"Have a nice day."

Someone was shocked as Lee said these words in such a nice tone.

Lee ignored Bakugo, who came to her to challenge him but now was standing shocked. Lee went on his way to the class.

"What in the…" Bakugo murmured, looking with shock at Lee's left back. He had just come here to challenge Lee and even started with a rude attitude. It wouldn't be

5 days had passed since he had started training on his acting skills with Julia.

Lee held his hand that was shaking. 'Calm down, no need to throw him away. Practise your acting.

He had a big urge to hit Bakugo. But somehow, he forgot that he doesn't have to act like a real hero in school.

Lee's head drifted back to the last five days with Julia. It was nice to have her again. But he didn't expect that acting was such a tough subject.

Lee realised that he doesn't deserve the name of Bruce Lee.

He will change it.

--- Flashback---

Julia stared at Lee, who just finished processing the scenario which she suddenly came up with.

"Okay, let's try again," she said.

She bent down and acted like an injured person who can walk yet make drama, while Lee, a hero, has to move forward; yet, this girl is blocking in the heroes way with her bitching, which would eventually lead to more casualties and deaths. How can a hero deal with this?

"Move. You are fine already." Lee said, suppressing the urge to click his tongue.

Julia stared at him, held her leg, and said, "Can't you see that my nail is broken. I spent 60.000 Yen on it." she waved her hand at him, "How dare you?"

Lee had few vines on his forehead.

If he acted with someone like this, he wouldn't know his reaction.

But this is Julia, so he wouldn't curse or lost his temperament.

Taking a deep breath, he smiled. "Don't worry, keep moving, and the Pro Hero Association would compensate you. I'll make sure of that, here take my card, and my phone is always open."

"Nice, no threats, no screaming." Julia stood up and hit her chest proudly.

For days, it was fun to play on Lee's nerves, making him now what a hero is sacrificing.

Though, it had been funny to see him holding the urge to curse on the people.

"Good Grief," Lee massaged his temple. Julia smiled at him.

---End flashback---

Now, Lee was wondering how Yu could act in front of the camera with a straight face after kill stealing from other heroes.

Surely, the art of acting is what makes one a lovable hero.

In his case, he would get the license, and then, he won't mind acting like Endeavour.

Lee shook his head as he had already thought, this would stop once he gets his license.

Letting a sigh, Lee entered his class and took his seat.

Rin had moved away from the seat next to him, as Itsuka had taken it after Lee gave him a few Yens.

His chair now was between Itsuka and Reiko.

Lee sat between the ghost girl and the big girl and shook his head. They chatted for a brief. Seeing that there is a time before the homeroom teacher arrives, he turned to the girls and asked.

"Hey, just a quick question…" Lee said. The two nodded and waited for what he has to say. "If I told you that I would have you meeting my mom, would you come?"

Itsuka raised her eyebrow, thought about it for a few seconds, and she understood him. Lee must want to introduce them without showing that he is doing this secretly.

"Although I met her already, sure."

Reiko, on the other hand, looked at Lee, "your family, you want to introduce me to them."

"Mm…" Lee smiled gently and shook his head, yes.

Reiko was processing her thoughts, before having a small warm smile.

Itsuka blinked twice seeing that Lee's facial expressions are way soft than usual. "Lee, what's with your face. Did you have good dreams?"

"Don't bring that up." When the words left her mouth, his stoic expression came back. "Yare Yare."

"Nothing, I think I was imagining," Itsuka said.

Reiko suddenly opened her mouth.

"Lee, about your mom, I think we should leave that for later. The test is two days later. And we have our private date soon… But, didn't we agree to go to your house on Friday."

"I know. But she came back all of the sudden, and there is a change in plan."

"You can use Yu's apartment," Itsuka suggested. "She is on night shift tomorrow."

Reiko flinched a bit, remembering Yu, whom she met once.

Yu had teased her for sure and shot her very meaningful glares.

Anyway, after agreeing that lee would call them, Itsuka, Yu and Reiko, would be invited to his house. His mom had told him to make her that Lee introduce them, so he didn't mind too.

The lessons progressed as usual afterwards. Lee was either training or checking Reiko's body under her school uniform. They had been dating, kissing, and holding hands for too long. His instincts were telling him it was the time to have her. Reiko turned her face and her eyes met with Lee. Her small lips twitched up for a second, smiling, before turning the board.

Once the classes were over and they went to the dining hall, having their own table, Lee leaned his mouth to her ear and whispered. Reiko opened her eyes widely before staring at him.

"do you want it, now?"


"But, shouldn't we wait for tomorrow. You know, it's the weekend…"

Although Lee could take her to Yu's apartment, he felt it would be rude if she had her first time in another woman's apartment.

"I see there is a half-day available," Lee said, before feeling Itsuka's fist jabbing his arm. He turned to her and winked, moving his lips, 'your time is at night.'

"Sure, I'll just change my clothes, and meet you afterwards." Said Reiko, after breathing slightly and nodding. She breathed heavily, picked up her bag, and said, "Don't drive me home, I'll take a taxi."

Seeing her back as she left, lee turned to Itsuka, "Is she upset."

Kendo shook her head. "No, you know girls, they like to take more time than usual."

Lee nodded his head. Itsuka wasn't like the other girls, but she was too lovable and very beautiful, which Lee never saw as a downside of her character. Itsuka looked at Lee and pointed at his lip. "There is some cream left on your lip."

"Where?" Lee scratched his lip.

"You missed it… missed it again," Itsuka smiled silently as she let her face get closer while Lee fell for her game. Lee only realised that when she gave him a kiss.

"Okay, I'll prepare you for your date," Itsuka said. "Though I may feel jealous."

"Don't, you are the best," Lee said, messing with her hair. "Besides, how are you going to help me?"

Itsuka giggled. "Open your appetite." Noticing no one was looking, she took with Lee's hand and put

Afterwards, Lee drove her home, before going back to his own, wearing his clothes, and trying to prepare for his date.


School has ended.


A letter arrived at Lee's phone. Picking it up, he saw that Reiko sent him a letter. "I'll be on my way." He texted back.

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