It was a surprise to me that I knew that I kissed my sister.

I may be born as Lee, however, I'm still the person who has been born on Earth. I can use that fact to get through this easily and be careless.

Still, what was shocking for me is that Julia knew and she had been okay with this.

Dabi, although he will never hear it from me, I'll write thank you on your tomb, that's if you had any after I'm done from you.

'This reminds me, Enji.'

All of the sudden, I had felt the urge to beat Enji. That f.u.c.ker! However, he is in a coma. But, well, there is nothing to do. The good news is that I had beaten him already.

Now, All I can do is to beat his other son.

After I had revealed that I had kissed Fuyumi, Dabi paused in front of me; he and his doppelgangers that have been multiplying from his body.

Funny thing. Before I even killed Twice, God may have mercy on his soul, I had taken his quirk. The killing was my last option of course, since taking the quirk hadn't been enough to stop twice.

Now, Dabi and I can multiply ourselves. However, I did not want to do so, given the history of Twice.

As I had been chasing the two in the past, I knew a bit of their history. One of the things that you would learn from Twice is that the clone would have his own free will, and would like to rule over the original.

I didn't know if the clones would have the stand, but I didn't want to use them until they are my last resort.

"You kissed Fuyumi, you bastard!"

"I have kissed your mom as well," I said, my tone calm and mocking.


After yelling at me, Dabi and two hundred clones, with flames covering them as a shield, aimed their hands at me. I stood still, the heroes were behind me. With such a number, and not to forget Dabi's current power, he can beat All Might easily and the rest of the heroes except for the ones that I took care of.

"Die, you monster!" Dabi and his clones said as they aimed the beams at me.

"Now! Yu." I screamed.

Yu, who was behind me and the other heroes, grew to a very large giant that it is hard to find an end to her head.

Geez, why did I feed her too much life ripples?

Yu aimed her hands at him, big enough to hold the buildings around. The hands glowed in red as hot plasma covered them and were shot, ready to swallow me and Dabi.

When the beam approached from behind, I stopped the time, touched each of Dabi and his clones on the head, and I channelled Hamon there, intending to explode them.

Yu and her plasma beam were on another league compared to Dabi's combined flame from hundreds of clones. The plasma swallowed the fire, hitting each one of Dabi's clone; and she then followed it by punching their original location, causing an earthquake. What had been originally Dabi's place was replaced by fist print. Yu turned her now large face to me and smiled slightly as if saying she had done the job.

Yu quickly took her face back.

"Geez. These girls are annoying," said Dabi's voice from nowhere.

Everyone was shocked to hear this voice again.

Lifting our heads, the heroes and I saw many portals made of dark fogs, in hundreds, no, in thousands, appear from the sky.

"Brother, did you really think I am stupid enough to fight you head-on." Dabi or one of his clones, said, as he had dark fog mixed with fire extending from his body.

"I don't know. That's what your face is saying."

It seems that I am playing with someone who thinks he is playing checker.

I looked at the portals that had Dabi's doppelganger appear from them.

Some of them aimed their fire on Yu, who was not hard to hit given how large her body is.

Good, all I need now is to focus on a way to beat Dabi, who is sending thousands of clones with each passing second.

I know, if 1/10 of them used their fire, all of the heroes would die.

I have to think of doing something.

"What are you going to do." Dabi mocked as he looked down at me.

"Yeah, this's Big Brain Time," I murmured as I pumped Hamon to my head, this time, to make myself smarter.

All Might, risking his life, dashed forward, trying to kill them. However, one Dabi was already troublesome. Once he approached, some of the clones unleashed flames around their bodies.

All Might, if not for me stopping the time and pulling him back, would have died.

"What a pain. Do you want to die?" I said as I put All Might on the ground after stopping the time.

"I can't stay and do nothing!" All Might was about to dash again, however, I made Star Platinum chop on his neck and stop him from moving. Somehow, it worked!

"Persist till the end."

I said as I turned and smiled.

The only reason I had time to say this was because Yu was stalling Dabi. She was punching and unleashing plasma beams at him. However, Dabi could keep going with his clones and flames.

The ground was shaking when Yu unleashed plasma from her body, destroying many of Dabi's clones in the process.

And honestly, Yu showed signs of feeling pain, even though she had regeneration, which quite annoyed me.

I stopped the time, appeared in the sky, and destroyed many of Dabi clones. Each one I touch would explode.

I then appeared from thin air, and Yu stopped shooting beams, as I was between her and Dabi.

"Yu, go back! I got this!"

Yu flinched.

"Ha… Ha…"

I panted as I was floating.

"Come," I said, looking at the fog portals. I swept a drop of sweat from my chin while pretending to be tired.

"Right?" one of the Dabis said.


Dabi was looking at Lee, who was panting and trying to breathe.

Dabi smirked.

It's wonderful that this little bastard has grown this strong.

Their father, endeavour, would know that his favourite sons are nothing but little shits compared to him; Dabi will make sure that it would happen.

Dabi flicked his fingers.

Dark fog portals surrounded Lee.

Lee, since he was tired, was unaware of what is going on. He was swallowed by fire that had been teleported by the fog. Lee looked behind, shocked. After being hit by the flame, he fell down to the ground. Lee's body hit the ground, his eyes closed, and he was flinching.


Dabi heard many yells. Itsuka and Yu had the loudest ones. Dabi did not care. When both Itsuka and Yu aimed at him, he appeared next to Lee, who was on the ground, his hand on Lee's neck.

"Shoot me if you want him dead."

He said looking at the girls who were about to shoot big beams at him.

Itsuka and Yu hesitated.

"Go back to your size, or I'll kill him, right here and now." Dabi threatened.

"You…" Itsuka seemed to lose her temper from rage, yet Yu held her still.

Yu was clenching her teeth. "Leave him."

"Tsk, you think I don't dare." Dabi, while everyone doppelganger in the sky was standing still, had flames appear on his fingers. Then, those fingers approached the unconscious Lee.

"What are you going to do?" Yu asked.

"Take his quirk, and then throw my little bastard brother," Dabi said, looking at them, smiling. Whether they knew he lies or not, they do not have a choice anyway.

"Fine…" Yu said as she raised both of her hands in defeat. She and Itsuka then became little girls again.

Dabi smiled at them.

They have good quirks.

Once he gets theirs, destroying the heroes' world should be very easy.

Dabi just smiled. He then looked at the sky, signalling for the original one to come down.

"He doesn't pretend to faint, you can come down."

Dabi had just tested Lee. Lee isn't faking sleeping or anything. With this, Dabi is sure that the original can approach Lee without feeling danger.

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