After cracking my fingers, I gave All For One, who was very ugly by his ruined face, a pat on his bald head.

"You have done it. Hahaha." All For One mocked. But soon, he flinched.

Right, he has a quirk that allows him to sense things beyond what one can hear and see.

"Hey, what are you doing? This thing, my brain is…" he didn't look as calm as he had been when we had started talking.

"Yare Yare." I sighed.

Now, I was in full control, with Hamon, over his mind.

All For One must have sensed this. But he can do nothing about it anyway.

"See your forehead. That's the part responsible for your ability to make decisions and lie." I told him with a mocking sneer. "Now, I'm in control of that. That's your reward for being a smartass. Now tell me, everything I want to know. What's your plan? Where did you send Dabi and Twice, and what have you told them."

"Heh…" All For One let a laughing sigh and said. "And you expect me to answer. I think you are stupid. My plan, of course, has changed the moment you cut Tomura's fingers. So, I have changed my successor."

All For One paused for a brief, and I sneered at him.

"Wait, what have you do…"

I forced more Hamon into his mind, and he started talking.

"As you can see. My successor would get my will. And thus, it would mean that I gain another body to control. After what happened in the summer camp, I have predicted where things would go. So, I have made Twice, who can create a copy of anything he knows about, create a doppelganger of me, and that one should be running everything behind.

"Before All Might come to take me, I made the doctor store my All For One for my Ultimate successor with a replicate of Twice's quirk. Meanwhile, I took a duplicate of All For One for myself when the heroes decided to attack."

"Wait, what?" That was quite shocking. "You mean a copy of yourself. Isn't your name All For One?"

"Not my real name. My real name is Shigaraki. All For One is my villain name, and it's my quirk that allows me to take quirks from the others and give them to others." Although All For One was talking, he wasn't willing, and I could tell his anxiety when he was saying that.

I was quite surprised. "You, you copied your quirks."

"Duplicated it." All For One smirked.

"Is this possible," I asked.

"Science is amazing. Who knows what can happen when a villain meets with someone who has the big brain."

Somehow, I thought of an answer.

'They sing Bella Ciao; like Professor and Berlin has done in La Casa.'

I had no time for sarcasm and use references from my previous life.

"You are right. Now, can you tell me, where Dabi and Twice are?"

"Hahaha." All For One, against all of his will, said while laughing. "They are with doctor Garaki, where he is creating High-End Nomus, the ultimate weapon against you. Before preparing my successor for the Grand act."

With a deep frown, I asked. "Where is that doctor?"

"I don't know, honestly."

"Huh?" I was quite confused. "Explain."

"As you can see, after what happened in the summer. I had realised. Someone from the hero side could make Kurogiri spilt the information he had. So, according to that. I made Dabi and Twice tell the doctor to change their place, somewhere only my doppelganger knows. Hahahah…" All For One Laughed like a mad man.

"But you know what your doppelganger knows, right. At least, you share the same will."

"Not really. I know what he knows. I don't see where he is, or know the places. After all, the will is about feelings, and not about information."


I shook my head and turned my face.

My eyes were met with All Might, who had a deep frown on his face.

Night Eye as well was sighing.

On the other hand, the jailers had a shocked expression on their faces while focusing on my hand that was on All For One's forehead.

I felt the urge to sigh and rub my head.

"What a pain."

However, this opened my eyes to one thing.

Even if we knew the villain's plan, we still know nothing.

The future would be still chaos.

Someone would get a quirk that makes endless copies of himself, and the original All For One.

Even if we execute the one in front of us, he would appear in his heir, once he gets the original All For One.

"Let me ask you." I lifted my head. "Your Nomu's has a quirk that allows them to regenerate."


"I've always wondered. Why don't you have a quirk that let you regenerate? I mean, look at your face. "

"Well, I have a quirk for Super regeneration. However, it doesn't work for critical injuries. Too bad I got such a quirk after I was injured by All Might. Otherwise, I would have regenerated and killed him when I had the chance."

"Weird, a Nomu would be able to regenerate after splitting into two."

"My ability is unique. I don't only get good from the Quirks, but the bad. Nomu's were still in the research stage. The current super regeneration of Nomu makes someone has its very side effects. Though, the latest researches of the doctor should fix that. Well, that's still in the research stage. I planned to get it once we're done making High-End Nomus. Though, critical hits would still its weakness."

So, the weakness of any regeneration is critical hits.

"Hmm… interesting."

"Is this related to anything?"

"Correct me again. Nomus can have multi quirks because of their very strong bodies."

Although, most of the Nomus aren't as strong as I am now.

"Yes. In my life, I met only a few got the ability to handle many quirks at once without losing it." All For One said. "Why are you asking."

I have thought about it.

The future is holding the unknown. If I want myself, or my women to survive, then, I need more power, for me and them.

A strong body with Hamon like mine, or my girl's, can allow us to lift tons. So, it's needless to say that I can handle multi quirks.

Not to mention, I don't have a Quirk in the first place.

"Nothing, nothing at all." I let my face closer to his ear and whispered. "Give me All For One."


But All For One's facial expression went blank as I brain-controlled him.

Without his will, he put his hand on my head and gave me his Quirk.

It felt painful honestly that I flinched.

But hey, I am going to have a Quirk, after 16 years of coming to this world.

Seeing the action of All for One, All Might appeared in flash in front of us and punched All for One flying to the wall, breaking his face.

"Geez, this painful." I rubbed my face.

"Lee, are you fine." All Might said, appearing in a flash and opening his arm. "He must have tried to kill you by giving you extra quirks."

Quickly, I stopped the time and dodged his hug.

"Geez, his hand stink."

I rolled my face and looked at All Might.

When I opened my hand, I could feel that something was running there, like a foreign type of power.

My hand was moving on its own like it had its own will.

The ground started rolling, as there was like another will trying to control my body.

I held my head temporarily as I fell on my knee, not showing a hint of pain on my face.

I smirked. 'All For One's will is trying to control me. Not going to happen.'

I'm the one who controls the people wills, not the other.

Taking a deep breath, I clenched my teeth and emptied my lungs with one breath.


A strong burst of Hamon exploded in my body. A yellow aura wrapped my body.


All of the sudden, I found myself in a foreign place.

'Somehow, reminds me of Naruto.' I looked at my feet. 'But no water though.'

I was in a dark space, alone, with someone whom I knew.

All For One was standing in front of me, laughing and saying that it was useless to resist, as we would fight a man to a man.

However, very soon, the yellow energy wrapped him.

"What?" All For One, confused, looked around as if he was waiting for something.

"What is this?" He yelled as he looked around. "You don't have a quirk?" he said as his power tried to take over my supposed quirk.

I didn't have the time to answer that. Fl.i.c.k.i.n.g my finger, I summoned Star Platinum.

"Meet Star Platinum. He is a form of my spiritual power. Say hi to him."

All For one, who was only at a form of a will, flinched when he saw the stand appearing in front of him in a flash?

Star Platinum held All For One from his neck and lifted him. Then, Star Platinum opened his mouth, and active his super-breath, s.u.c.k.i.n.g All For One's will and swallowing it just like that.

Now, I could feel it. All For One's quirk has been eaten by Star Platinum.

Star Platinum, now seemed to shine in a purple aura.

All For One, the replicated quirk, was mine now.

Now, I wonder. If I had some extra life Hamon, would it get stronger, as Life Ripples has done to my mom and the girls? After all, Yu has the largest gigantification quirk for some reason.

The black space around started having cracks appearing on it. Soon, it started collapsing.


Opening my eyes, I could see All Might next to me. A second hasn't passed.

I looked around. Star Platinum was standing in front of me. However, something amazing has happened. His aura seemed to be way stronger after devouring All For One's will. His colours seemed to be brighter.

The Stand, somehow, seemed to evolve.

When I tasked him to move around, he moved 15 meters away from me.

Star Platinum has broken his range.

"Lee, are you okay. Can you hear me?" Came all Might's anxious voice.

"Yes," I said as I stood up with his help.

"Did All For One throw quirks at you."

"No. It's a side effect of what I have done. Using my aura like this has the risks of heart attack and brain stroke. I can die while forcing someone to tell me the truth."

When these words left my mouth, I saw the jailers around sigh in disappointment. I lifted an imaginary middle finger at them.

"Lee, you…." All Might, as I could see, had some tears in his eyes. "You risked your life to save the future. This is so, so, Pluso Ult–"

"Geez, I have to stop you from saying that. Anyway. We should start with the execution, as quick as possible." I stretched my back.

"That's needless." All Might said, pointing to All For One who was lying on the ground. "He's dead."

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