'system show me the best traits to increase my intelligence that I can afford'

[ ok user.

intelligence quota(s). 1000sp

processing speed(s). 1000sp

processing power(s). 1000sp

problem-solving(s). 1000sp ]

hmm I don't really know what to get but I guess that increasing my IQ would be the most efficient one in the end 'hmm system buy intelligence quota(s)'

[ ok! subtracting 1000sp... done.

Intelligence quota (s): increases users IQ by one standard deviation (+15 IQ) ]

alright now for a plan on how to enjoy life to the fullest, I want to be around with the powers I have and would hate it if my life was ruined by a purple mother fucker. so I will get stronger and help with some of the larger problems, I wonder 'hey system if I gain powers by some serum or learn magic would it take up a power slot?'

[ no, only powers gained from the system count towards your power slots]

ok so should try and find alternate ways to gain powers along with the random powers. oh that reminds me 'system use my remaining power tokens

[ ok! the user has received: Amalgamation: the power to mix two existing materials into one singular material, only works by touch and with nonliving materials. Max of 3ft cubed ]

oh! this looks really useful, hmm I can get so by trading in materials and the more valuable they are the more sp I get, so if I mix two materials in an original manner would they be rare? wait what if I got something like the super soldier serum and mixed it with the goblin serum? so many possibilities!


I have spent the last year putting random useless items in my inventory so that I can use my powers on them, you would be surprised how much stuff a baby can get ahold of, especially once I learned how to walk.

today is my first birthday so tonight I'm cashing in the materials for some sweet sp.

for my birthday my parents are inviting over some family friends, I probably won't know any of them but it will still be nice to see my parents so happy, dad might even smile. the last time I saw him smile was when I first got good enough control of my tongue and vocal cords to speak simple words like mama and papa, of course, I said mama first since she is better than dad but I said papa soon after to cheer him up a little. by now I can talk in simple sentences of 4 to 5 words.


mom: happy birthday sweetheart!

mom said as she leaned down and kissed my cheek.

mom: open blow out your candle!

I was sitting in a high chair while surrounded by my parent's friends and family, I did as I was told and blew out the candle on top of the cake that the maid had brought out.

[ congratulations on living to your first birthday! the user is rewarded with one power token and a reward pack! ]

oh! what is this, I'll have to check that out later. now though it is time to eat cake!


mom: goodnight sweetheart, once again happy birthday my adorable little gift

I was laid down in my crib. today was a good day, everyone was happy, smiling and having fun.

now that I'm alone though I get ready to start, I take two items out of my inventory mix them then I put them back. I keep doing this until I have a huge chunk of... something 'system please trade in this umm thing for sp'

[ ok, the user has been rewarded with 15000sp plus a 20% boost for the first transaction total + 18000sp ]

wow, that's not as much as I thought it would be 'system open the reward pack'

[ ok, the user has received: 1000sp, 1pt, and the trait magical talent(s) ]

'alright how much to upgrade magical talent(s)?'

[ to upgrade magical talent(s) to magical talent(m) it costs 10000sp]

God damn, that is expensive as fuck! 'how much to upgrade intelligence quota(s) to intelligence quota(m)?'

[ to upgrade intelligence quota(s) to intelligence quota(m) it costs 2500sp ]

ok then let's do this 'ok system I want to upgrade all my perks to medium(m)'

[ ok, subtracting 15000sp... done all traits have been upgraded]

[Increased memory (m)

-increases how easily the user remembers information by a medium amount.

Intelligence quota (m)

-increases users IQ by two standard deviations (+30 IQ)

Magical talent(m)

-gives the user a medium magical talent. ]

oh, I could feel a pleasant tingling all over my body! 'system show me my status!'

[ status:

name: Jeremy Morton

age: 1year

sp: 3000

pt: 2

IQ: 140

powers: treasure detection, amalgamation.

traits: increased memory(m), intelligence quota(m), magical talent(m). ]

ok, I'm going to need a plan.

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