying my first tore right through his body basting the upper part of his body clean off.

I looked at the body laying there and made sure it didn't have any life signs. after that, I opened up a portal and then dropped the body in for further inspection later I turned and flew back to Natasha. she gave me a questioning look "I see you've handled the situation. I'm almost done here, can I trust you for extraction."

"yeah don't worry about it, I could princess carry you back to wherever you want"

"you can open portals I don't think that is needed."

"I guess if you want to be unromantic about it we can."

after she was done she had me drop her off at the extraction site, it was about five miles out after that she ignored my advances and I was forced to leave without a promise for a date.

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