The open location of the test resembled a big city, with biomes around it. candidates were guided to a big field, with rocks and small peaks all over it, making it a great place for those who are specialized in stealth and using the environment around them.

Not so far, there was the shadow of the city, for anyone who wants to enter.

On the far side, there were seats for the teachers, where they can watch everything that happens in the test through a screen. Of course, if they had good eyesight, they can look behind the screen. But it wouldn't be as good as watching on TV.

"Ready, go…"

Came the voice of the woman from the Pro Hero association.

It was the signal for the heroes to start.

Lee was standing along with his classmates. When the starting signal was given, everyone moved in every direction. Lee had thought that he would have to chase after them, but he realised that he doesn't.

They are here from them, him and the rest of the UA students.

Beasts Made of clay dashed toward them, and a group of students from different schools, charged at the 1-B group.

Apparently, they here are after them, ganging up.

"What a good way to start a good day." Jurota, the man who can turn into a beast, said, as he threw his glasses and turned into an elephant-sized monster, before dashing forward.

"The hell takes all of your sins," Ibara said, which started to get comical in her classmates' ears. Her vines covered brides started to extend, ready to create a shield.

The clay beasts approached, only to meet the vines which destroyed it.

In front of them, a man yelled.

"1B, we watched you at the Festival, we know your quirks and weaknesses, except for him." he pointed to Lee, before pointing to the others, "but we can attack hi– "

Before he could complete his words, a brown-haired short girl in 1-B, who wear mushroom themed clothes, smiled and moved her hand, and that man threw up a mushroom from his mouth, kneeling, before puking another.

Kinoko. Though she looks cute, like Pony, she could grow mushroom outside and inside almost everything.

As the army heading toward them jumped, lifting their balls and ready to aim at them, she smiled, and mushroom started to grow on their bodies, from inside and outside. This ability was great, however, it should be carefully used not to cause death.

The mushroom was good, but it didn't stop most of the balls from heading toward them. Though, it would surely work to distract the other students, which would permit 1-B to have their way with them.

"Not all of us made it from the first round at the Sports Festival if you don't know," Monoma said in a way, trying to find the best one to touch and have his Quirk, except for Lee, or anyone who has a storing type Quirk.

As the balls headed toward them, Reiko opened her hands and extended her arms forward. The tens and tens of balls, almost hundreds, stopped in the middle of the air.

Although their total weight should exceed the normal weight of a human. Nonetheless. It wasn't hard for Reiko to control them.

The heroes' candidates realised what has happened as they looked at the girl in a white kimono and black mask.

Reiko pushed her hands forward while playing with her wrists, moving her hands nonstop. Most of the balls hit most of them. Very few talented guys could dodge or escape with the help of their Quirk. The others, covered by the mushroom that only served in their distraction, were eliminated.

"Oh, come on," Lee said, glancing at Reiko, who just smiled back at him and said. "did you have to do it with me, mine wouldn't be counted."

There was something that Lee didn't like. As earlier Reiko had used her ability, he made Star Platinum hit some targets, yet weren't counted for him.

"Sorry." Lee titled his eyebrows, as the way Reiko called him melted his heart, "I will leave this for once, go and take your rest."

"Mm…" She nodded.

A hundred person was eliminated all of the sudden and were all counted for Reiko. And it was shown on the far screen.

"Reiko Yanagi has passed." Announced a voice that everyone heard.

The people who were eliminated had their discs turn red.

Reiko floated in the air and flew to the lobby where she would rest until they announce the next test.

"Don't leave yet, I didn't copy your Quirk." Monoma was on the verge of tearing when he looked at her back. Lee chopped gently on his neck, making him fall.

The rest of 1-B complained as they found that Reiko had taken their easy victims, they have to look for others now.

That was more than true for Lee, who would need to knock out some guys. He surely needs a license more than ever.

Sighing, he departed from everyone else, walking along with Itsuka, who held the balls and looked around.

"Lee, what's with you?" Itsuka asked.

"I don't know," Lee scratched his chin. All of the sudden, he felt an itch all over his body, and he had the urge to scratch all over. It was obvious that it was a result of someone's Quirk.

"Move away," Lee told Itsuka as he channelled Hamon to his brain, to stop the itchiness. Itsuka understood that whosoever is doing this must have been able to do it in one person, so, she went behind a rock and hid.

Lee stood up, not feeling his skin at all after what he had done with his own brain.

In instant, he stopped the time, floated up and looked bellow to see a little woman hiding and pointing with her hands at him. She was the one to make him feel itchiness.

Lee clicked his tongue.

Just why he has to deal with the annoying quirks.

Though, he didn't mind revealing time stop now, since the league of villains are all now locked down and crippled.

Lee shook his head, went to his original spot and then let the time flow again. He dashed with great speed, appeared in front of that woman. And before she could say anything, Star Platinum held her from her hands, Lee held a ball and made it touch each one of her discs.

"Please, no," she begged.

Lee shook his head as he eliminated her, before giving his back to her crying face and walked away.

*Drang* *Drang*

Lee turned to the original hiding spot of Itsuka. She wasn't hiding now. Not so far, there was a guy who was creating projectiles of wax from his hand and shooting at her.

Lee was about to interfere, but Itsuka seemed to take the lead, as she quickly activated her power, and increased her size to become like Yu, the old version.

"Runaway." The wax guy looked up at the giant before turning and running away. But he was eliminated very soon.

'I'll be looking for someone else.' Lee looked around, before walking away.

"Good luck, Lee." Itsuka cheered up for him.

"Ah, you too," Lee said. Though, he didn't need any luck.

"Wait." Itsuka stomped on the ground for a second. Lee turned and saw her looking somewhere. "Go there, some people are hiding." From her angle, it was easy to spot the test location.

"Thanks." Lee nodded as a yellow aura wrapped him, and his body flew up.

"Mm, I'll look for someone somebody else." Itsuka then started walking in another direction. Many people couldn't aim at her discs with her current size. So, it was safe for her to pass the exam.

Lee, on the other hand, turned into a blur and vanished.

Lee found his second prey. The victim tried to resist at first and spat gas at him. But it was a useless attempt. Lee knocked him down with one punch from his hand, and it was stronger than a hit from a hummer.

The man, seeing Lee going to end his career, joined his hands together and went on his knees. "Please young man, it's my third time failing the test. You are too young already. Let me pass this time. You have all of the time in the world."

The man was really expecting to milk sympathy from Lee. He had already done that to young two heroes, who sacrificed themselves because of the heroic mentality. He thought that this young man, who should be affected by idealism comics, wouldn't be different.

"Would a hero stop against each villain beg him," Lee said as if scolding the guy?

He thought about the guy's situation and found that he doesn't care.

If this man should beg someone, he should beg that blue-haired woman, not him.

"You need a hug." Opening his arms, Lee mocked, "but you aren't going to get one from me."

"Hey, you can't be this rude and cruel young man! Let me pass this one."

"Yare Yare Daze." Lee made Star Platinum pat the discs, eliminating the man in the process. The man cursed at Lee, only to get Star Platinum to kick his ass to a pulp and sending him flying.

Lee clapped his hands as if he doesn't care.

He then walked looking for his next target, who happened to be a child looking, person.

The guy seemed to have the ability to create illusionary images of himself, which almost gave Lee a hard time. But the child looking man made a grave mistake. Instead of running away, he came sneaking on Lee.

Star Platinum isn't playing.

The moment he saw the guy approaching his Lee, Star Platinum slapped him to the ground, causing Lee to wake up from the illusion, before turning to the person and eliminate him.

Lee passed, came the announcement for that.

Lee now passed the first stage of the exam and can go to the lobby to take a small break.

Itsuka Passed, Lee heard that announcement.

On his way, Itsuka wasn't hard to spot. She looked to have easy times catching others easily and eliminate them.

As soon as she finished, she spotted Lee and went to his direction, before becoming small again.

"So, how was it," Lee asked.

"Easy, as shopping in a mall," Itsuka said, taking his shoulder.

While walking, Lee thought of something and said, "What do you think, can we have a quick round before they start the next stage."

Itsuka opened her green eyes widely and breathed heavily. "As if a quick round would work." If they did it here, they would take too long. At least it should be one hour to call it quick, for herself, and not for Lee.

And had they get caught doing it here, they would enter the history for being the first couple who didn't get their license because they were busy having s.e.x.

"I'm talking about, you know, relaxing," Lee said, his finger shining in yellow sparks.

"Oh, that," Itsuka chuckled and blushed, blaming herself for getting horny here. "I think that fine here."

Lee couldn't hold his laugh and missed with her hair, before stealing a kiss. They went to the lobby in the edges of the false city, finding Reiko and few others sitting and watching the rest of the exam through a screen.

Reiko gave them a glance, "oh, you are here. Lee, come. This may entertain you."

"Only Lee is invited?" Itsuka shook her shoulders as she held his. Sneering at Reiko, she said, "We have to refuse the invitation then. He is staying here."

Reiko scoffed at her. "Then I will come."

'Come on…' Lee could only sigh.

They continued watching the rest. Many people were coming here with each passing second. Meaning, the second round is approaching.

Lee suddenly felt his body vibrating, along with everyone else.

When he looked at his feet, he saw them shaking.

No, the whole building they were at was shaking.

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