"Now, guys, I have important news for you," Kan said, pointing to the board, and writing a thing with big Kanji. "For the next days…"

The students of 1-B paid attention. Their eyes were fixed on the letter. Some had their faces turn ugly, while the others had bright faces.

Lee, on the other hand, half-closed his eyes.

"Internship period, again," Kan said, his finger on the board, "However, my dear brats," his face showed emotions again, "Unlike the last internship you had, this one is more official. You will be on the field, doing a real job. And, of course, you won't be trainees, but you will work in real missions. This time, you will learn for real."

Kan then put his hands on his h.i.p.s and shook his head slightly, looking at every student. "

Midnight then entered the class, after knocking on the door slightly, leaving a group of papers on the desk. Kan explained that these are the papers that would be signed by the pro hero whom they would spend their internship with. Lee shook his head as Midnight put them on the table and gave her back to the students.

"Thank you," Kan said to Midnight.

"Anytime," the blue-eyed beauty winked and turned to leave, swaying her h.i.p.s out.

"Thank you Sensei."

The boys – except Lee who was glared at by his girlfriends– said with one hand as they saw Midnight swaying her h.i.p.s on the way out of the door.

Itsuka leaned back on her chair, sighing with an ugly facial expression. "I don't want to do marketing again."

She then looked at Lee, who was clenching his fist and unclenching it. She knew that when Lee is determined to do something, he would do that with his fist. If he is confused or thinking deeply, then he would scratch his chin.

Lee scratched his chin.

"What's in your head," Itsuka asked.

Lee replied, "nothing much, just thinking."

Oh, right, Lee had spent his last internship under Endeavour and ended up captured Stain. Lee seemed to be considering other choices. However, knowing him, she can tell that it's hard to choose, giving how many offers that he has.

"Reiko, where would you go?" Itsuka asked the ghost girl, who was looking at the roof.

"Who knows, I'll let the ghosts decide." she then rested her head on the table, sleeping.

Lee, on the other hand, was having his fist clenched because he felt the urge to beat someone in the face. Lee, with his license, can end the remains of the league of the villains for sure. The sooner the better. Who knows if the villains are hiding or plotting? Whatever it is, Lee would end them up with his fist, he determined on that.

Apparently, he won't spend his internship with Endeavour… though, he would miss Fuyumi, and how they used to stare at each other's body secretly.

Very soon, the class was dismissed. Lee walked into the hall of the school.

Shoto saw him, made eye contact, and nodded with his head before coming and greeting.

Lee just replied briefly, and they didn't exchange many words.

Shoto was direct to the topic in his head, "are you coming to Endeavour's agency? He seems to be expecting you, sooner."

Lee shook his head. "Not this time,

"Huh?" Shoto let a sigh, a cold mist leaving his mouth. "And here was I looking for a second confliction between you two."

Lee chuckled, as he knows why Shoto wants to do that to his strict father.

"What makes you assume that?"

"Well, in fact," Shoto raised his eyebrows and said, "he ordered costumed weights. They are in the range of tons. I assume, since you refused his training equipment last time because they were soft for you, he decided to level it up, and bring what should worth training."

He looked at Lee's muscled arms, trying to figure out where that strength came from.

"Good Grief," Lee sighed on the poor Endeavour. "Tell him to train with them, on his own." He then murmured. "He'll become a less failure number two."

"I'll be sure to do that." Shoto nodded.

"Lee…" Came a feminine voice.

Turning, he saw Itsuka from far waving for him to come.

Reiko was standing with her. Lee nodded at them before turning to the half-half guy.

"Got to go."


Lee then left with his girlfriends, talking with them after a small meal, before taking them home.

Lee, on his way, was thinking: Where will he go?

After all, if he chose an agency, he won't be able to move away.

He could look for Dabi and Twice through the internet and use his Big Brain. However, if it appeared that they are in a far city, he won't be able to chase them.

And he doesn't want to miss a year in school.

Lee thought why not using Hamon to boost his mind and find a solution.

What came to his mind was Yu.

She was a lone-hero and work from her home while patrolling casually.

Lee surely can convince her to use her car and move around.

"That's it."

Lee murmured as he was on his way, to Yu's place.

"What's it."

Itsuka was accompanying him, as she had got permission from her parent, saying she would stay at a friend's house, as they would discuss their choices. Itsuka wouldn't worry if her parent has suspicious. After all, she had once shown them that she was with Yu when they had called her.

To her, that's a benefit of having one extra girl in a relationship.

"Yu, do you think she would move out of her working area."

"Hey, are you trying to join under her…" Itsuka's eyes lit up, as she could read between the lines. "That's genius."

"Good grief," Lee rolled his eyes. She just had to read between the lines.

"Wait. You aren't trying to find a heroine to relax under?"

"No," Lee replied. "I'm trying to look for someone. I wonder, just, if she is just willing to investigate."

"No way, you aren't thinking of." Itsuka snapped. She just understood what's with him.

That day, after taking down the leagues of the villains, Lee had asked about his license. And now, he had got one. As his girlfriend for too long, she could tell what he is thinking of.

"Bingo," Lee replied.

"But, aren't heroes supposed to work in a fixed area." Itsuka raised an eyebrow.

The car stopped in front of Yu's apartment.

"Not All Might," Lee shook his finger as he got off the car, before closing the door. "No one complains anyway."

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