After the day Lee has made love with Rumi, his life and plans have progressed as usual

Lee kept fighting criminals after school with Yu, as he would patrol with her for help. When it comes to finding quirks, some days would be lucky while others are not. Well, if everyone had an amazing quirk, global destruction would have happened a long time ago.

Lee, one day, managed to fight someone who was a quirk that can create plasma around the body and shoot beams, so he thought it would be better on a giant since the effects would be on another level.

On the other hand, he and Yu found a drug mafia gang, whose boss had a quirk about seeing and sensing into far places.

Although that boss was hard to catch, that had been an easy job to Lee, who could stop time and catch him. Lee had taken that quirk as well.

Finally, few days after that, Lee has taken one quirk that was very similar to Aizawa.

There had been a person, who would disable quirks by touching people. Lee had taken that quirk as well. As for the rest of the quirks, they had been useless for him. However, one can always hunt and find more.

Lee was now in his house.

"Mom, I'm leaving."

He said as opened the door. He had already called his girlfriends and now he is leaving to meet them. Rumi probably would get late since she is in Hosu.

"Where?" Julia appeared in the middle room with super speed, hands on her h.i.p.s.

"To the girls, to meet them," Lee said. "Do you think I have friends to stay at their houses?"

"Nothing. You seem to have found people you enjoy their company more than this old lady." Julia sighed and lowered her head. She was joking, and Lee knew that.

"For real." Lee just touched her cheek and rubbed it. "You're not that old. Are you really upset?"

"Mm… Nah. I'm happy that we would be moving out soon. Enjoy your time anyway." Julia said as Lee dodged her teeth as she was about to bite his hand.

"By the way, you look bright." Lee said, noticing that."

"Yes." She said and nodded. "that Super Regeneration quirk, it really helps me keep up, full of power with…" she didn't want to word it as playing herself and not getting tired. "You do not have to worry about that. I'm not tired at all. And I feel all young again."

last few days, Julia had the quirk. Lee had explained how he had discovered this feature about his aura, and he could use it to transform quirks just as he could transform power. Of course, she was shocked by how Lee could apply his quirk and use it. Lee was surely very creative, which made her proud of him.

"You forget something."


"A kiss." Julia pointed to her cheek. Lee only bent down slightly, gave that kiss, and now was ready to leave.

"Be sure to not come back late. I cooked different dishes, and I don't want to put them in the fridge." Julia slapped his back slightly as he left.

"Thanks." Lee then moved to Yu's place, where he had asked the others to meet.

Lee had hunted three Nomu's. Out of three regeneration quirks, two were given to his mom and Yu.

Julia was important to him and he needed a guarantee for her safety, no matter how great her quirk. Yu was a very big target and needed protection in her blind spot.

As for the other girls, he has enough of the quirks in his arsenal to make up for that.

Lee entered one high building and went to the floor that contained Yu's office.

Rumi seemed to be quite late anyway.

After few kisses with the girls, Lee sat down, and then, Lee decided to bring up the topic.

"Lee, what is it?" Reiko asked as she saw Lee thinking of how he is going to word his thoughts.

Itsuka only leaned on him while wrapping her arm around him, as she was sitting on the same couch.

"I need to give you something extra," Lee said as he leaned back.

"Did it grow again?" Hands shaking, Itsuka put her hand on his crotch and patted it.

Lee turned his face toward her. "Out of all the possibilities, and you thought of that."

Lee smiled; he couldn't help but feel prouder of her.

Itsuka looked at his face and extended her tongue, only for Lee to smile and sigh.

You took her glove off, and then, without hesitation, she bit on her nail in the wrong way that should cause a wound in her finger and make it bleed. However, the wound regenerated in no time. The girls showed their amazement.

Yu said, "I have found about this when I stepped on a blade accidentally." Lee flinched when he heard that.

She continued anyway. "And my wound regenerated in no time. I remember when I drove Lee back a week ago and he patted my head and said he gave me something. I think I know about it now."

Itsuka, Reiko, and Yu then all looked at Lee.

Reiko then snapped as if she realised something.

"That's why you were able to pound him nonstop. " Reiko said. "You knew all along. Yet you revealed it now."

She gave Yu a hateful look.

Yu only scratched her chin at Reiko's smart remark, which is true.

"Well, that what I needed to explain…"

"Your quirk, despite the similarity with mine, you can use it way better than I can." Reiko shared her opinion. "Senpai."

Lee felt his heart almost melt with the last word.

Itsuka asked. "But shouldn't be dangerous for someone to have multiple quirks?"

"Don't worry. Your bodies are tougher than steel. You can handle a dozen quirks more than Gigantomachia. I know what I am doing."

"We trust you. I do," Yu said as if Lee doesn't need to explain at all. Lee nodded and looked at the girls before saying. "I have stored dozen of quirks meanwhile. Are you curious?" Reiko and Itsuka looked at each other. With what Lee is introducing, they can be the top heroes in the country. Their quirks were already on another league. If they added something else to them, they would be a total distraction.

"What do you have in mind?" Yu asked.

"For you, probably this." Lee opened his hand, and it started changing its colour to red. "Plasma. And some other kind of beams quirks."

"Hey, isn't that quite cheating," Reiko said. "If anyone of them uses it in her big form. Who knows what will happen."

"We are here to cheat on villains. The only ones you shouldn't cheat on are obvious." Lee nodded.

"I'll take it. I need some ranged attacks." Yu said as Lee extended his hand to pat her head, giving her the quirk in the process.

The plasma quirk should allow her to use it around her body as she can shoot beams and all.

Lee then shared the rest of the quirks with them. Itsuka and Yu got the quirks that allow them to fly, which had been taken from the Nomus.

On the other hand, Reiko didn't need such a quirk.

So Lee had given the quirk that should allow her to see around her without using her eyes, and another quirk that enhances her hearing and smell sense, which was taken from Gigantomachia.

Itsuka then got the quirk that hardens the muscles and increases strength. In addition, there was a third quirk.

Lee has gotten a quirk that allows one to shoot beam. Although they were not plasma like Yu's, they were strong beams. While floating and trying to familiarize herself with the extra quirks, Itsuka clenched her fist and her muscles hardened. That was the Muscle Hardening quirk. Itsuka could already lift up to two tons with Life Hamon boost. With such quirk, in her little form, her strength should be extended more. Not only so, but it can help to protect her while extending her size. You didn't want the quirk and teased Itsuka about muscles. Itsuka asked her if she is jealous, and Yu already had more life ripples, so she has better strength.

"Drink this." Lee took some amulets from his pockets and gave them to them. It should enhance their quirks.

Yu and Itsuka got each what worth half-life from a Nomu. Itsuka and Yu were staring at each other.

"Yu, you should've given me your share of water. You're already big enough." Itsuka said, her eyes flinching. She can already go beyond a hundred eighty meter. What a greedy bitch.

"Jealous? Try to woman up." Yu teased her.

"Hey, you can't do this anyway." Itsuka extended her c.h.e.s.t size without affecting her body to tease Yu, who didn't care anyway and drank it. "not without showing that you're insecure. A little girl."

"Says the one who uses her quirk to grow her b.o.o.b.s. Compete with me fairly, kid." Yu said at Reiko.

"Who are you calling kid," Itsuka raised an eyebrow at her.

They just argued as usual. Nothing was serious.

Lee was just sighing. He had already given up hope on them. As long as they don't fight, they won't get on his nerves.

On the other hand, Reiko got a full one. Since she has telekinesis, she could use more of the ability to lift more weights and the ability to sense things around her better.

Lee, on the other side, took another two amulets. Each one of those had enough Life ripples for himself that worth two lives.

Lee wanted to drink a half one now, and later, he would save it for once he gets more quirks for himself.

As he is now, Lee has a quirk that can make his defences stronger. As for the offence, Star Platinum was the best.

Lee wanted to leave one amulet for Rumi, before giving her the quirk that disables quirks by touching them. Rumi was already very strong, so she would stand her ground more if her quirk got stronger.

Lee wasn't only strengthening himself, but also the people he wanted to protect.

Although most of the people are ignorant of a possible war that is going to happen, Lee was not.

Lee drank what worth half-life, to enhance the current quirks he has within him. The regeneration quirk and the diamond quirk were his primary focus.

Lee felt strange since he has too much life force within him.

He would wonder how long he would live now with all up-gradation. Probably he would look young by hundred years old. Well, as long as his mom and girls are living longer with him, it doesn't matter.

Once these quirk's cells were showered with life ripples, Lee tired his quirks, and he could make his internal organ turn into a diamond, just as the rest of his body. The quirk just got improved, same for the flying quirk as well.

That should guarantee him a very strong defence against the enemies who uses sound waves, heat, coldness and all things that Star Platinum can't stop.

Other than that, Lee wondered how the Super Regeneration quirk must have become greater. He won't test it though, as he isn't a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t.

But one can't help but imagine how the evolution of such quirk can be.

'I'm Dio now, probably.' Lee thought.

All For One, the replica should've got stronger as well.

Not only so, but the other quirks were affected, such as the quirk that he should've given to Rumi. He can make people's quirk disable temporarily by touching the ground that touches them.

'I just hope the evolved effect would remain when I transfer it to her.'

To Lee, the best upgradation he got was the time stop and the power of Hamon itself. He can stop time for more than 45 seconds.

Very soon, Lee's phone rang.

"Lee, this is Night Eye. I'm calling you for a very important piece of information." Night Eye seemed to be in hurry to skip the formalities.

"What is going on?" Lee asked, as he sat in Yu's office, before looking at the girls, who were sitting on the couch and staring at him.

"Dabi and the others, they have been found."

Lee stood up, gaining a look from his girls.

The door of Yu's office was kicked open all of the sudden.

Rumi walked inside while wearing her casual clothes.

"Oy, did I miss something." She said.

"Hush." Yu gestured for her to be silent, as Lee seemed to hear details on the phone while changing his facial expression.

Rumi's ears twitched as she walked to the middle of the room. "What is going on." She asked quietly, curious.

"Something serious. Look at his face." Itsuka said quietly as she pointed to his serious face.

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