I and the others were standing outside, facing Home teacher, Vlad King, who seemed excited to test us.

The apprehension test was something to determine our potentials.

I looked around my classmates, who seemed as confused as I was when they had seen base-balls in front of them.

Were we about to have a regular gym class? No, it was more than that. It may be a test to determine our Quirks' potentials.

In middle school, in gym class, I had always taken the first place. There was a simple reason for that, no one could use their Quirk to cheat. And I was the type who works out.

Here, I guess, the best way to determine ones' fighting potential's, was, of course, a sports test.

"Okay Lee, go forward," the teacher, Sekijiro Kan, told me to step forward while holding a device with his hand. "Throw it, no Quirk."

Taking my throwing stance, I took a deep breath, letting some ripples flow to the ball, and threw it, using only a part of my Hamon strength as I feared that it may be considered cheating if I used the full power of it.

I could notice someone point to my muscle as I took my throwing pose.

'Overdrive!' I screamed in my mind.

As I threw it, the ball left my hand with a high speed. Once it reached the peak in the air, the Hamon was activated making the ball becoming blurry and getting pushed more in the air; it was like I had thrown it again with more force, before falling.

When I turned my head, I saw my classmates looking at me with amazing expression, some were frowning, except for the silver-haired girl, who didn't show any expression and stood with her hand in ghost position.

"Did you use your quirk?" Kan, AKA Vlad King, said as he turned his device at me.


I could see my score, so everyone, and they thought that I was cheating.

Well, after the ripples training, I could notice that my muscles seemed to grow at a faster rate and became stronger.

I saw 400 meters. My usual score was 120.

Well, it wasn't something off; Give me a soda bottle can and I'll give you a gun with one bullet.

"Humph, don't smartass with me," the teacher said, "Use your Quirk, Aura."


I nodded.

Everyone saw a ball floating next to me.

It stopped as Star Platinum held it, before throwing it without holding back. I wanted to know the limits.

The afterimage of the ball had vanished, without anyone seeing it, and then, we heard, a bam sound.

The ball exploded in the air, before falling with a hole in it.

It was too soft for Star Platinum's strength and the air pressure.

I believe that it can throw a car that far.

"2020 meters, before exploding," The teacher said, lifting his eyebrows. As it seems, that ball can be turned into a weapon in my hand, "Does your Quirk enhance your strength, physical strength."

It was known that some quirks enhance speed and physical strength, even without having a direct relation to the muscles. Kan was one of those people. Thanks to his ability to control his blood, he was very muscular, and fast, as we could see.

"Who knows?"

I shrugged my shoulders. How would someone believe that?

"Take your place."

I went back to the line with the rest of the student. They were looking at me with weird expressions.

"Your power is similar to mine,"

I heard the silver-haired girl talk for the first time. She could talk!

But her pale face didn't show much vitality.

Her name, as I heard from the presence list, was Reiko Yanagi.

I felt something off, as she said we have the same type of power.

Making eye contact with her pale blue eyes, I asked, "And what would that be."

Reiko nodded; I noticed a rock flying next to her in the air.

For a second I freaked and thought that she had a Stand.

"I can make things and people around my float, in the range of strength. My Quirk is Poltergeist. I can telekinetically manipulate objects and people close to me." Reiko said.

(Poltergeist: known as a ghost who can do a physical effect on the real world.)

Oh, so that was it. She freaked me out for a second.

"Good one," I just praised and looked for the teacher.

"Ah, it makes me sleepless, though," she said, before going to the centre as the teacher called her name.

"How do you work out?" Itsuka asked as she stood next to me.

"I want to know as well," said a guy whose quirk was to make his skin turn to metal. He had silver hair as well. His name is Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. Same first name and same last name

The rest paid attention as well.

But the teacher didn't seem to give them time to know my answer.

"Okay, the rest of you are allowed to use their quirks. The one who gets the first place would get a special prize."

I was thankful as I couldn't just say, breathing.



"Neito, 600 meters."

He just patted someone before entering the test. Neito Momoma was touching the person with the best quirk for the test.

���Itsuka 500 meters."

"Sen Kaibara, 400 meters."

"Pony, 1200 meter."

The American girl quirk seemed to give her the ability to shoot her horns and control them in the air with high speed; no one would think them just as a cute addition anymore.

The tests progressed smoothly and Lee could notice his classmates' quirks and powers. It was a better way to know about them, their ability, and their strength, and their weakness.

He paid special attention to the people who hadn't passed the public test.

"Yui Kodai. 250 meters"

One of them was the girl who seemed timed and very quiet. That ability was to shrink objects. It helped her to make the baseball lighter.

"Setsuna Tokage, 500 meters."

The other black-haired girl, who seemed to be talkative and smiles a lot, lively you can say, could split her body into parts and sends them flying.

"Juzo Honenuki, 650 meters."

That was the lipless guy, pale with ash blonde hair, who you could never know if he smiles or frowns, can soften things.

A lot of many different quirks

The teacher, Sekijiro Kan, was happy with the quality of the students he got this year. Especially Lee Angel, the first one in the test, who he had fought over with the other class's teacher, Aizawa.

It happened that each year, the other class's home teacher would pick the most troublesome and ones with personality problems in his class. Also, the people who have a strong backslash from using their quirk would go there.

Hearing about Lee, the other teacher planned to take him, since the report of police and the robbers in a coma.

However, Lee showed in the test his ability to control his Quirk and even could take down robots from 1000 meters far. Showing that he was very precise. Not to mention, he didn't hurt anyone and could save a classmate. Not to mention that he could deal with falling buildings while fighting Zero pointer and got out unharmed, despite the fall he had taken.

This allowed Kan to stanch him in his class. While the other got the berserk explosions kid.

As it seems, his class has all of the potentials he needs. This year is promising.

"Shihai Kuroiro and Lee Angel, sprint."

The rest of the tests were simple, like a one-lap sprint. Lee had to sprint with a black man, whose skin was pitch black and hair silver.

Lee found a hard opponent in the speed test. Shihai could merge into shadows or anything dark in colour.

Lee had quickly jumped forward, crossing distance while trying hard to maintain control over Star Platinum's speed; the moment Lee reached the finishing line, Shihai appeared from within the shadow. Luckily for Lee, he used Star Platinum to pull him the moment he decided to reveal himself and pushed him back, to take the victory.

It was a fun day, as Lee had to learn and play around the classmates. Surely, if there is a thing he learned, it would be that some people can have dangerous quirks for him.

The rest of the students progressed with the rest of the classes, as they have to meet the rest of the teachers.


I thought that it was going to be boring after the gym class… apprehension test is over. And I classed first, in most of the test, while not in others. People have good quirks as well.

The test as it seems was just to know our starter point and the difference between our abilities. If you know your starter point, you can start improving.

Kan sent the rest of us to home, saying that the real classes would start tomorrow.

The people were walking outside the school, some would go to their parents, while others would just take a bus.

I was with Itsuka, I didn't know, but she just opened a chat with me as we were heading outside.

"Your Quirk is it like Rieko's."

"No, but yes. you, is it, like Mt. Lady."

I swear that I don't remember how the conversation had started. But it's not like I mind or anything.

"Well, you can say, except that I can use it on my fist," Itsuka brushed her orange hair and smiled at my face. That smile was pretty that I smiled back.

"That's a good one," I lifted my head, "I heard that Quirks can be trained, and evolve at some point. You should try that."

"I heard that as well. Just I have to figure the trick" She nodded and smiled. After a pause, she said, "Mmm, your quirk look to be good; you should train it as well."

I resisted the urge to let sigh. She just brought the topic that

For a while now, I have yet to figure out how to stop time. Just yelling in its name wouldn't make it work.

Maybe, I'll need some trigger, to activate that power. Something like death life experience, like the first experience which forced Star Platinum to reveal itself. But I don't think that I would throw myself to death with no assurance.

Or, I'll just have to get stronger. If memory didn't betray me, it was shown that the stronger Dio got, the longer his time stop went. I'm not a vampire, so Hamon was a way to strengthen myself. Maybe I can find some beast to take his ripples of life, to strengthen myself.

"What are you thinking of."

"Nothing." I was awakened from my thought's trail by her voice.

"Anyway, my parent is there," she said, pointing to one car. "See you tomorrow. Don't get late. Teachers would get angry at that."


She left for a red car and I turned to take my leave.

I had headed to the bus station and sat down, waiting for a bus to go home.

I was looking up, to the sun which was about to set. It looked very peaceful that the idea of studying tomorrow didn't sound annoying anymore.

Some bulky blond man sat next to me.

"Young Lee."

Turning my head, I saw him and it was a surprise to know who! What is he doing here?

"All Might!"

"Yes, I am here. Want to talk for a minute."

"About what?" I lifted an eyebrow as I relaxed my back.

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