A/N: 25 chapters ahead at



Tomura looked at the shocked expression of All Might.

"Where did you hear that from!" asked All Might. "From who?"

Even though All Might made sure to erase his name from history books, many knew about All For One since it hadn't been a long time since All Might confronted him in a death-life battle. Almost every middle-aged person and hero, not to mention the gangs and criminals, know about it. But the younger generation still thinks of Tomura's teacher as a legend.

Tomura, in Kyo's look, looks as if a person in his twenty, so it's possible that he may, or may not, know about the legendary existence.

Kyo looked left and right. He lowered the hand that he was about to use to shake All Might's hand. Since this was the pre-last step in his checker game, he decided to use the last move to get near the hero.

"I've heard a partner of mine talk about him secretly." He said as quiet as possible, showing a hint of fear in his eyes. "The moment of the attack, I heard her, she said that the children are now out, in the forest, and they could start the attack. I rushed back when I heard that. And as it seems, there was no prank, but an evil villain attack. This made my doubts fade away in the face of the truth."

"Say what you have and fear not, for I am here."

"Please, lean All Might. You are too tall."

Tomura had thought about it. Using his ability at the hero's hand wouldn't work as he hopes. Still, there is the possibility that All Might would use his super speed and punch him away.

It would be better to get near his head, and then, touch him and turn him into dust.

All Might raised an eyebrow and leaned down as slowly as he can, not leaving his guard down.

All Might has been someone who single handled the legendary league of villains in the past before getting injured.

It wouldn't be wise to think that he wouldn't notice if Tomura decided to show his killing intent.

But still, he had to hear what he has to say and then make his decision.

Tomura stood up on his toes. He let his lips approach All Might's ears whispered with some bullshit to let the number one hero lose his guard. "The previous son of your teacher..." Although he didn't know what he had said, All Might seemed to be fazed. "Nana…" A large and innocent smile appeared on Kyo's face, who decided to show his real colours. "Not only that, let me tell you one more thing." He placed his hands carefully on All Might's neck. He only needed to put the fifth finger from any hand, and All Might would decay to dust.

"What?" All Might questioned.

"You're f.u.c.k.i.e.d up, number one hero. This corrupted country would fall after your death. I'll make sure of that."

Tomura closed his fingers on All Might and stared at him.

All Might turned his eye to Kyo, lifting an eyebrow.

"So, is it painful?" Tomura asked in his real voice.

"What painful?" All Might questioned.

Tomura blinked and looked at All Might's face. Why didn't cracks appear on him already? Tomura had made sure to touch him with his five fingers, which would activate his Quirk and kill the hero. But nothing had happened, why?

"Looking for these." A familiar voice came.

All Might slipped from his hands and looked in the direction of the voice. So Tomura did.

The voice came from one tree. Lee was leaning on the branch while having something in his hand, throwing it up over and over.

When they looked there, Lee threw two things from his hands toward Kyo.

Kyo, in reaction, tried to catch them.

When he looked down at what he has, his eyes almost popped out of their skull.

There were two fingers in each palm of his.

And what's more, when he looked at his hands, he found that his middle fingers were missing.


No, they weren't missing; he is holding them.

Tomura didn't believe his eyes.

His heart started to beat faster and faster.

What did happen?

Why is this happening?

From worse 999 things that can happen to him, this was the first on his list.

Without his five fingers, he can't have his Quirk activated. He is nothing but a Quirkless clone with no power but his physical abilities.

"What's the meaning of this!" he retorted, his eyes widely opened, so his mouth. He was freaked out.

"Lee…" All Might, looking at Lee, questioned.

"Ask him. Kyo. AKA Tomura Shigaraki." Lee's eyes were on Kyo. "AKA, the leader of the league of villains."


I stared at Tomura, the league of the villains, whom I surprised this time.

The guy, whom I knew as Kyo, had turned to be Shigaraki, who was about to kill All Might with a swing of his hand.

In my life, I hadn't expected that Tomura Shigaraki could be this scheming.

His plan was almost flawless.

If it were me before the Festival, before I get the Time Stop, I would surely have been captured with how much they prepared to catch me this time.

However, because I had hidden my cards. The Big Brain. The Time Stop. And the fact that I can get stronger by draining life from their Nomus. It had been a huge advantage to me.

Earlier, when I moved away from the camp, I had dashed here, using my Time Stop and super speed. Since All Might and Tomura hadn't gone too far, I could catch up to them within the +20 second I have now.

When I had arrived, Shigaraki had been trying to trick the number one hero.

I had hidden and watched.

Snakingly, when Tomura had tried to use his Quirk, I stopped the time and made Star Platinum take his middle fingers.

Villains had always surprised me. I had thought it would be better if I surprised them this time

"Tomura," I called, looking at his face which was showing terror and denial while looking at his fingers.

I bet this guy think that this life is like chess and checker, seeing how much he scheme, I assumed.

"You know, you may think it's like checker or chess," I said. "But, in real life, I can flip the table on you, even just a when you are a moment from victory, and slam the pieces at your face."

"Shut up!" Tomura started to scratch his hair, ignoring the blood leaving from where his fingers had been ripped off. Shigaraki now is no better than a Quirkless person. "Shut UP! Father!" He kept scratching his head, shaking in anger or fear, I couldn't tell.

"You lost your mind or something?" I shrugged my shoulders and landed on the ground.

All Might stared at me, then to Tomura, and seemed to realise what is going on. "Young Lee…"

"Now, I can take care of the rest." All Might said.

"I just have to ask him one more thing." I had to look for Dabi. If you ask anyone from middle school about me, they would tell you that Lee is the person who always pays back his debt.

"What thing?"

"A bastard who is in their league." Holding my anger, I didn't reply and went to Shigaraki.

Tomura kept scratching his now red hair. "How could this fail…? Grandma…"

"Was the setback so strong that you forgot yourself?" I half-closed my eyes, as I kept walking. "Or, are you pretending that? In both cases, you are getting what's coming for you."

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