A loud sound reached the near city. Probably the people who were looking through the window, to the sea's direction, could see a strong white flash followed by a loud voice.

The people who witnessed this would feel sorry for the ears of the person who was near that place.

In that place, at a top of 10 stories building, surrounded by a junkyard, were people lying on the ground. One was human and the others are from a questionable humanoid race.

Lee was lying on his back, his eyes were closed while his face was opposing the sky.

Next to him lied Kurogiri, unconscious and bleeding. Surrounding them the skull-less beasts, who were the source of the explosions, were regenerating slowly.

They looked at Lee, and seeing that he wasn't moving, they calmed down and did nothing but focusing on their regenerating.

Although they were Nomus, their regeneration isn't flawless. If they used this ability many times, they would heal slower. Not to mention, the stronger the impact they take, the more time they need to heal.

'Star Platinum, can you sing me a song,' Lying on the ground and waiting for the boss to reveal himself, Lee asked Star Platinum to sing.

But there was no answer. He kept pretending to have his conscious lost.

A few moments later,

There was a strong, calm, deep and dark existence approaching.

Anyone near would feel this. The strong vibes of which the predators give their prey, numbing their legs before taking their lives away.

Anyone who dealt with serial killers or has not would be familiar with that feeling.

Those who haven't, would fledge and move around in wariness.

The ones with experience, who are predators themselves, won't budge until the moment of the clashing.

From the sky, there was a lean and a dark figure.

It was floating majestically, between the clouds, before it started descending.

It continued getting down until it was floating a few meters away from the building.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" He said, looking at Lee, who was lying on the ground, unconscious. "To think I would finally meet the person who made Shigaraki suffer twice, thrice now, and even beat a high Nomu."

There was a silence for a moment.

The Nomus stood on their feet before kneeling to the man.

Lee was still in his place, not flinching.

The man approached slowly the roof, nearing the sport where Kurogiri was.

"And you, to lose despite the new modifications." His voice calm, his nails turned into a dark metallic thing that extended in straight lines, before stabbing Kurogiri. Kurogiri had his ability activated all of the sudden, and the man took his nails back, as they shrank back to their source.

"At least, this confirms that you're alive. Now, if you excuse me Kurogiri, I have to entertain our guest,"

The man was seriously ugly. If Lee was opening his eyes, he would see a man in a black business suit.

If you looked at his face, you would see no eye, no hair, no nose, just a mouth covered by a black metallic oxygen mask.

This guy looks like he had been through an accident that had removed his face.

Floating above the building now, he floated toward Lee. "I've always wondered about your Quirk. Would you hit me or not. Would it be in All Might's hit level?"

All For One was observing Lee. Although All For One lost his eyesight, Tomura had delivered him a green-haired woman, who has one unique Quirk, which he stole.

Lee didn't move at all when he said these words.

All For One chuckled inside of him.

The new Quirk he got allows him to sense his surroundings and tell the weaknesses of his enemies, despite the fact of not being able to see, within a wide range.

Lee must be ignorant not to know that All For One can tell that he's pretending to be sleeping.

All For One could feel clearly that Lee was not as damaged as he's supposed to be.

But whatever. This game had taken so long of his time. Tomura royally failed. All For One decided to play the game calmly with the young man.

"Lee, I'll ask you again." He said. "Do you know, the missing member of the Wild-Wild P.u.s.s.ycat, what can she do."

Lee didn't move.

Lee was hearing everything. He thought of this new guy, the master of Shigaraki, as a guy who may have a unique hidden ability. Lee then thought about the green-haired catgirl of the p.u.s.s.ycats. She was someone who can sense the things around her in a wide range.

He had heard about her from Pixie and Mandalay how she had been missed for a few days.

As it seems, the guy here had got her.

Lee was depending on Star Platinum's senses to feel around him.

Suddenly, from thin air, there was a dark liquid appearing in the air.

Lee stopped the time and took a sneaky peek.

A green-haired woman in a good alluring shape appeared in the middle of a dark liquid like… something that should be related to teleportation. Great, this guy seems to be the type who exposes his plans.

Lee had a small doubt, a small doubt that the man is maybe trolling him to find out if he is faking it.

Not to mention, what if this guy, All For One, is another doppelganger.

Lee still has to get the original one.

That's why he had to pretend to be sleeping.

Channelling his Hamon internally, he made his body's function seems like they stopped temporarily.

All For One didn't know what happened, but Lee seemed to be out of reach, all of the sudden.

"Amazing, you are trying to find out if I was the original one or the doppelganger." All For One Laughed. "How about I test you more. Nomu, go and play with ass, grab it, sink your finger in the middle. And let's see if he can keep pretending. Hahaha."

The evil All For One found it as a fun game. Honestly, he could attack and all. But he wanted to see the Quirk of the young man in action. After all, he wouldn't feel the desire much if he doesn't see the owner of the Quirk use it.

"What a pain. You are too smart for your good."

Lee this time flinched, opened his eyes while the villain was laughing and a Nomu was approaching. Since his ass was brought to the table, there is no point he would pretend any longer.

Only Julia is allowed to touch his cheeks… well, she had been the only one to touch them. (When he was a toddler.)

Lee stood up, without relying on his hands, seeming to be pushed up by a mystical voice. The Nomu who approached to feel Lee's buttcheeks flew back, a hole appearing on his face.

"I'm disappointed, you blew up the fun." The man with no facial expressions sneered as he extended his hand toward Lee.

"If you want fun, make your black Nomus put their fingers on your middle." Lee, unfazed by the palm aimed at him, asked. "What do you want?"

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