AN: 24 chapters ahead at patrèon



Summer camp. We were inside of the propriety of the Wild Wild P.u.s.s.ycats.

Seeing how large it was, I thought that heroes really have good payment here. It led me to think about Endeavour.

He must be a cheap person to let his daughter do all of the shores.

After all, he could at least hire someone to do the job. I felt sorry for his daughter, Fuyumi Todoroki. Why did I think of her right now? Maybe because she was a nice girl during my time as an intern.

Anyway, I had just adjusted my room, and I wasn't as happy to be done with it. Unfortunately, I have a roommate for this summer, who happened to be the most annoying guy.

In my whole life, I only slept alone, or with girls. I

"If you ever, ever, started with that creepy laugh of yours…" I glared at Neito Monoma, who had a large shady grin on his face.

"I won't bother myself with you. There are 1-A students who are here. I will target them, not you." Neito kept his smile.

"What's your problem, really?" I let a sigh. "You seems to be obsessed with them.

"I hate to be treated as a sidekick, just because of my Quirk, just because I am a secondary character, doesn't mean I don't deserve the spotlight." Nieto frowned. As a copy guy, without someone to copy, he will be just a Quirkless person. "Won't you hate it, when people tell you that others are better than you?"

"I don't care what people think about me in the first place." I shook my head. This kid is hopeless, wasn't he? Whatever. He'll just suffer from his mindset. "Don't scheme too much. You may forget that you have your to study."

His face turned ugly. At the final exams, the written test, only Monoma failed.

"You didn't have to mention that." He glared at me. "Traitor. I had thought you are the last one to pass them! Who would ever think that, behind the sleeping guy, is someone who's studying in secret."

"Yare Yare Daze." I left the room and closed the door, before walking around this building.

I had some time to chat with other people before we were invited to dinner, outside.

The girls, P.u.s.s.ycats, were hosting since it was our first day here, and they served the dishes, with a little boy helping them.

As I was about to seat, I felt some eyes on me, which gave me a bad feeling. Like someone had a bad grudge against me.

I turned my head, to see two men dressed up in cat-girl themed clothes. One of them was so muscular and didn't have irises. The other was so pale – like a paper – red-haired man, whom I saw earlier. He wasn't wearing his cat girl clothes now, good, it's less cringe now.

The tall muscled man, who was as tall as me, known as Tiger. The other one, I never heard of him.

Thinking about that disturbing image, I flinched.

Only if they were girls, these clothes would look cute at them.

But now, I would rather not to look at them.

I need soap to wash my eyes.

'No wonder I had a bad feeling about them.'


Hearing a plate being placed next to me, I raised my head, seeing a feminine chest in front of my face. Lifting my eyes, I saw the blue-eyed blonde woman, looking at me and smiling. I only made eye contact, but she didn't leave and kept staring.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"You seems to be staring at these two, too much," Pixie-Bob said, pointing to Tiger and the red-haired man.

I shook my head. It's just my sixth sense that made me feel like that. My sixth sense proved itself in the past, so I am trusting it more than ever.

"Just thinking about cat-girls."

"Fufufu." She chuckled before she made a sad expression "Don't you think us, me and Mandalay, are attractive to look at. Or do you prefer cat cross-dressers?"

"Hell no!" I flinched again. "I'm straight."

"Relax, I'm teasing you." She chuckled.

"I was just wondering. That red-haired man…".

That man, it was like I had seen him somewhere before. I felt so, but I didn't remember seeing him anywhere.

"Oh, I see." Pixie-Bob placed her hand at my shoulder. Isn't she getting too close, with her soft b.r.e.a.s.ts crushing on my back?

The red-haired man was serving dishes now.

Pixie continued. "This is Kyo. He is a new member. He has recently got his license and is working here as an intern."

I raised an eyebrow. "So quiet."

"Just like you. A man of few words. Although he may not seems a socialized person, he is a likeable person and helps with the works."

I doubt the man part. What kind of man would dress as a catgirl?

Pixie continued. "Maybe, he'll be an official P.u.s.s.ycats' member in the future."

I forced a smile and said. "Oh. Thanks for explaining."

She knitted her eyebrows and her mouth made an O shape. "By the way, you look familiar, aren't you the guy who caught the hero killer."

"Yes." I nodded as I looked forward. Feeling another glance at me, I saw Reiko, having her spoon floating next to her mouth while staring at me. Does she need anything?

"Wow, how old are you." Pixie raised her eyebrows.

"16, you can say."

Reiko turned her eyes finally and started eating.

"And you're already this big." Pixie placed her hand on my shoulder, feeling my muscles and squeezing them in awe.

"Compared to you, I must be looking young. Well, try to guess my age."

Turning to Pixie-Bob, I saw beams in her blue eyes, ready to shoot at any moment.

I stopped the time, made Star Platinum take her ID from her. I took a glance and then gave it back. She is 31 years old. Letting a sigh, I remembered that women older than 30 hide their ages as a top-secret. Star Platinum put the ID back in its original place.

Once the time resumed, I said. "25?"

She frowned.

I continued. "No, 26…27? twen–"

Pixie let smirk – the kind of smirks that a tigress about to hunt would make.

"I told you to guess, not to start a bit. Stop increasing the number" She placed her hand on my hair and started caressing. "I'm 18 at heart, remember that."

Then she stood up and left.

I let a sigh and started eating, putting a meat piece in my mouth.

A flinch was drawn on my face. The feeling came back again.

Raising my head, I saw Kyo, directly looking at my eyes, not saying a word.

Kyo was an intern who chose to start his career as someone who cross-dresses as a catgirl….And now he was taking his time glancing at me.

I flinched.

These are dangerous times like Julia said.

"Do you want to keep your bones attached?" I asked him, clearly, attracting the attention of some people around. "Do you need anything to stare at me like this?"

Finally, his face drew an expression. Kyo flinched.

His left hand moved to his neck and scratched a bit.

His right went to his pocket, taking a group of medicine pills, before putting them in his mouth.

He sat down, picked up my water glace, and drank it in one go.

That was quite rude, wasn't it? But he was drinking medicine.

"Don't bother. I need my medicine, or I'll act like that. It was my medicine time and I needed water." He said. "You're not that important to stare at you anyway."

When he drank his medicine, the annoying feeling that was bothering me vanished.

Kyo turned and left somewhere else.

But I still didn't feel like him.

"Whatever." I turned my face. 'If he crosses the line, I'll ora him so hard.'

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