my grandparents are rich, no let me rephrase that my grandparents are disgustingly rich, I found out that my mother was the regional manager for my grandparent's company. apparently, my grandparents are the owners of a world dominating tech company, unlike Stark industries that only has contacts with the US government, Marton industries is a global corporation that has branches worldwide. My parents and I decided to tell my grandparents about my situation (without telling me how important they were!) and that's how I found out that my grandparents are worth around 90billion dollars(and that isn't counting the money that they apparently have under different names and things like that).

I personally didn't know how to be surprised any more than I already was, I mean Tony Stark did so much and his entire company was worth 30 billion dollars. my grandparents after hearing my story were super fucking chill about it.

"I always knew my only grandkid would be special!"

"listen to your grandpa Roy sweetheart you are an incredible grandkid, thank you for confiding in us."

after my fifth birthday, we moved to the ancestral home in England, it was a big classic looking mention on the outside but on the inside, it was definitely a modern mansion. my grandpa had some of the best and most trusted scientists at his disposal make the best of my amalgamation ability bringing the number of system points that I could acquire rise by a huge amount! I easily made 3 mill after just two weeks with them.

my grandpa's scientists also helped me with my academic pursuits greatly, after just one year with them I was already prepared to make my suit. for the power supply, we created a system that broke the bonds between atoms creating a lot of energy which I just refiled by poting the atoms back together using amalgamation. for the suit's computer systems we used brain matter combined with amalgamated superconductors to create a highly advanced AI that is also part virtual intelligence to keep it from going rogue as Ultron did. for the movement, we used a gravity manipulating flight unit(which would usually need a lot more energy but with my amalgamation trick there was no need to worry). for the armor, we used a self-repairing amalgamated metal combined with inertia dampeners, overall the suit made both super strength and energy generation useless.

I kept several suits in my inventory for just in case, although we had to use amalgamated Pim particles to make them fit my five-year-old body and still eventually fit my grown-up body. in the past year, I earned a few billion sp(over 3 billion!) which I used to upgrade magical talent, mystical energy control, internal mystical energy, and learning speed to xl rank. I'm going to need those four traits when I go to Kamar Taj up in the Himalayas.

the scientists and I have been working on a way to make people immortal so that I won't have to lose my grandparents or my parents, also so that the ancient one won't have to deal with Dormammu anymore. research has been going slow but we think we should be able to finish it before next year.


we finally finished the immortality serum, we had my parents and grandparents take it along with the nine scientists(and the wives of two of them) that were involved. the serum also allows limited shapeshifting so that it would be easier to take up new identities when our old ones were supposed to die, my dad was an orphan so there was nobody to worry about on that side( yes my dad did take my mom's last name)

right now I'm somewhere in the Himalayas looking for Kamar Taj, both my parents came along on this "vacation". in preparation for learning magic I purchased and upgraded combat magic affinity and enchanting magic affinity, I also leveled up my enlightenment affinity to (xl)

[ Enlightenment affinity(xl)

-gives the user a huge boost to any gains he/she may get from meditation, also passively decreases the physical needs of the user by a large amount.

Combat magic affinity(xl)

-that user has an incredible affinity towards learning and using combat oriented magics.

Enchanting magic affinity(xl)

-the user has an incredible affinity towards learning and imprinting magical enchantments. ]

we'd been searching for months for Kamar Taj before I finally recognized the door!.

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