A/N: Chapters ahead at: patr eon.com/Blazuki


Lee stared at the big sign. "Hosu City." He then looked at his right, to Yu who was driving and then behind him, to Itsuka and Reiko who were obligated to follow them as Yu is their boss during the internship.

Yu was behind the wheel, taking deep breathes. The girls behind were looking at the city through the window, getting as many details as they can.

"And here I thought we would be staying at home."

'Aren't we a big happy family,' Lee rolled his eyes before he let a deep sigh.

"Remember girls…" Yu said with a stoic expression, her mask's horns pointing behind her. "I'm your boss here. Without my permission, you can't fight. You are just sidekicks who have to listen. Do you understand?"

Itsuka shrugged her shoulders.

"Why aren't you telling Lee that?" Reiko patted Lee's arms.

"I'm driving, don't mess with my nerves or I'll put a bad word on you at school." Yu was seriously annoyed. She is doing this for Lee. As for these girls, they are just extras. Though, they can help. Reiko is good to deal with many people her evil spirits ability – though not enough with giants or very heavy objects. Itsuka was good as well – she is a mini version of her.

In any case, she hoped that Lee would be done quickly from this. Then, she would go back to her city and start working again. If this happened as she pleases, then, once she comes back, the three here would be good sidekicks to end many crimes.

"Whatever," Reiko shrugged her shoulders. Not drawing any emotion on her face, she looked through the window.

"Good Grief," Lee shook his head, before looking up. "Night Eye," he murmured in the name of the guy they should visit him.

"That guy can see the future, if we get him to use his Quirk, your search would end in a matter of days."

"Mmm." Lee nodded.

The girls behind were clueless about what's going on. But as long as they are here, as a big happy family, they were happy to follow Lee here.

The car moved as it entered the city, passing by the road, and making its way to one high building.


Lee and the girls stood up in front of a long building. Lee was looking up, half-close his eyes. Lee was the type of persons who likes a peaceful life. But because of his life as a Quirkless before high school, he was a person who always pays back his debts. It would always annoy him during his sleep, the fact that Dabi had called his mom a whore, and now he had escaped. He didn't know if the love for his mom was driving him, or if it were his nature, but Lee would surely payback, and end up the League for once and all.

Lee felt smooth soft hands on his shoulders. Turning, he saw Reiko and Itsuka smiling and patting him. The girls felt Lee's emotions rising, and they patted him. Lee smiled and relaxed his shoulders.

Yu, wearing as Mt Lady now, was standing in front of them. Hands-on her h.i.p.s, she sighed. "Listen now, I'm your boss. You follow my orders, and you will respect me in front of the others," she said this looking at Reiko and Itsuka who nodded.

Lee was out of the topic obviously, but she knew that he was smart enough to get it.

They then stepped inside.

This place was the agency of Night Eye, the previous sidekick of All Might. As All Might, in the past, had raised in ranks before becoming the symbol of peace, Night Eye, with his ability to see the future, had helped the current number hero to rise to the top and solve as many crimes as possible.

They got in the elevator, Lee looked at the three women who came with him. The door was opened and they got inside the highest floor.

"Lee san."

Lee suddenly heard a voice coming from his side. And to his surprise, when he turned, there was a wall. It happened all of a sudden that Itsuka was surprised, Reiko didn't show any reaction and turned her eyes, While Yu clenched her fist, seeming that she is just an inch away from punching someone.

"Over here."

Lee looked at the ground, between his legs, to see his face looking at him from the floor.

"Mirio," Lee remembered him. "You aren't n.a.k.e.d, right?" He asked.

"Haha." Mirio chuckled as he popped out of the ground. He was wearing his white suit and red cap. A costume made clothes that get active with his power.

"Good sense of humour you have there, Lee san." Mirio was, obviously, a morning guy.

"Can't you just greet as a normal person!" Yu stomped on the ground.

Miro shrunk back and waved his hand.

"Sorry, I thought it would be funny that way."

"That's not funny, you are lame," Reiko shared her opinion.

Mirio lowered his head and sighed. He then lifted his fist and murmured.

"I'm a hero, I shouldn't care about the sheer and the boos."

The four only stared at him.

Mirio then smiled and said, "So, Lee-san, Ms Mt. Lady, and the girls there. What are you doing here in our agency?"

Yu sighed and took the lead to speak and she explained that she is here to see Night Eye for some reasons.

Mirio didn't ask too many questions, but instead said, "You have an appointment, right?"

Yu shook her head, as they just moved here a day after Lee started his internship.

"Well, I have called someone, and she said that he shouldn't be busy tomorrow, which is today."

Lee looked around, seeing a pretty woman with light-blue skin, blue dark hair that danced down to her neck. The girl had a big chest and she was wearing two pieces of clothes, white, exposing most of her skin and curvy body. She was having her elbows on the table, hands supporting her head, and she was closing her eyes.

Mirio pointed to her.

"Then it must be her. Hey, Bubble Girl, wake up!"

"Stop Night Eye Sama; I won't get late again!"

Bubble girl, as soon as she opened her eyes, yelled while staring forward.

Seems that she was having a nightmare.

Putting her hand on her D cup chest, the light blue woman sighed in relief before turning to Mirio.

"Mirio san, you shouldn't wake me up like that."

"I didn't intend to, but we have guests." He said, pointing to Lee and his group.

Bubble girl saw them and opened her eyes widely. She went off her seat, and said, "Mt Lady, I didn't expect your visit. How can I help you?"

"I have called yesterday, about Night Eye. You've said he isn't here but should be tomorrow." Yu furrowed her eyebrows. "Which is today."

Bubble girl moved her sleeveless arm and put her hand behind her head, giving a small bow. "Well, Mt Lady. You have asked if Mister Night Eye was free, you didn't ask for an appointment."

"Is he free now?" Yu asked; her hand on her hip, staring at the blue girl.

Bubble Girl was making excuses for Night Eye. As someone who can see the future, Night Eye would use his limited Quirk while watching the TV, and see if there is any major crime that would happen soon, or if any report would come to him in the near future.

With his ability, he can stop many things before they happen. His time was so precious.

"Well, about that, do you have any emergency, if not, it would be preferred –"

Yu and Lee were frowning as the Bubble Girl was talking. But suddenly, the blue-skinned girl was interrupted by the phone on her desk.

Picking it up, the sidekick suddenly opened her eyes widely. She stared at Lee and Yu, before going back to normal.

"I understand," she told before she put the phone down.

Staring at Lee and Yu, she said, "Night Eye wants to see the Mt Lady and the man here."

"The man?" Mirio questioned, before pointing to himself.

"You are still a boy, Mirio," Bubble girl shook her head.

Mirio fell to the ground, trying his best to force a laugh. "Someone call the fire department, please."

"Good Grief." Lee shrugged his shoulders.

Bubble girl and the other couldn't help but chuckle.

Lee nodded with his head. This guy, Night Eye, seemed to be amazing, to know who is here for him. He walked along with Yu and pushed the door slowly.

"Come in." a cold voice came from inside.

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