In MHA With Star Platinum

Chapter 22 - Chapter22: Just the Press

I was about to teach that Bakugo a lesson in respecting people as who is fastest in using his quirk, the alarm saved him.

From every department, all of the students had fear shown on their face.

I looked around my table to my classmates

Their faces didn't show optimism, but wariness as well.

Shihai was looking for a shadow to merge with, he would have an easy time to sneak out.

Ibara joined her hands together like she was praying.

Pony was murmuring something in English… This meant that she is anxious. And Itsuka was looking around between me and the door like she was gesturing to us to move quickly.

"What's going on?" Pony asked.

Itsuka gazed at her "the emergency bell. Someone, or some group, broke to the school."

The rest opened their eyes widely. There was that one question which must be asked.

"Who would do that…?" Ibara bit her nail, despite expecting the answer already. "Who can?"

Shihai was to answer. "The Villains!"

Of course, who would break into the place of the future heroes, except someone who wants to get them out of the way, or their teachers? Besides, the barrier of UA and their gates makes strong defence. It's hard for normal people, even strong villain, to break through it. The only answer was a very dangerous villains group.

The other students seemed to realise the answer as well. They were thinking quickly, and fear was taking over them. After all, they are just teenagers and not pros.

"If they come here, I'll…" Bakugo's courageous expression had vanished. A worried expression took over his face. I could see a cold sweat dripping from his forehead. "I'll k–ill th–em."

It became chaotic in the cafeteria all of the sudden.

"We must run."

"Villains are coming here."

"They must be strong to break here."

"We are doomed."

"Run with your life."

Not everyone here was a hero as they were just some students from other departments. They came from general education and support department. And, the first year from heroes' class has yet to learn how to be so heroic or how to fight.

What happened next was the same when Zero Pointer had made his appearance. Everyone stood up, staring toward the exit, before sprinting.

Unfortunately for them, they were so many. With their number and how they were pushing each other, it was impossible to get out through the doors.

The ones on my table seemed to be hesitating to run as well.

"Don't move!"

Calling Star Platinum, I stood up and gestured them to stop.

"Lee, we should find a way to exit."

"I can merge into their shadows… but…" Shihai seemed hesitating.

"I can fly." Pony called a pair of horns to stand on.

"Good Grief. I'm staying." I looked at each one of them in the eye, seriously, which made them stop. My face didn't show any wariness, just caution. Even with a bullet aimed at my direction, I believe in my Stand's power. "Stay in my Aura's range. You'll be safe."

Knowing my Quirk's strength, which destroyed Zero Pointer, they didn't move. I also believe they all saw how Star Platinum had easily broken the walls in the Trial Battles.

Itsuka stared at my eyes and nodded, before forcing a smile.

"In this case; I'll count on you."

Wait, who's that guy, who just approached and got into the table.

"Lee, my buddy. You don't forget your friends do you?" Neito lifted his hand and sat next to my table, before patting Shihai. The sneaky guy, the moment he sat, Pony took a few steps away from him.

"GUY's. NICE TO MEE YOU AGAIN. Let's get through this"

I noticed my classmate approaching with a wide grin. His silver hair and his skin which turned to metal made it obvious. Tetsutetsu joined the protection.

"Give me a break."

I only kept staring at the entrance. People were crazily trying to escape.

I found it ironic. In middle school, these people with Quirk had always shown courage against the Quirkless. Now, they can't even use Joseph's secret technique.

I guess no matter what quirk you have, your personality won't change.

Very soon, from the crowd, flew a tall blue-haired guy. He floated, with something like an engine on his leg pushing him, and reached the top of the entrance.

His posture was funny as he held to something.


He yelled for everyone. Then after yelling again, he gained their attention.

"Stop Everyone!! The one who got to school aren't villains, but the press!"

My reaction was to blink twice. A bunch of journalists, and could break to UA. That made my doubt the security measures of the UA high school.


"Lee, that was scary." Pony said, clenching her little fists.

"Well, see ya later." Monoma stood up with his plate and walked toward another table. It seems that he doesn't need to stay next to the strong guy for now.

"Good courage, Lee-san," Ibara showed me a smile, which I can tell, it looked pretty on her face. But telling her to smile more often, when she is next to my girlfriend, wasn't such a good idea.

"You could handle it well." Reiko was the only one who had been calm. Wait, I think she barely shows emotions.

I could hear the sighs from my table. Turning, I couldn't help but massage my temple. These guys, were they all going to stick to me.

Whatever, I'm just happy that this was over since I'll get my privacy soon.


Ryo was an editor and a freelance who had a job to provide information to the fellow journalists.

He didn't have job ethics at all. As long you give him the right price, you'll get the info you want. Of course, he was the type of persons who wouldn't hesitate to sell the information on you, had he found one.

Today, he had agreed with a young man, for a lot of money, to help him and call journalists to give them a chance to enter U.A.

Now, he met him, a young pale man, with a grey hair and a paler face that was as white as the paper.

"Here is your payment, Ryo-san." said the pale man, Tomura, as he handed an envelope to the fat man, Ryo.

Ryo took the money and started counting. When he was done, his face drew a bright smile.

"Young man, I believe something is lacking."

"What do you mean?" Tomura sounded bored and lazy when he talked back. "That what we had agreed to pay you."

"I mean…" Ryo's smile became wide enough to split his face into two. He said, "You didn't tell me that you could break UA system – Just told me All Might would be at the entrance. This information is very precious. Do you want to buy it… let's say, for some 200.000$"

Ryo wanted to blackmail his client. A guy who broke into UA would be looked by many. He didn't know what Tomura wanted, but it was for a strong reason, obviously. He must be prepared to pay a heavy price in order to achieve his goal.

Tomura only sighed, took off his glove, and extended his hand. "You got me. Fine. Deal"

The moment Ryo shook his client's hand, he felt weird. The pain was taking over his body. His skin was cracking, turning grey.


He managed to say this before his body dissolved completely into dust, and died.

"Young master Tomura… I thought we needed him for tomorrow." Said the man whose skin was covered by purple dark fog.

"There are others who can do his job. Find someone."

"Yes, young master."

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