
The ground was shaking beneath doctor Garaki's feet. If not seeing the tapes of what's going outside, through the cameras, he would not have known that it was a result of some titans attack and heroes behind them.

Doctor Garaki was one of All For One's subordinates, who lived for more than a hundred years, the one to create and develop the Nomus.

The doctor looked to the nearest two people.

Dabi was now lying down in his shell-like tube, to get the last modifications and the improved replicated quirks.

Twice, on the other side, had been the first one to experience the improvement in his quirk.

"Twice. Twice." Called the doctor twice.

"Yes, doctor." Replied Twice.

"Go outside and take care of them. You know who. Until Dabi's awaken, you can stale all of them."

Twice looked at the live videos, "But aren't the bitches too huge." Twice said, noticing the beams. "The size alone should make me worried, let alone the plasma and that beam! I think I'm afraid."

"But an army made of All For One, shouldn't be too much for you." The doctor said, smirking.

The doctor faked a sad expression. "Or are you not going to avenge the league of the villains, your friends and the people who accepted you on your truth."

"Boss. Tomura. Toga… all of them are there, and no one knows even their names."

Twice clenched his fist. In his whole life, he has been treated like a freak, a sc.u.m. People would only look at him with disdain, that's if they looked at him. The league of the villains was like the first home he has, while his first house was the second home.

"I will." Twice said quietly.

"Don't you want to protect him, your friend, until he wakes up?" The doctor said, hiding his smirk. Once Dabi wakes up, the will of All For One should take over his body, and everyone shall be doomed.

"I will protect my friends from the evil hero." Twice nodded.

"I will." Twice said loudly.

"Can you do that!" the Doctor said, still patting a small Nomu between his arms who did not pass the size of a little dog.


"Just let me take a break. I need to go to the bathroom first." Twice opened his arm, clay leaving his hand. A copy of himself formed and walked outside. Twice and his doppelganger started running. However, he fell down all of a sudden as the ground shook again. "Oh, come on. That's not fair, even Gigantomachia wasn't this annoying!" Twice said.

The doctor could only sigh. "Your quirk alone is more troublesome than those giants and All Might."

"I know!" Twice danced as he flipped in the air before he exited to the fighting location.

"What a good stupid good guy." The doctor turned and walked toward Dabi, patting him, before looking behind him. Many tubes contained Nomus who were still forming. The doctor bit on his nail. "Master, your expectations were true." He thought.

Meanwhile, Dabi, who was sleeping in one of the tubes, surrounded by a shell, flinched, unaware why someone would even beat him for something his doppelganger had said.


Lee stared at Twice in front of him. The time stopped while Twice was having the clay frozen in front of his hands. Looking to the side, Lee could see that Night Eye was so worried from the near future that he has just seen.

Lee, in a quick motion, appeared in front of twice, with his hands on Twice's head. Lee let Star Platinum hit Twice's stomach.

"Time flows again."

Lee, soon, started frowning, as All For One he has didn't work on Twice.

"Got you! Lucky, I'm not the real one!" Twice said mockingly while Lee realised that Twice is a doppelganger.

"I have seen this already." Night Eye said.

All Might clench his fists and look around, along with Lee's girlfriends.

"Don't worry about that!"

Rumi said, as she vanished from the sight and appeared next to Lee. What Lee has done multiplied her basic strength. In addition, it boosted her quirk as well, which increases her strength and speed as well. Therefore, with just one bottle of water that contains Lifeforce, Rumi had gained multiple effects of what Lee and the other girls usually would gain when it comes to strength.

Lee just nodded at her. Just a few days ago, he had given her a quirk that allows her to disable quirks.

"Be careful, they are coming."

Once Night Eye has said that, everyone could see figures covering the sky, floating. Those figures were of the Nomus, High-End Nomus, which Lee has fought. However, they were in thousands. Moreover, they were heading to the biggest target, Yu.

Yu took a deep breath and plasma started surrounding her, burning them in the process. However, she could not use that quirk for a long time. Itsuka was punching in the air and clapping.

The Nomus, instead of regenerating, were dissolving as if a usual doppelganger product would.

"Damn you!" All Might growled.

He vanished from the sight, appeared next to the Nomus in the air, and he started beating them one by one. However, there was one more problem. More High-End Nomu in colossal numbers appeared.

They were more than the army that has been here earlier.

All of them were floating in the air, and looking down at the heroes and the others.

Unlike the trained people Lee's girls had fought,

"Rumi, Reiko, can you locate him," Lee asked.

"Wait a minute."

In a few seconds, as more Nomus were appearing in the air, Reiko opened her eyes widely.

By this time, the clouds in the sky were covered by the huge swamp of the high-end Nomus.

Just looking up could plant fear in the heroes and the interns. All Might and few can do fine on their own. However, this is a High-End Nomu! One of them was enough to send Endeavour to coma – though some say he is in a coma for a physiological reason.

"Lee, he is hiding in the ground, beneath us, twenty meters. The tunnel is there."

Reiko pointed to one place that was surrounded by the piles of the destroyed building. When she waved her hands, the piles floated and landed away, revealing a tunnel that the Nomus were appearing from.

Lee looked at her and nodded as if thanking her for saving him troubles. Rumi clapped her fist on her hand as though she felt frustrated. "Oh come on, I was just this away from finding him."


Lee nodded, and Star Platinum punched beneath him, reaching 5 meters in the ground. Star Platinum, who was floating next to Lee, started digging beneath his feel. Following the first rule in mine craft, Lee stepped away from Star Platinum who was making a tunnel so fast. In the next second, taking an advantage of his new range, Star Platinum found someone who is very familiar.

Lee jumped off the hole, ignoring the cloud that was made of High-End Nomus, before holding Twice from his neck.

"Stop them!" Lee said, sternly, while pumping Hamon to the man's head.

"I can't!" Twice said, while feeling shocked.

"Why," Lee asked, knowing that his opponent can say all but truth.

"These ones can't be disabled unless they get hit, or come to me one by one. Or, in the end, I die. Or Dabi comes and order them to dissolve on their own"

Twice announced.

Lee looked up, to the Nomus, which number overwhelmed someone even like Yu.

He looked at his other girlfriends, who have yet even to get pregnant.

He then looked at Twice.

"I don't know you, so." Lee closed his eyes. He didn't want to see this. But it was necessary to do.

Star Platinum's hand bypassed Twice's c.h.e.s.t and entered, his fingers wrapping Twice's heart.

"Wait, wait." Twice said, freaking out when Lee turned his face at him as if Lee doesn't want to know him.

"We can know each other."

"Trust me, you can live a better life after you die. I've experienced that." Lee said with a tone that says there is nothing that he can do. "I will prefer to keep the girls around in this world."

Twice did not know what happened. All he knew that it was painless. His heart just stopped on its own.

The doppelganger in the sky started dissolving and falling to the ground.

Lee was looking at Twice, drawing a sighing expression. Although Lee did not like the villains, Twice obviously was a retard.

However, if everyone gave those dangerous people with special needs special treatment, the human race would have ended.

'Results matters more than intent and his backstory.' Lee thought.

This is the second, no, the first time he really killed someone. The first time, when he had killed Kurogiri, appeared to be fake.

"What happened, Lee?" All Might, who had been at the sky punching the high Nomus, fell on the ground next to Lee. Looking at the dead body, he could not help but look at Lee.

Lee shook his head. "He has gotten a heart attack from me staring at him," Lee said.

All Might, with a simple glance at the body, could tell it was really a heart attack.

All Might opened his eyes widely. Could it be that Lee used his aura to stop the heart of the man? No way. If Lee has done it, he would kill him by breaking his nuts.

All Might flinched, but he decided not to say anything since he believed that Lee has done the right thing. Otherwise, the swarm of the Nomu that had been here would have killed almost every other hero here.

"Good Job Lee, let's see where to go now. Two remains." All Might said, clenching his fists while thinking about Garaki and Dabi.

"It's not over!" came Night Eye's yell from far. "Over this way quickly. I've located the lab."

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