As everyone was escaping from the giant robot, one competitor didn't. After putting some girl in a heroic way (that's what heroes do), he went forward to the robot.

The students, who just ran and stood from a safe distance, turned back and looked at that one tall teenage, with jet black hair. Unlike most of the people who wore proper clothes for fighting, he was just wearing casually.

"Hey, move away."

One of them yelled at Lee.

"There is no point of fighting that."

The others tried to tell him to go back, but he just faced the big robot.

At the watching room, where the principal of UA and other teachers were watching, everything was being recorded.

All Might rubbed his chin.

"How bad, no one wants to fight." Said the principal, who happened to be a humanoid white mouse.

"Well, only one person likes to present himself."

All Might said, but someone could notice the pride in his face, "What makes heroes are the qualities that allow them to deal with the bad circ.u.mstances."

"Despite your interest in that kid in Support Department test," the principal looked back at All Might, who was skinny now, raising his eyebrow. "You seems to be about to choose him yet."

"Well, seems I'm confused," All Might said, "I want to test someone more."

"Let's just and watch. What a shame, no one destroyed that robot, or stood facing it."

"I wouldn't be sure of that." One teacher, a sleepy one, pointed to one screen.

"Oh, him." All Might all of the sudden looked at the screen at the back, along with the others.

"Is he the one that interests you?" The principal said. He didn't raise his voice and only talked in a shady way.

"I still don't know his personality well," All Might said, "but, at least, he stepped in the incident without hesitation, yet, he didn't seem to be in rush, and didn't seem to be interested in cameras when people surrounded him."

"What a downside. A hero shouldn't just save people, but also make them feel save."

"My Goodness, he isn't pro, besides, he reacted." All Might said.

He could recognize Lee, who did him a great favour without realising. Had All Might force himself to appear to deal with that Sludge Villain, he would become less available and his injury would become worse? Luckily, Lee was there. For that one favour, more people can be saved by the number one hero, before he retires completely.

The principal picked up some papers, "Is he alright, his quirk seems just to be 'Aura', a close-range quirk…The Police Chief had recommended him, for having to deal with a robbery alone. All of the robbers are now in hospital and doesn't seem they would wake up, or walk again."

The other teachers paid more attention once they heard the principal.

Someone with a quirk that powerful, and didn't awaken it from a long time. Some potentials are there.

"Let's just observe and see."

The other teachers, Aka heroes, just nodded.


I just thought that others must misunderstand something. This was a hero test. Even if a strong villain gives a zero point, you shouldn't let them go.

It's called a test, not scoring points, for a reason.


I could hear its growl as its wheels were spinning toward my direction.

Something this big would be annoying to deal with, especially with my close range, as I have to get closer to it. But I wasn't that worried, I had dealt with bigger.

And the Stand is stronger for sure.

Besides, this is a robot and not a smart one with AI. I'm pretty sure that as long as I can mess with wires, it would stop.

But first, I have to get to the range.

Putting strength into my legs, I jumped and landed on one building that was a bit higher than the robot.

The metal giant seemed to turn his head in my direction.

I was waiting for his fist to come to my direction so I would send my Stand to blow it to junk.

Star Platinum is a Stand, and Stand can be only harmed by another Stand user. No way would that thing harm it. All I have to do is to destroy anything coming to my range.

But, instead of aiming at me, Zero Pointer aimed at the middle of the building and swept its arm, cutting it in half.

My balance was broken all of the sudden and the ground started to move. The part I was above bent down until it was face to face with the robot.

My heart suddenly started beating faster as I tried to hold for something. My breaths became fast. But because of the Hamon training, I could keep myself calm.

The people bellow all stopped and looked at my direction.

I swear that I almost could hear someone yelling at my name. But I think it must be the noise.

"Ora," I yelled, this time, not Star Platinum. Cladding my legs with the Stand's, I jumped forward, fast, but not so fast.


As I landed on its chest, Star Platinum opened his arms widely, sinking his hands inside its chest, before ripping a part of its armour. It was heavy for sure, more than some tons. Star Platinum lifted it easily and threw it up, to its face.

The face of the robots was smashed for sure.

The moment the robot seemed to pause, my Stand, had an ability like any other Stand from Jojo.

It can bypass walls like a ghost since it's a part of my spirutal power or whatever.

Commanding my buddy to rip off the wires, Star Platinum entered inside the chest of the robot. I had a faint feeling of some of the wires touch in my hand.

Then I felt them getting destroyed from inside.

The robot has finally stopped, not making another move.

*Tchk* *Tchk*

But then, I felt the heat rising on the surface of the robot.

Shit, I forgot. The first thing robots would do when you mess with their system is… BOOM. Weird, other robots didn't explode.

Quickly, I placed my legs forward and I jumped back.

*Boom* *Boom*

A series of explosions was appearing at the robot, starting from its head and going down.

As I saw the red fires approaching me, Star Platinum moved and floated in front. Crossing his arms, he stood there, like a shield.

I was then pushed back, very fast with the strength of the jump, plus the momentum I gained from the explosion.

I flew back until I reached another building.

, Star Platinum was super-fast and shielded me with its body, as I was in the centre

After hitting the building behind me, I landed on the ground, at my knees and hands, from a high distance.

Anyone who sees me would think that I was injured, or that I had survived with luck.

But my ideas were different, "how can they use such a dangerous thing to test teenagers."

They lied to us, the biggest robot explodes.

Still, I was fine. No major injuries.

Except for some scratches and maybe damage from the shockwave.

Breathing slightly, I sent my ripples to my scratches. They were fixed in a short time.

That was one move I learned from Hamon uses.

I looked forward to the robot that exploded completely and became a lifeless metal.

The next time I deal with robots, I'll just rip their heads and jump away. Or, I'll just throw a big rock at them.

"Lee, Are you okay?"

An orange-haired girl, with green eyes, appeared in front of me and extended her hand to help me stand up. She was Itsuka, who seemed to be concerned.

"I'm good."

I stood up, placed my other hand on the back of my neck, and cracked my back.

I could notice some people reacting with stunned expressions seeing my fine.

After all, I flew off a robot, hit a building, and high distance I fell and stood at my feet like it was nothing.

I wasn't worried about internal damage, Ripples would be enough to heal that.

"No one had said anything about exploding robots." I scratched my hair, there was some dust, "what a pain~"


"Why are you chuckling," I asked noticing that she chuckled.

"You're funny, you know that." She just chuckled and patted my back, "and Lee, I didn't need help from earlier."

I let a sigh. Although she looked feminine and pretty, she seemed to be the prideful type. I feared that she won't let that go and would just keep bringing it.

"What kind of hero would I be if I let a lady scratch her hand?"

'The one who won't make an appearance in movies,' I thought of an answer, as I patted her arm, and then walked past her, leaving her eyes wide open.

We could hear Present Mic counting down, from far, announcing the test's end.

I was mentally tired, from this test, and I needed to take a break. Maybe going to the beach won't be bad.

"Well, thanks then,"

I heard her voice from behind and raised my hand and waved it, then stared at Nieto who didn't make eye contact this time. He seemed to think if his quirk is lacking or something; This silly trickster, thanks to him, I know that I don't have any quirk.

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