I have 37,400sp left so I have decided to buy a power to fill out my power slots, I really hope that I get a good enough power 'ok system buy me a power.'

[ ok, the user has received the power Energy generation: the ability to generate energy inside of the user's body. ]

oh, this could be good, if I can develop some way to harness the energy I generate I could probably do some pretty cool stuff. my power slots are all full now 'system what would happen if I bought a power now that my slots are full?'

[ since the user's power slots are full should the user buy a power he would need to choose whether to swap the power with another one or to trade the power in for system points. ]

ok, now that is pretty interesting, I can trade powers in for system points and I'm guessing that I can get more than ten thousand system points if the power is strong enough. right now my amalgamation, treasure detection, and cartoon physics are necessary so the only powers that I could give up are unstable surface activity and energy generation, and out of those two energy generation is the most useful.

'system how much are all of my current powers worth in sp?'

[ the powers that the user has are worth:

treasure detection-300sp


unstable surface activity-50sp

cartoon physics-2,000,000sp

energy generation-4,000sp ]

well, there goes my plan on buying powers then trading them back for sp, most of my powers weren't even worth 10,000sp! it also surprises me how much cartoon physics was worth, then again since cartoons don't really die or age I'm practically immortal as a cartoon. I wonder how much omnipotence would be worth? 'system how much would the power omnipotence be worth if traded for sp?'

[ if the user traded in omnipotence to the system the user would receive an infinite number of system points. ]

huh, that makes sense, but if I had omnipotence I would have no reason to trade it in.


in the past four months, I have gained 1,801,200sp. the huge increase in system points is due to my experimentation with amalgamation. a new discovery that I made was that if I mix an amalgamated metal with muscle fiber from a dead animal then the muscle fibers will gain the properties of the metal and will perform its purpose when energy is run through them. with this discovery, I hope to one day make an armor that runs off of my energy generation power using the amalgamated metals as armor platings and the synthetic muscle fibers as a way to give me increased strength and speed I could even enchant the armor once I learn magic.

for me to be able to build the suitI want, I would need a lot of knowledge in both mechanical engineering and human biology, I will also probably need knowledge in coding and computer systems in general, having an ai would probably make controlling a suit like the one I'm planning on making so I will need to study about artificial intelligences.

all right! I'm going to use my system points to upgrade the traits that I have now. 'system upgrade all traits to (m) rating'

[ ok, internal mystic energy, mystic energy control, enlightenment affinity, battle instincts, battlefield awareness, and luck have all been upgraded to (m), 1,748,700sp remaining. ]

let's see... I will need high intelligence for my plans with the suit and I will need luck so that I won't waste as many materials in my experiments. 'system please increased memory, intelligence quota, internal mystic energy and luck to (l)'

[ ok! increased memory, intelligence quota, internal mystic energy, and luck have been upgraded to (l) tier, the user has 373,700sp left. ]

wow! fuck does upgrading traits just feels amazing! I could feel a tingling all over my body and my mind has expanded! let's look at the effects!

'system please list the effects of my traits'

[ ok user.

Increased memory (l)1

-increases how easily the user remembers information by a large amount gives the user photographic memory.

Intelligence quota (l)1

-increases users IQ by four standard deviations (+60 IQ)

Magical talent(m)2

-gives the user a medium increase in magical talent.

Internal mystic energy(l)1

-increases quality and quantity of the internal mystical energy contained by the user by a large amount.

Mystic energy control(m)2

-gives a medium increase to the user's control over both the internal mystical energies and the dimensional/universal mystical energies.

Enlightenment affinity(m)2

-gives the user a medium boost to what gains he may get from meditation, also passively decreases the physical needs of the user by a medium amount.

Battle instincts(m)2

-gives the user's battle instincts a medium boost both during the battle and after the battle.

Battlefield awareness(m)2

-gives the user's awareness of what is happening around him a medium boost during battle.


-makes it less likely that negative things happen to the user by a large amount. ]

alright, I will have to study a lot for the next twelve years and then iron man will happen and I want to have my suit done by then.

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